Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 260

After hearing the words, Belem shook his head, then looked at Dian's colorful hair color, and asked curiously: "Your hair has so many colors."

"This!" Seeing that Belen cares about this, Dian explained with a smile: "This has something to do with my magic attribute. My magic attribute is color."

"Color? It's so special." This is the first time Belen has heard of this magical attribute.

The two came to the round table by the pond and sat down. Belem looked around at the scenery, but he was very concerned about where Puding got so much money.


"what happened?"

"Can you tell me, the magic attribute of the senior is..." Dian looked at Belen expectantly. Although he knew the name of the senior, he had no impression at all, so he wanted to look at the magic attribute. Come guess.

Hearing these words, Belem's face suddenly became a little bitter. He said: "If I said that I have no magical attributes, would you believe it?"

"No magic attribute?"

Hearing this answer, Dian was stunned. The reflex arc seemed to have been extended dozens of times. He grinned at last: "Senior, you don't need to say that it doesn't matter, don't lie to me."

"I didn't."


Dian stretched out his hand to rub his chin, pondered for a long time, and finally asked tentatively: "Could it be that the senior is a fighter? It's not right. Flozarno Academy does not train fighters, or is an alchemy genius. Nor..."

Generally speaking, a soldier is the name given to the sergeants on the battlefield. The soldier here refers to a path chosen by people with extremely poor magical talents. However, after all, the path of a soldier is limited, and it is impossible to be defeated by Flozarno. If admitted to the academy is a genius in alchemy, it is possible, even if there is no magic talent, it is a feasible way, but Flozarno Academy is a pure magic academy!

Seeing Di An started to guess constantly, Belen didn't know how to speak. He always felt that if he clearly told the things that he had no magic attributes, his image of seniors in Di An's heart would collapse.

"Mr. Belen!"

At this time, La Tier and others suddenly ran over.

"what happened?"

Latis came to Belem, drew a circle with her hand very cutely, and said in surprise with her big eyes: "Then, there is a big turtle there!"


When Belen heard the words, he was startled. When he first wanted to ask something, Dian looked at Latis, and then at Laiya and others.

"Senior, are they?"

"Ah, they are the juniors of my family." Belen briefly introduced La Tier and the others, and then introduced Dian: "This is a graduate of Flozarno Academy, which is considered my younger brother. ."

"A graduate of Flozarno Academy!"

The eyes of Ratil, the school fan girl, immediately lit up, and then jumped in front of Dian in surprise, looking at the strange and handsome boy in front of her.


Diane was stunned by La Tier's inexplicable enthusiasm, then he touched his hair, smiled and nodded and said, "It's true, do you like Flozarno Academy very much?"

"Super adoration!" Latier replied playfully.

Belen came back with Latier in one hand, and then said helplessly: "Don't get so close, it will be very troublesome for others."

"Ah, yes." Latil flattened his mouth.

"What are you talking about the big tortoise?" Belen asked curiously.

In this regard, Dian explained with a smile: "The big tortoise they are talking about should refer to the one in the pond of our school. It is a monster, but it has a mild temper and will not attack people."

"The big tortoise in the pond?" Belen was stunned, his heart was a little strange, and he always felt a little familiar, so he fell into thinking.

Latis was still immersed in the excitement of meeting the big turtle. She chirped her little mouth and said, "Big brother, let me tell you! Just at the end of the pond, the big turtle seemed to greet me. That's it!"

Eliya on the side looked at the crowd, and then looked at the pond on the other side. She said, "That big tortoise is coming out again."

Hearing her words, everyone unanimously looked towards the pond, only to see a smooth back gradually emerging from the water, and finally, a super large creature emerged from the water.


There was also a buzzing sound in the big tortoise's mouth.

"Wow! Big tortoise!"

Ratis immediately ran over excitedly when she saw this, and Laiya and Ratil also caught up.

Upon seeing this, Dian smiled and said, "That's not a big tortoise. It's a Molong who likes to stay in the water. Senior Puding calls it Chino. It seems to have been since the school was founded. Here it is."


Hearing Dian's words, Belen showed a dull expression, and then gradually recovered. He looked at the Molong, and the Molong's two light bulb eyes were also looking at him.

After seeing such a spiritual scene, Belem immediately opened his eyes and said in disbelief: "No! It's really you!"

Chapter 243: Chino Grown Up

One person and one beast looked at each other for a long time.

Belen slowly walked to the side of the lotus pond, and La Tier and the others also noticed what Mo Long was looking at, and now they looked back and found that Mr. Belen was walking slowly.

"Mr. Belen?"

La Tier called Belen curiously.

Belen rubbed Latier's head, and then came to the big Molong named "Kino", still with that expression of surprise on his face.

"How did you grow up so big!?"


At this moment, it was time to end the get out of class. Many students ran out. When they saw the big Molong that was taller than a tree, many people surrounded them. They knew this big tortoise.

And Winn was also holding the textbook and came to the pond at this moment. She stood under a tree, her eyes falling on the man in front of Chino Molong.

"Hey, Winn." Dian walked over and said hello.

Winn also nodded to Dian, and then asked curiously: "Who is that person? Is it the new lecturer?"

"No, he and Puding-senior are classmates, our seniors." Dian explained with a smile. After seeing Belen and Chino's contact, he was curious and muttered to himself: "Oh, no wonder they Yeah."

"Senior Puding's... classmate?" Wen En was a little surprised. Looking at the figure in the distance, with her watery eyes, she curiously asked, "Which senior is it?"

If she and Puding are classmates, then she is also a student of the "golden age", and logically speaking, she should be very famous, so she is also very curious.

"I don't know." Di An spread out his hands helplessly, and said with a smile: "Just ask later. He seems to be a good senior."

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