Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 259

"What a young lecturer."

After the other party left, Belen said to himself, being able to be a lecturer in an academy is not easy for such a person. The lecturer's resume must be passed at the upper level, but it is not just enough to have decent knowledge. .

In the previous class, there was one less lecturer.

Thinking of this, Belen turned around and returned to the outside of the classroom, looking at the podium inside through the window. Sure enough, the female lecturer wearing glasses was standing on the podium.

The red professional uniform clings to the graceful and plump body, wearing a pair of black-framed eyes, and exuding a delicate temperament, eyes are like silk, with a tall nose and attractive lips under the eyes. She also wears a ponytail that hangs down to the waist, and she feels youthful and free.

Now that she looked at the female lecturer from a distance, Belen could see clearly that her grade looked similar to her, and she was still such a beautiful woman.

Belen's eyes fell on the faces of the students, both men and women were attentively looking at the female lecturer on the stage who was writing on the blackboard. As expected, the beautiful girls were very eye-catching everywhere.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing?"

At this time, the sound coming from behind made Belen regain his senses. He turned around and looked around. He saw a handsome man standing in front of him. He had several hair colors. I don’t know if It's natural, wearing a bachelor's uniform, if you wear a pair of glasses, it's more like a gentleman.

"Huh? I was watching them in class." Belen explained.

The man with different hair colors looked inside the classroom, and then his eyes fell on the female lecturer on the podium, with a weird smile on his face.

"So I was watching Wen En."

"Winn?" Belen was taken aback.

"You don't even know the name of the person?" After seeing the man, the man also pulled the corner of his mouth speechlessly, then pointed to the figure on the podium, and said: "Winn Tiffany, this is the lecturer's first name."

After hearing the words, Belem nodded and responded: "Oh."

The handsome young man patted Belén on the shoulder and said with understanding: "You kid must have been watching someone just now! It doesn't matter, let alone students in our school, even many male lecturers are right about it. A beautiful lecturer is very interested."

"Do you like people too?" Belen looked curiously at the man beside him who suddenly came up and hooked his back.

Hearing this, the handsome young man said: "Me? No, no, no, I already have my heart. Besides, this is the girlfriend of the school principal, I won't be boring. Go to provoke the school principal."

"The school principal? Putin's girlfriend?"

However, Belen widened his eyes when he heard this. He turned his head and looked at the female lecturer Winn Tiffany on the podium who was giving a lecture.

"Putin? Just call our school principal’s name. Who are you?" Hearing Belen’s words, the man also looked up at the former curiously, and then said with a smile: "I forgot to introduce myself, I It's Di'an. I think you are very strange. You shouldn't be from the academy, right?"

Belen turned around, nodded to Dian, and said, "My name is Belen, Puding's classmate. I originally wanted to visit him today, but he didn't expect him to be in the academy."

"Classmate? You also graduated from Flozarno Academy? Are you a graduate of the same school as the principal?" Dian was also taken aback when he got this answer, and looked at the man in front of him in surprise.


"Good senior!"


Hearing Dian's name, Belen was also stunned. He quickly recovered, and then he looked at the smiling young man in front of him, and spoke with uncertainty.

"Are you also a graduate of Flozarno Academy?"

Di An nodded a little excitedly. He said: "Since the senior and the principal of the school are graduates of the same period, then it is the one year earlier than me. I only enrolled after the seniors graduated."

This is really a coincidence, I actually met a junior!

Belen was also very surprised. This was the first time he met his junior students. He remembered one thing, and then quickly explained: "I have no idea about the Wenn lecturer, but just happened to be here."

"I believe in senior." Di An nodded with a grin.

Upon seeing this, Belem was a little worried. Does this guy really know?

Di An was very excited and said, "Senior! I really admire you!"

"Why is this?" Belem asked unclearly.

Seeing Belen’s question, Dian remembered something very bad. He sighed and said bitterly: "When we were in the academy, our tutor said that most of our academy It’s not as good as the previous one, I was very unconvinced, but after seeing a few senior seniors, I admitted that they are indeed superb.

"Ah, it's better that those guys' words are not taken seriously." After Belen heard the words, he also remembered the words that he didn't know if they were shocking or encouraging.

In response, Dian shook his head again and again. He said, "No, no, no, except for a few special guys in our class, I think I am inferior to the seniors. Oh, yes, the seniors knew that when we graduated, Has the instructor ever commented on what the senior class was?"

Hearing this, Belem asked curiously: "What is it?"

"The instructor said, the senior class was a "golden age"!" Di An's eyes began to shine.

"This... seems to be the same thing." Belen recalled a lot of things, muttering to himself thoughtfully, and then he looked at Dean again and asked curiously: "That's your evaluation What?"

"No, although there are a few very powerful guys, but just a few, is not enough to get any evaluation?" Dian said naturally, and then he suddenly remembered something.

"However, I ran into tutors when I went to the academy last year. They have a very high evaluation of the students in this class! They are not inferior to the seniors at all!"

Hearing these words, Belem also became interested, and asked curiously: "What did they say?"

"They call this session the "Pure Jade Era"!"

Chapter 242: Molong, Chino, old friend

"The Era of Jade? That's really amazing."

After receiving such a message, Belen also looked forward to it. If the uncut jade is carefully carved, it will shine with a luster even more attractive than gold.

The students who are expected to surpass their class.

Unconsciously chatting for a long time, but Belen is not bored with this junior who likes to ask questions, but has a little feeling of being a senior.

"Shall we go to the other side to talk?"

Belen looked at the classroom behind him and didn't know when the get out of class would end, but staying here is not a problem, so he proposed.

"Ah good!"

When he met a senior senior, Di An was very excited, showing how much he admired the senior seniors of the golden age, and immediately agreed.

Walking on the road, Belen couldn't help but curiously asked: "Um, how did Putin talk to Lecturer Winn? What do I think, that kid doesn't match the height of Lecturer Winn."

Hearing this, Dian said with a smile: "This, it's not all, it's just that Senior Puding has been pursuing Wen En. He said that it was a relationship between boy and girl friends, but it was just a joke. It has been a year, I think the relationship between the principal of the school and Wen En is still very good, oh, by the way, Wen En and I are in the same class."

"She too?" Belen was very surprised.

"Senior Putin, every year I take me to the academy to dig people. In our academy, several of them are brought from Flozarno Academy. Winn was also taken a year ago. Coming back."

Thinking of this, Dian was also amused. The school principal, who looks very upright, would dress up like a student every year and take him to dig people. It was really funny.

"It really is..."

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