Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 262

"Classmate of the principal?"

Except for Wen En and Di An, everyone was stunned. Did the principal's classmates come to their school?How come they don't know about it.

At this time, Di An also clapped his palms and said in surprise: "Yes, Senior is still in the academy. If the academy is attacked, he will definitely help!"

Although Belen had told Dian that he had no magical attributes before, Dian didn't believe it again. It was a little joke made by his senior.

"A classmate of the principal, a graduate of Flozarno Academy?"

The handsome glasses teenager student council president pushed his eyes, and then showed a surprised look. Since he is a graduate of the same class as the school principal, he must be a super strong character, so there is no need to worry about "natural disasters." The problem is.

"However, the senior must also go to the Flozarno Academy for the academy festival, and shouldn't stay here for too long."

Seeing that everyone was excited, Wen En was a little nervous and reminded him, and as expected, he instantly cooled everyone down.

After that, the meeting was over. Regarding the affairs of the school principal and classmates, everyone decided to let the flow go. After all, you can’t force others to do so. Furthermore, if the "natural disaster" really takes a big move, that person would be lucky to help Up.

At the edge of the pond, Belém is sitting on a stone bench, while Latier, Latis, and Laya are playing with the students. They are all very beautiful girls, naturally likable Yes, of course, the male students have been eliminated by the female students unanimously, and they can only watch dryly.

Elia was sitting on Molong's head. The big guy was floating his head on the water and staring at Belen blankly, while the little guy was looking at the scenery from his head.

At this moment, Ilia suddenly raised her head. She looked at the sky, and Belen by the pond also raised her head and glanced at the sky. The sky seemed to be covered by magical waves just now.

A voice came from the side: "That is the defensive barrier activated by the academy."

Belén turned his head to look and saw a beautiful woman in a red professional attire walking towards him. He curiously asked, "Did something happen?"

"It may be a "natural disaster" person appeared nearby, so just in case the defensive barrier was activated." Wenn explained, and then sat in the position in front of Belen.

"It's a "natural disaster" again?" Belen frowned. Is it possible that the organization still wants to do something about this school?If this is the case, it would really be a headache.

There were faint ripples in Wen's long and charming eyes, and she asked curiously: "Did seniors also meet people with "natural disasters" before?"

"Yeah, I met it by accident." Belen nodded.

"Then the result?" Wen En's eyes were curious.

Belen said: "Of course it was defeated."

Belen didn’t say who was overthrown. After all, Ilia’s identity is quite sensitive. However, after hearing what Belen said, Wen showed a surprised look. Sure enough, this senior also Very powerful, immediately stood up and bowed to Belem in a salute.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

Seeing Wen's solemnity, Belen was also shocked, and hurriedly got up to bow back.

"Well, I want to ask senior for one thing." Winn continued.

"That's it, you don't have to." Belen hurriedly reached out and helped Wen En up.

Wenn straightened up, looked at the young man in front of him and said: "I always think that the "natural disaster" will take action recently. I also ask the seniors to help when they come. If the students are hurt, they will be very comfortable when the senior Puding comes back. Responsible."

"I understand." Belen agreed without hesitation.

He didn't want to take care of some troubles, but there was an absolute reason for him to protect it, and he wouldn't just watch it being destroyed.

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Five: The Club Once

For these three days, Belen still stayed in Leptzste School. The original purpose was to find Puding some food and leave, but he did not expect that the latter would leave the school to go to Ama. Erga.

However, after agreeing to Wen's request, Belen felt more comfortable, and it was natural to live here for three days. After all, his original intention was inappropriate, and now he feels at ease.

Because the situation seemed a bit tense, although Dian and Wen's teaching were as usual, they were busy strengthening their magical defenses in their spare time, but they were exhausted.

In this regard, although Belen wanted to help, I am sorry that he does not strengthen the magic of defense, and the magic that allows him to use is very few.

Therefore, recently Belén has nothing to do besides attending classes in some classes. As for attending classes, Dian arranged it, but everyone seems to be very happy about it.

As for Latier and the others, they temporarily joined the big family of Leptchester Academy. In addition to Ilia and Latis, Latier and Laiya are very interested in the classroom.

Although Leptzetter is an alchemy school, there are still teachings about magic. After all, these are all required courses.

At this moment, Belen is sitting on Chino's head and looking at the scenery. In the academy, Chino would not appear often, but it seems that because of Belen, both ends of the three days will come out to take a look.

"Senior, senior!"

Hearing someone calling, Belen looked at him, and saw a man with colorful hair standing by the pond. When he saw Dian, Belen also said hello.

"Dean, what's the matter?"

Belen stood up, then jumped down lightly.

"Ah, that's the case. There is a community that studies herbaceous plants and applied for waterway observation. I thought, since seniors are quite boring, should you take those students? I believe seniors can protect them."

I found out that Belen had been doing nothing for a long time, and Dian also felt that the senior was too boring, maybe he also wanted to find something to do, anyway, the protective cover has been turned on, as long as it is within the range of the protective cover, there is probably no problem. It also agreed to the application of the students of the Herbal Research Society.

Belen also thought about it. La Tier and the others seem to be super interested in class life, so after seeing him recently, they just greeted him and ran to class. They always felt that they were back to the part where La Tier and the others worked. Time is up, although I don't want to admit it, it is really lonely and boring.

"Okay, leave it to me!"

Seeing that Belen had agreed, Dian nodded happily. Although he still doesn't know who the senior in front of him was from the golden age, he must be a great senior.

In the afternoon, the cool spring breeze was blowing across the wicker.

"Hello senior!"

Neat greetings came from the mouths of seven young people. Among the seven, four were girls and three were boys. They were students from the Herbal Research Institute.


Belen nodded slightly. He looked at the seven young people who were a little excited and asked curiously: "How old are you all?"

The head was a girl. She responded with a smile: "Senior, we are second-year students. We are 15 years old this year. I am the president of the Herbal Research Society. My name is Amy."

The rest of the young people reported their names, and they all looked at this young man who was said to be a graduate of the same school as the head of the school with radiant spirits.

Although the principal of the school looks like them, there is no doubt that he is a senior whom they look forward to and respect very much, and since the one in front of him is a classmate of the principal, he must be very Amazing people!

"Is it fifteen?"

Belen recalled that he had indeed entered the second grade at the age of fifteen, but now he is already twenty-one.

Time flies.

After sighing, Belen let the students sit on Kino's body, and Belen was the last one to jump on it, and then there was no need to give directions. Kino seemed to already know where to go.

"Senior! What kind of person is the principal of the school?"

A boy looked at Belem with curious eyes, and then added: "The principal of the school is my idol!"

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