Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 254

They actually launched a terrorist attack on a city. It seems that this organization has a very strong strength, but fortunately, the destination of their trip in Belem is "Kalmarga", which is from the "Flozarno Academy". Station, you wouldn’t be bold enough to make trouble there.

Immediately afterwards, the commander of the camp came over, stood in front of Belén and the others and then bent down. He was very courteous. He said loudly: "Thank you for your help! I represent the wounded and the warriors here. Thank you!"

Belen said calmly: "It doesn't matter, your reinforcements should be coming soon."

"Yes, it's coming soon, but without you, we would definitely not be able to make sure the reinforcements arrive." The man straightened up and nodded.

"Well, since it's okay, then leave first."

Now that the other side's reinforcements are about to arrive, Belen doesn't want to stay here anymore. As for the purchase of food materials, how can people still purchase food that hurt the people everywhere.

The commander man looked at the little silver-haired girl. He opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything. He watched Belen and the others leave in a commercial car.

He has guessed the identity of the little silver-haired girl. He can appear here as such a commander. His military rank is not small, and he is more or less aware of the big and small things that happened in the empire. To understand.

As for the story of the "witch" of the Sattar Arena being taken away, how could he not know how it was so big, he was still uncertain, but when the blaster blurted out, he naturally confirmed his guess .

That "witch" was a prisoner who was imprisoned. As an imperial soldier, he should naturally exercise the power of arrest, but in the end he didn't even ask to confirm his identity.

First, because they could not be opponents of the "witch" at all, the previous scene did not hesitate to let him dispel this self-destructive idea.Second, because she saved them, in terms of love, he didn't want to deal with his savior.

"However, how could the "witch" follow that group?It's not like someone from a terrorist organization."

The commander looked at the commercial vehicle that was going away with some confusion. It was said that the "witch" was taken away by a certain organization. However, his first impression of those few was very good. Like some evil people, are they also organized?

However, why should you save them even if you want to expose the identity of the "witch"?

Maybe only God knows this.

In the commercial vehicle in the distance, Belém was a little nervous. Don't run into the reinforcements, otherwise the reinforcements will definitely stop them after learning that they need rescue.

And that commander obviously already knew the identity of Illiya, and he didn't act at that time, probably because he was afraid of Illiya's strength.

And the reason why he has a headache is because they don't hurt those people at all.Besides, if you forcefully trap those people, you will have to be cautious when walking on the street. He doesn't want Ilia to live that kind of life.

So, why don't you want to meet the reinforcements that are about to arrive, let's go faster.

However, the thing that worries Belen the most still happened. When they came to the gate of the city, they saw the soldiers just entering the city.

When seeing those people bumping into them, Belen's mouth also twitched involuntarily. There was such an unfortunate thing. However, when he saw the suspected leader led by the other party, his eyes opened slightly. Big.

So, was it a coincidence or a bad coincidence to meet these people?

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixth: Morpheus Fango

The head of the army was a very handsome man. He was dressed in a magician suit. He was obviously a magician. The corner of his eyes was a little higher than that of ordinary people, so his eyes were a little scary, and he didn’t look angry. And the mighty people.

At this moment, the army was advancing rapidly, but when they entered the gate of the city, the man in the lead suddenly frowned and immediately gave the order to stop.

"Master Morpheus! That commercial car..."

Beside that man, a woman wearing a magical suit was also focusing on the commercial vehicle that had stopped, her expression alert.

The man known as Murphys nodded, and he rode a military earth dragon slowly forward, and stopped at a distance of ten meters away from Belem.

"I am a third-class general in the Imperial Army, Morpheus Fango. Now I would like to ask you to explain why you are here."

Morpheus stared at the man on the commercial truck tightly, knowing that they came only after receiving a message for help, and the city must have been attacked by the "Scourge" organization again, but in this situation Next, there will be a commercial vehicle coming out of the city?Things are strange.


When Morpheus said these words, the army in the rear immediately took out the firearms of the magic guide, all aimed at Belem on the commercial vehicle, and began to accumulate energy.

"Don't do it! I'm a stray businessman, just passing by."

When Ilya saw the magic weapon firearms in the window of the house, the black eyes like jewels rippled, and Belen, who was sitting outside the commercial car, heard Ilia's in the commercial car after she came. Voice: "Big brother, can I make a move."

"Please do not!"

Belen was ashamed.

When Morpheus heard Belen's explanation, he first cared not about the truthfulness of the words, but the voice. He always felt that the voice was unexpectedly familiar, but he quickly stopped thinking about it and continued to ask.

"It just happened to be passing by? Didn't the people from the "natural disaster" act on you?

Seeing Morpheus's questioning, Belen knew that he would definitely not be able to pass the blunder, although he didn't expect to pass the blunder like this, he glanced at the army that was charging up behind Murphys, and exhaled.

"Yes, but I solved it."



Not only Morpheus was stunned, but even the soldiers in the rear were stunned for a while and looked at the man on the truck in disbelief.

Does he really know what he is talking about?

Morpheus stayed in place a little, didn't seem to react to this sudden change, but soon he recovered, he stared at the white man in front of him and asked.

"Who are you?"

"It's been a long time, Morpheus, I am..." Belen said as he began to look for the mask in the container. Finally, his face became stiff and he scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Ah, I forgot. The mask is already broken and lost."


Morpheus frowned suspiciously. He stared at the man who was still looking for something. Finally, his eyes slowly widened, and he seemed to have some amazing answer.

"You...you won't be..."

He seems to be about the same age, so he is the same age?I want to show him something to prove his identity. Is the thing a mask?Know yourself, acquaintance?

Morpheus opened his eyes wide at the moment, his eyes were a bit sluggish, in short, the other party was a masked peer he was familiar with!?

"It seems you remembered it." Belen was also relieved when he saw Morpheus's sluggish appearance, then walked out of the commercial car and came to Morpheus, his eyes were filled with memories, he Said: "Long time no see."

Morpheus, who gradually recovered his senses, immediately jumped off the earth dragon. He looked at the strange face in front of him, and he was still a little unbelievable that it was the same person.

"Sword in the second? Mask?"

"it's me."

"Oh my God!"

Morpheus exclaimed. If meeting an old acquaintance is the most surprising thing for him, then it is undoubtedly the one in front of him, the only one he has never met after graduation.

Immediately afterwards, Murphys punched Belen on the chest, and a surprised smile appeared on that unangered and mighty face. He said: "Your kid will actually appear here, and the long Not bad."

Belen murmured: "Don't laugh. When you laugh, your eyes are terrible."

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