Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 267

Laya pointed to the outside of the hall, and when she and La Tilton rushed out of the crowd, she hugged the little cat.

"Latis! Where have you been!"

The little cat looked back at the two extremely anxious faces, and said blankly: "I'm looking at that." Then, she pointed to the fireball that was getting closer in the sky.

"Get me in!"

A bunch of tutors ran over and dragged the girls into the disaster prevention hall. Then, the male tutor suddenly noticed that the little silver-haired girl was floating.


Everyone stared at this scene blankly, and at this moment, the fireball was about to fall on the protective cover, but the next moment everyone was stunned.


That fireball was blocked!

The silver hair was floating in the air, and the petite figure stood there. A small hand was resisting the fireball, and the magic was lingering around him.

However, in the short period of time when the fireball stayed, the terrifying high temperature even the trees were burned to ashes, and the students below were even sweating on the ground.

However, someone reacted quickly and hurriedly shouted: "Quick, push it back!"

Illiya seemed to hear the man's words, and then slowly rose with the fireball, and the temperature dropped sharply at this moment, which made many people breathe a sigh of relief.

"Ilia! Be careful!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Illiya turned her head and looked at the figures of La Tier and others below, and then nodded. When she turned her head, the coldness of her eyes was no longer hidden.

The magical power contained in this fireball is beyond the protection of the protective cover. If it falls to the ground, even if it does not hit the disaster prevention hall, it will definitely be completely destroyed.

Thinking that Latier and the others would be hurt, Illia couldn't help holding her small hand, and at this moment, she was already standing in the sky, looking at the woman in the red dress in the distance.

"Oh, I didn't think there was an unexpected person, still a very cute child, great!"

When Yanlian Temple saw the little silver-haired girl who actually took her fireball into the air, she was surprised, and when she saw the delicate face of the other party, she let out a happy voice.

"That kid is..."

Dian, who was about to break his prison in the distance, was also stunned after seeing Ilia. Isn't this just one of the children with Senior Belen?

How she...

Yiliya stared at the woman in the red dress in the distance, and then gently waved her hand. The fireball flew towards the Yanlian Temple in the distance, and the little silver-haired girl said coldly.

"Return this to you."

Two hundred and fiftieth chapters: Illiya is very angry!

However, Yanlian Temple didn't seem to care when seeing the big fireball that she had created flying towards her, she just giggled.

"Give me back? What a good boy."

The fireball came in front of her, Yanlian Temple also resisted it with one hand, and then under countless eyes, the fireball gradually shrank, and finally only a small fireball was left in Yanlian Temple's hand, and she threw the small fireball. In the mouth.

"So, let me guess, who are you?"

Yanlian Temple smiled and looked at the little silver-haired girl in the distance. He nodded his head thoughtfully and said: "A few days ago, one of our "natural disaster" cadres was said to have been killed by the little silver-haired girl, is that you?"

In this regard, Ilia just looked at the other side calmly, and did not give any answer, as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

However, Yanlian Temple took her silence as a default. She stretched out her hand and squeezed her white lotus petal-like chin, pretending to be surprised.

"It's really that "witch", it's as beautiful as the rumored one, and so small."

Dian in the distance was also stunned when he heard the words. Does the "witch" refer to the "witch" who escaped from the Sattar arena?Is this the little silver-haired girl?

Why is the "witch" next to Belen-senpai?

It is said that the "witch" was taken away by someone from a certain organization, but in fact, was taken away by Senior Belen?Seems to know something terrible...

"I have long heard how powerful the "Witch" is, so let me see and see today, right?"

After confirming the identity of Yi Liya, the woman in the red dress seemed to get excited. She raised her hand and pointed her palm to where Yi Liya was, with a smile of joy on her face and a crazy smell.


Magic lines appeared in the air in all directions around Yi Liya, and small flames suddenly appeared on the crimson lines. In the next moment, they turned into a violent flame vortex, trapping Yi Liya in the center. The heat wave swept away, sending Di An who had just broken through his prison.

In the disaster prevention hall, a tutor used projection magic to project the upper mirror image on the disaster prevention hall, and everyone was watching the battle.


When I saw that Ilia was trapped by the flame vortex, Latier couldn't help but exclaimed, her heart was full of worry. Although I know that Ilia is very powerful, this time the opponent doesn't look at it. Those people before can be compared.

Even Laya, who has more guesses and understanding of Ilia, is still calm at the moment, because the woman in the red dress feels extremely dangerous to her. This is a feeling I have never had before, no, I have had it before, that is the first time When I saw Ilia's killing performance, but later forgotten because of the close relationship.

call out!

Under countless lines of sight, a silver light beam suddenly penetrated through the flame vortex, and finally turned into a ring of light, directly dispelling the flame vortex into countless flames, and the silver figure stepped out.


Yanlian Temple felt that it would be boring if the opponent couldn't break the magic.

"Just fine."

Di An was also relieved when he saw this. Then, he suddenly looked into the dense forest not far away. He saw several people in cloaks, and immediately frowned.

That's the other people mentioned by the woman in the red dress before, aren't they in danger below them, turned their heads to look at the little silver-haired girl in the distance, and hesitated for a while before speaking.

"Can I ask you here?"

Eliya turned her head to look at Di An, nodded, then turned her head and moved her fingers slightly, and the silver hair with silver brilliance shuttled towards Yanlian Temple.

Upon seeing this, Dian didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately swept towards the lower pole. He guessed that since those people could come in without the shield, there were probably people who used space magic.

Hasn't Senior Belen come back yet?


The silver hair strands hovered in the air and pierced towards Yanlian Temple from all directions. Each hair strand had the power to penetrate the fine iron, and Yanlian Temple did not intend to resist, but retreated.

"I don't want to burn such beautiful hair."

Yanlian Temple sighed while looking at the beautiful snow-like silk threads flying all over the sky, but when she saw the silver hair attacking again, she could only sigh.

"Don't you think I can't burn it?"

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