Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 256

Latier blinked, and she said, "But, Mr. Belen has always looked ordinary, and that person is still wearing a magician's costume!"

Hearing this for granted, Belem's mouth twitched, but he did not refute it, because in general, he was indeed a very ordinary person, no different from an ordinary civilian.

"Mr. Belen, how long will it take to get to Kamalga?"

"Probably, it will take a long time."

Afterwards, if he encounters a city that has been attacked, Belen decides to go around. Although it will delay a little time, it is still safe.

At this moment, Belen suddenly remembered the last words Morpheus said when he left before: "You may meet many old friends on the road."

Thinking of this, Belen couldn't help but look forward to it, wondering if he would meet someone he knew on the road, and who would he meet?

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Eight: Dean of School, Serika Isolus

In a city called "Camarga", there is a magical school called "Flozarno School", the most famous magic school in the Florentine Empire. It is also because of this century-old The existence of the Magic Academy has also made this city extremely famous.

Flozarno Academy.

There are already countless people in this magic school preparing for the upcoming school festival, and the young teenagers and girls are full of vitality.

As the principal of this academy, naturally, he couldn't relax.

"Need Chimo coffee?"

"Thank you, Saxiang."

In the school principal’s office, a beautiful young woman is sitting on an office chair reviewing documents. She has beautiful long brown hair, scattered behind her like a waterfall, elegant and exquisite, with a light spirit. Qi, the skin is delicate and white as snow, especially the thin pink cherry lips are very moving.

This beautiful woman, named "Selika Isolos".

It was the principal of Flozarno Academy, and she was also a student of this academy. At that time, she served as the president of the academy’s student council, and she was also a legendary student in the academy. The former chief and creator of the "Sword House" society.

After graduating from that class of students, many graduates went their separate ways, but there were also a few who stayed in the academy and took up jobs, and this dean was one of them.

"Now, the principal of the school, your Kimo coffee."

"Shaxiang, don't call me the principal of the school in private."

"Yes, yes, Selika."

The girl named Shaxiang was dissatisfied when seeing Selika, she also responded with a chuckle, raised her hand and pushed her eyes, and then looked out the window.

"Will that guy Belen come?"

The head of the school Selika took a sip of the coffee, and said with a chuckle: "It should be. Two days ago, Morpheus told me that I met him."

Shaxiang muttered to herself with some confusion: "Yes? Is it possible that Belen is still wearing a mask?"

In this regard, Selika just smiled and said, "No, Morpheus told me at the time, "The guy in the second sword is not bad!"In this case, Belem should have taken the initiative to communicate with him."

"That's really looking forward to it. Anyway, I don't know what that guy looks like under his mask." Shaxiang said with great interest. Then, she looked at Selika and asked curiously: "Selika, you should know? You know that guy so well..." At this point, there was a sly in the eyes of the girl.

Regarding the slyness in Saxiang’s eyes, Selika said helplessly: “Everyone knows that I have nothing to do with Belen, and I still keep making trouble. As for his appearance, I asked him when he joined the club. It turned out that he did it."

Selika's mind couldn't help but reflect the appearance of the boy when he joined the club. The two of them were sitting in the sword house in school uniforms.

"There is no problem in joining the club, but I need you to take off your mask, otherwise it will be skipped."

"Huh? Can't you not pick it?"


Therefore, the young man simply took off his mask and revealed his true face. He was not so outstanding. It was undoubtedly a beautiful face that made people feel good.

"By the way, don’t you need to postpone the school festival? That “natural disaster” has been very noisy in the nearby cities recently. If it’s during the school festival..." At this point, Shaxiang’s eyes also appeared solemn The color, there are still some concerns.

In response, Selika’s beautiful face immediately became dissatisfied. She said: “There was no postponement of the previous school festival. How could this happen when I was the principal of the school.”

Shaxiang said helplessly: "Why do you want to be true about this kind of thing?"

"However, I hope they can come during the school festival." Selika took another sip of coffee, and then said with a smile.

"Why is this?" Saxiang looked at Selika in confusion.

"Let’s not talk about Belem, this time the Academy Festival "The Brave" and the Holy See’s "Thunder Emperor's Eye" will both come. Besides, do I really think Selika is only a vegetarian?"Selika said nonchalantly.

These years have been so peaceful that Flozarno Academy is really only regarded as a magic academy. It was transformed from a magical institution a long time ago.

"When it comes to "brave men," I have always been curious about one thing."

Hearing what Shaxiang said, Selika also recovered from her memories, and then asked: "What's the matter?"

"That "brave" has graduated almost two years ago, right?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"We all know that Belen is very strong, so how does he compare with that "brave"?"This is what Shaxiang is very interested in.

"So you are curious about this." Selika was a little bit dumbfounded. Although this is something only children can ask, there is no doubt that it is indeed very concerning.

"The Brave" is also a graduate of Flozarno Academy, and it is also a new year student after Selika and others graduate. It has been almost two years since graduation.

"Does Selika know? You know Belen's strength the best?" Saxiang approached Selika with a curious baby.

"Let me think about it, don't lean over!" Selika pushed away Shaxiang a little helplessly, putting one hand on the snow-white jade's chin, she was thinking, and finally came up with the answer.

"That "brave" should be stronger than Belen."Selika gave such an answer.

"Ha, finally someone can overpower that guy." Shaxiang was very happy with the answer, because she had always been worried about her loss to Belem.

Seeing that Saxiang was happy, Selika also smiled helplessly, and then looked down at the calm and unwavering coffee, she said: "Although it is certain that "The Brave" is better than Belen, there is one thing I want to tell. You, I have never had a bottom line about Belem's strength."

"Braves" are called "similar to gods". They are naturally protected by all elemental spirits. They are the most special existence in the world. No matter how you think you can judge that "braves" are stronger.

After hearing this, Shaxiang was also taken aback: "Even Selika didn't know?" Because in her impression, Selika was one of the few people who had walked with Belen during the academy.

"I really don't know." Selika shook her head.

"Why?" Shaxiang puzzled.

Belen and Selika are both a sword house society, and spend more time together than others, and even perform activities together. Isn't it clear about the strength of the former?

"Because..." Selika stood up, turned and looked at the wide academy square, her eyes reminiscent, she muttered to herself: "He has never lost."

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Nine: Leptchester

Belém and his group are a long way from Kamalga.

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