Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 255

"Haha." Morpheus didn't care about it. There were many complaints in the academy. His eyes were born like this. What could he do, of course he would gladly accept it.

"Unexpectedly, you are already a third-class general, amazing."

"I took a lot of effort, haha."

At this point, Belen was still very surprised. The imperial ranks were divided into sergeant rank, lieutenant rank, school rank, and general rank from one to three. Then there were the commander and paladin, and Morpheus actually It took four years to reach the rank of general. This may be a genius.

The soldiers in the rear were stunned when they saw this scene again. What kind of situation was this? Why did their chief general talk to the guy who was suspected of being a "natural disaster"?

Morpheus seemed to think of something, and turned around and shouted: "Just put it away, this guy is not an enemy."

Click, click.

Although the situation is unknown, the general said so, they still obeyed their orders, and then looked at the two people in front of them inexplicably.

Although I wanted to reminisce about the past, it was obviously not the time. Morpheus asked after a moment of silence, "What's the situation in the city?"

Belen said: "It's fine, but what's the situation with that "natural disaster"?"

"An organization that has suddenly appeared in recent days. I have encountered several cadre-level powerhouses. It is really difficult to deal with. The core characters of the "natural disaster" are all powerful witches. At present, our military only touches I have been to one who declared war on the Holy See two months ago."

Speaking of this "natural disaster", even Morpheus was dignified.

Hearing that, Belen also frowned slightly, even Morpheus found it tricky, so it must be a very troublesome opponent. It seems that this "natural disaster" daring to declare war on the Holy See must have incredible power.

"Several cities around here have been subjected to terrorist attacks by that organization recently. You have to be more careful." Morpheus reminded Belen. Then, he seemed to think of something and smiled.

"Oh, yes, because of the frequent attacks of "natural disasters", even the "braves" have come out to act. I ran into that one a few days ago. If you encounter a "brave" later, you might as well fight against the "brave". That guy is really too strong."

Chapter 237: Which one will you meet first?

When Morpheus led the army to the camp, he saw the chaos around him. It was obvious that there had been battles before, but what made him very concerned was the extremely powerful magic power remaining in the air.

"You are General Morpheus, I really trouble you."

The commander came to Morpheus and was surprised to see that the latter was so young. He was already a general officer at such a young age.

Morpheus said, "You are welcome."

"Well, General Morpheus, did you meet those people when you came in earlier?"

Because those people left not long ago, and Morpheus also arrived very quickly, in this commander's opinion, the two sides should have met, then the "witch" should have also met.

Hearing this, Morpheus nodded and said, "Fortunately, my friend made a move, otherwise it would be bad."

"Friend? General Morpheus... are you friends with that "witch"?"The commander was stunned when he heard Morpheus's words.

Morpheus was also stunned. He frowned suspiciously and asked, "What "witch"?I'm talking about the second sword."

"Who is Jian Ju Er?" The commander was stunned.

Upon seeing this, Morpheus began to realize that something was wrong. He frowned and thought for a moment, then asked: "You tell me what happened before."

Ever since, the commander talked to Morpheus about the previous scene of the half-masked man and the "witch" showing off his power, and he was amazed in his words.

After listening, Murphys blinked and he muttered to himself: "Little girl with silver hair? "Witch"?"

"Yes, it was the "witch" who saved us before."The commander nodded.

Morpheus was silent for a long time, and he said: "Where is the captured "natural disaster" cadre."

The commander brought Morpheus to an iron cage, and in the iron cage was the half-mask man who was defeated by Ilia. At this moment, he temporarily saved his life after receiving medical treatment. But I can't wake up in a short time.

Looking at the masked man in the iron cage, Morpheus stared at him for a while and then muttered to himself: "Could it be that the "witch" is in Jianju II's commercial car?"

Finally, Morpheus turned his head and looked in the direction that Belen had left, rubbing his temples, he thought, he must ask questions next time.

A mile away from the city.

Because of the importance of official business, Belen and Murphys agreed to retell the past at the school festival, so the two sides parted ways again, and Belen was relieved. Fortunately, he met acquaintances, otherwise there might be a conflict.

At this moment, Belen and others have entered the forest. He estimated that after Morpheus met the commander, he would learn something, so he had to talk about it next time.

He has a headache now, because according to Morpheus, several nearby cities are often subjected to terrorist attacks by the "natural disaster" organization, and he will definitely pass through several of them when going to Kamalga. Encountered a "natural disaster".

Belem also has some understanding of the "natural disasters". Since it dared to declare war on the Holy See, it shows that it believes that it has the capital to fight against the opponent, or that it has enough conspiracies.

The half-masked man before I came here is a "natural disaster" cadre-level powerhouse. He is indeed a very powerful role. I don't know how many people there are in total.

This also reminded Belen of the three people who helped Al to fight back. The strength of these people is indeed not to be underestimated. Although it is not certain that they are "natural disasters", combined with what Al said at the time, perhaps at that time The Holy See has already noticed.

Wait, maybe it's not just a "natural disaster".

There must be a lot of reactionary organizations hidden in the dark. Who can predict that every attack is a "natural disaster" or a combination of many reactionary organizations.

If this is the case, then it is really a terrifying force, even if the Holy See and the Empire join forces, I am afraid it will be a headache.

Immediately after, Belem shook his head. He didn't know how much trouble these reactionary organizations could set off. Did they forget the existence of a certain one?

But even so, he still doesn't think the "natural disaster" can win, because ah, the Holy See has the most terrifying trump card in the world.

That is the "brave" known as the "similar to god".

It is not just a matter of talking about being called a "similar to God", someone who has long been hailed as the world's strongest person, and that "brave" has a very close relationship with the Holy See.

I don't know where the courage comes from that "natural disaster".

As for Morpheus' later "extreme tricks", Belen believed that this guy must have wanted to be severely beaten by the "brave man", out of the anger that he was in the academy.

It is true that Belém is very interested in the person "The Brave", and no one who is full of mystery will not care about it. However, it doesn't matter if he has tried something. Not only is he not interested, but he doesn't think he can win.

"Mr. Belen!"

"What's wrong, Latier?"

The cat-eared girl poked her head out of the window behind her. The cat's ears swayed lively. The girl looked at Belem and asked with a grin, "Does Mr. Belem know that person?"

"Well, it's my classmate."

Upon hearing this, La Tier asked in surprise: "Have you graduated from Flozarno Academy?!"

"Yeah." Belen nodded.

"So handsome!"

The girl looked longing, still longing for Flozarno Academy as always. After all, she was a student who graduated from there. Generally speaking, it is also very interesting.

Hearing what Latier said, Belen immediately said with dissatisfaction: "I graduated there too!"

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