Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 261

By the pond.

Kino lowered his high head, stopped in front of Belen, blinking those big eyes that seemed to glow, as if he was full of joy when he saw an acquaintance.

"So you are Molong. I thought you were a special snake-headed tortoise." Belen exclaimed, reaching out and stroking Chino's head.


Chino made a voice of dissatisfaction, and then pushed his head against Belen, pushing the latter back a few steps. Belen's words and Chino's actions made many students laugh.

"How can there be a turtle with such a long neck!"

"By the way, Mo Long was so cute when he was a kid!"

Many students started talking, feeling that these topics are very new, but there are still many people discussing Belém's identity, guessing that it is a new lecturer or something.

Ratier on the side asked curiously: "Mr. Belén, do you know this big guy?"

When Ratil asked, Belen was stroking Chino's head. He nodded and explained: "This kid was attacked and injured when he was very young. Some friends and I took it with him. I came here to heal, but I didn't expect that the school has been established for so long, and this child is still here when he grows up."

"It turns out that the senior is one of the original founders."

There was a clear voice around him, and Belen turned his head and looked at it. It turned out that it was the Wenn lecturer who accidentally collided with him before.

Dian smiled and said, "I have explained the identity of the senior to Winn."

Hearing this, Belen nodded slightly, and then let go of the hand touching Chino's head. The big guy also raised his head again, and then circled in the water on the spot, while Belen looked at the Molong curiously.

"Has this kid stayed in the academy and never went out?"

When Belen asked and the answer was Winn, she smiled and said: "Kino can leave along the pond at any time if he wants to leave. In order to make it easier for him to leave, Senior Puding opened a road to the outside. , But Chino did not leave."

Dian on the side also smiled and agreed: "Yes, that's right, Chino must have a sense of belonging here, so ah, it can be regarded as our teacher here, and our instructor will often take students out to the field. The inspection, of course, was along the waterway, so Chino helped."

Hearing the words of the two of them, Belen was also very surprised. He looked at the grown-up Molong again, with a rare smile on his face.

"Obviously, I was wearing a mask at the beginning, but you still know me."

Wen En said with a smile after hearing the words: "Senior, the beast knows human beings not only by the eyes, but also by the breath, but if you know the breath, it must be someone it cares about."

"It turned out to be like this." Belen was surprised, and he was very cheerful. He looked at the smiling Molong and exclaimed: "The injury was not light at the beginning, but you still grew up safely."

The young Molong didn't have much offensive power and was not big in size. It was powerless to resist when facing a beast, while the young Chino was almost eaten by a few wild boars.


Hearing Belen’s words, Molong threw his wing-like feet in the water, then closed his mouth and bulged his energy, and then suddenly opened his mouth towards the other side of the pond, and a magic pattern appeared in front of him. .


A very thick water column spouted from the magic pattern, bombarded the rockery at the other end of the pond, and directly blasted it to pieces.


Seeing this scene, Dian grinned, fearing that he would have to spend a lot of money.

"Wow, that's amazing!"

Belen was also very surprised when he saw this. Although he didn't have any abilities when he was young, his magic power when he grew up can naturally use water magic.

Hearing Belen’s praise, Chino raised his head happily, and the students around him cheered and cheered for Chino.

At this time, Edrei came here, she looked at Chino and Belen curiously. She didn’t know what happened when she arrived, but she didn’t care very much either. She glanced at the enthusiastic crowd and didn’t want to come. What a bad thing.

"Tutor Dean and Lecturer Winn."

Edrei greeted the two elders of the school.

Seeing that it was Adrienne, Dian also smiled and waved his hand, and then asked, "Adrienne, what's the matter?"

"That's it. I just found something in the student conference room. If possible, we would like to invite you to come to the conference room. Some things need to be discussed."

Hearing this, Dian and Wen En looked at each other, then noticed the solemn color in the eyes of the short-haired girl, and realized something right now.

"what happened?"

Edrei said solemnly: "The patrol team seems to have discovered suspicious activities."

Chapter 244: Another natural disaster?

In the highest meeting room of Leptice Academy, there are all of you from the Student Union and many cadre-level figures in the Academy.

Dian and Winn came to the conference room. They looked around and were full of people. It seemed that the atmosphere was a bit heavy, which made Dian frowned.

"What's the matter?"

Sitting on the seat to the right of the vacant position of the dean of the academy is the president of the student council of the academy. He sighed and said, "The two seniors, please sit down first."

Therefore, Dian and Wen both sat down in their spare seats, and then looked at the president of the student council. What they cared more about was what was going on with the so-called suspicious person, which actually caused the highest meeting.

The president of the student council is a young teenager with a pair of eyes. After seeing everyone seated, he said: "The patrol team found the suspicious person's whereabouts and two students were injured."

"What?! Who did it!"

Everyone frowned when they heard that someone from the Fengji team was injured. Someone dared to injure the Fengji team outside their school. This incident must not be ignored.

After a moment of silence, Wen En asked, "How is the injury of the two students?"

The student council president replied: "Fortunately, Teacher Xi Wei'an happened to be nearby, and he was there after hearing the movement. The two students only suffered skin injuries and there was no life worry."

Hearing this, Di An looked at the middle-aged man in the other seat and asked: "Senior Xi Wei'an, do you know who the other party is?"

"The other party doesn't seem to deliberately want to avoid the real face. It's a woman in blue clothes. She uses water magic and is very powerful. I shouldn't be her opponent." Xi Wei'an recalled the previous scene.

"Could it be a "natural disaster" person?"

"Some cities around have already been attacked, maybe it's really them."

The rest of the people also started to talk, but almost all they said were around "natural disasters", but it seems that it is indeed the most likely "natural disaster".

Dian bowed his head in silence, rubbed his chin, and frowned. He was also very nervous about this incident. He said: "No matter what, it is better to ask students not to leave the school recently. There is a problem."

Head of school!

Although in everyone’s impression, the principal of the school is a pretty cute little Zhengtai, but there is no doubt that the principal’s contribution to the school is huge, and his strength is beyond doubt. , As long as he is there, it doesn't matter if the "natural disaster" comes.

"By the way, the principal's classmate is also in the academy at the moment."

At this time, Commissioner of Discipline and Discipline Edrei suddenly spoke out. She felt that this was a very important point. After all, she was a classmate of the principal of the school and must be a very powerful person.

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