Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip in Another World Chapter 266

Xi Wei'an and his instructors immediately looked ugly after seeing this, but they were very clear about their primary purpose, and immediately ran in the direction of the disaster prevention hall.

They can do anything, but they must not let the students get hurt. This is their duty as teachers.

"Are you hiding? Where are you hiding?"

Yanlian Temple looked at all directions, and finally froze in the dense forest in the distance, where students could still be vaguely seen, those students who had not yet entered the disaster prevention hall.

Seeing where Yanlian Temple was looking, Dian looked ugly, and hurriedly shouted: "Hey! Are you not afraid to alarm our school principal?! He is probably woken up by you now!"

Hearing Di An’s words, Yanlian Temple laughed. She said, “Why, do you still have to say that your school principal is studying magic so he is retreating? When I am stupid, your school principal has already gone. Is Malga?"

Di An gritted his teeth, and even though he knew he couldn't bluff him, he still tried. He once again exerted his strength to solve all the fire and rain, and then floated in front of Yanlian Temple.

"I am your opponent, what are you looking around?"

Hearing Di An's words, Yanlian Temple shook her head helplessly. She said dissatisfied: "You only know how to defend, can you count as my opponent?"

"I don't care, if you don't beat me, I won't let you find them!" Di An got up with a stubborn temper. He gritted his teeth and had to stop the opponent. Senior Puding was not there, and Senior Belen didn't know to come back. No, he must stop this woman, otherwise no one there can stop her.

"You want to be the first to die, I have no opinion either."

Yanlian Temple spread out her hands, indicating that it didn't matter who came first. She stretched out a finger, and then her mouth changed a few times, as if she was chanting a spell.

Seeing this scene, Dian also became vigilant, the magic that made the witches have to chant spells must be very terrible, and one who didn't pay attention could be killed.

"Don't be nervous, just let you stay here obediently, I want to see your magic again."

It seemed that he was aware of Di An's vigilant look, and Yanlian Temple showed him a moving smile that eclipsed Bai Hua, and his fingers were quieter at this moment.


A fiery red thread suddenly stretched out from all directions, and then wrapped Dian in it. In the end, countless threads suddenly returned to one end, forming a huge magic circle. The hot breath made De Di's body soaked. Up.

"Don't touch it, or it will melt."

Yanliansi blinked, reminded me kindly, and then turned her gaze to the direction where the students had evacuated. She licked her mouth with her small tongue, seeming to be very interested, and she smiled to herself.

"Then, I want to solve those cute little guys."

Another flame in the palm of Yanlian Temple gradually enlarged, and finally turned into a huge fireball. With a light push, it shot towards the disaster prevention hall.


Di An was shocked when he saw this, and immediately urged his magic power to break the flame prison, but he was powerless. These magic powers contained very complicated restrictions.

Outside the disaster prevention hall in the distance.

Illiya was following Ratil and the others, but when she was about to enter the disaster prevention hall, the little silver-haired girl suddenly turned her head and looked at the sky.

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Nine: Return this to you

All the students had already entered the disaster prevention hall, and the instructors wiped their sweat, and a male instructor suddenly noticed the little silver-haired girl who was still staying outside. He was also stunned and hurried over.

"Why haven't you entered..."

Seeing the little silver-haired girl looking up at the sky, the male instructor also looked at it, and his voice stopped abruptly at this moment, and his eyes almost stared out.

"Enemy attack!"

Hearing this shout, the students in the disaster prevention hall looked out. When Latir and Laya saw Ilia who was still standing outside, they immediately ran over in panic. Was stopped by the Feng Discipline Team and the mentors.


She seemed to have heard the shouts of Latir and Laya. Illya also turned her head and blinked without responding. Laya was taken aback for a moment, and then she saw that it was getting worse. The fireball is getting closer.

"not good!"

Wen and the others who rushed in from a distance also realized that they were not as fast as the fireball, so they did not make any gestures and immediately chanted magic.


Countless kinds of magic are combined together, and the brilliance of the seven colors is intertwined, forming a huge screen, resisting in front of the big fireball, forcibly blocking its progress.


The male instructor wiped off his cold sweat when he saw this, and then hurriedly wanted to push Ilia into the disaster prevention hall, but his heart trembled suddenly, because there was another abnormal change above.

Yanlian Temple smiled softly and raised his finger lightly. Behind the fireball appeared a huge magic circle, from which was poured out thousands of fires and rain. The terrifying high temperature made the sky and the earth hot, and the screen was also covered. The pierced holes are full of holes, and finally they shattered directly, turning into a floating firefly and drifting away.

"What happens after that, I don't care!"

After seeing that the defense was broken, Winn was also anxious, and decided that even if the dense forest burned, he couldn't keep his hands. After that, he would rely on Senior Putin to restore it to his original state!

This charming but gentle female lecturer made a decision at this moment. She folded her hands in front of her, palms facing out, and chanted a magic spell in her mouth. The turquoise brilliance tumbled under her feet, and finally burst out amazing magic.

"The wood spirit, petition the kind-hearted you, let the song of the wood in the forest ring and gather into the strongest shield wall to shelter this world."


The endless vine branches grew rapidly, gathered toward the sky, and gathered into a very strong vine above, and threw it toward the fireball.

Wenn knew that she couldn't restrain and resist the fireball, so she had to work hard and try her best to fly the fireball out, as long as she could do it. Of course, she was not sure that her magic could withstand it. Kind of high temperature!

When the rattan came to the side of the big fireball, the terrifying heat began to erode the rattan, and it began to burn to ashes visible to the naked eye, but it still persisted, and the turquoise brilliance lingered on the unfinished. On the cane, it got closer to the big fireball, but when it touched, there was only a little bit left.

However, this is what made the big fireball out of the route to hit the disaster prevention hall!


Yanlian Temple just smiled slightly.

"Open the protective cover!"

When seeing the big fireball leaving the direct hitting route, someone yelled immediately from below. As long as there is no middle of the disaster prevention hall, then the protective cover is enough to resist the impact!


An invisible wave of magic power instantly covered the entire disaster prevention hall, and everyone calmly looked at the big fireball that was about to come down. It would be bad if it couldn't stop it.

The male tutor no longer cared about whispering, and hurriedly pushed Yi Liya into it. It was too dangerous to stand outside, but the next moment, the little silver-haired girl turned to the other end.


When I was about to drag Illya back, the male instructor suddenly felt his head big, because there was actually a little girl with cat ears standing there.

At this moment La Tier and Laya also discovered something, the former murmured to himself dumbfounded: "Where is Latis? Where is Latis?"

"Latis is there!"

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