Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 268

Regarding this, Yiliya remained silent, continued to attack, flicking her fingers gently, and the sky full of silver hair washed down towards Yanlian Temple like a waterfall.

"Then I'm sorry."

Yanlian Temple smiled regretfully, then raised his hands. Following her movements, the flames rose from under her feet, like a sea of ​​fire, spreading directly to the silver waterfall, and burned it out.

After seeing this scene, Illiya was also stunned, and then pulled her finger, the silver hair returned, she was holding the silver thread that had become ashes at the end of her silver hair, and seemed a little distressed.

"That's it?"

Yanlian Temple was also stunned. It was obvious that it burned a lot. It seemed that the magic could still make the hair grow on its own. The next moment, she attacked directly.

The sea of ​​fire was surging, and the boiling heat wave swallowed even the clouds on the horizon, and rolled towards Yilia. Under the sea of ​​fire, Yilia's figure seemed so small.

"be careful!"

Many people were shocked after seeing this scene, especially Laya and Latir, they were the first time they saw someone who could have the upper hand in a battle with Ilia.

At the moment when Yanlian Temple started the magic, she was stunned. She saw the "angry" look in the eyes of the little silver-haired girl in the distance.


In Ilia's heart, she has two things to protect, one is to protect Latier and the others, and the other is to protect her hair, which is the color that everyone likes.

"Earth, get up."

When the flames swept down and was about to engulf the petite figure, suddenly a slightly angry voice sounded, and the earth shook violently, and countless muds and stones suddenly gushed out, and finally turned into a sea of ​​fire even more The majestic Wang Yang directly counterattacked it back.

Earth magic!

These four words appeared in Yanlian Temple's heart, and a faint brilliance flashed in those twin stars-like eyes. As expected, the "witch" is also good at earth magic!

There is a super elemental magic that is detached from the earth magic!

"Swallow her."

With an order, the ocean of mud and rocks directly rushed towards Yanlian Temple, and the earth sank a few minutes, all being hollowed out.

After seeing this scene, the female lecturer Winn, who had just gotten up from the sunken earth dragon, muttered to herself: "Dian, you should learn from that kid. Why are you so timid?"

Chapter 251: Never underestimate each other


The sky seemed to be covered by the earth, the sun was scattered, and the sea of ​​stone descended on the top of Yanlian Temple. Her eyes sank slightly, her hands turned around, and dozens of magic patterns appeared one by one.


Shihai flooded the Yanlian Temple, and the earth was shaken up. Leptchester Academy was already in a mess at the moment, and it could be regarded as achieving half of the goal of the "natural disaster", but their other half of the goal was To solve everyone.

"Block them!"

At this moment, countless instructors and lecturers in the West whose academy has not been destroyed have already been attacked by "natural disasters", and Wen and others have begun to resist.

"Don't let them approach the disaster prevention hall!"

Dian wiped out the magic of several witches, and then shouted. The next moment, he was knocked out like a heavy blow, crashed into a tree and fell down, then coughed and coughed out Bright red blood.

"Space magic."

Di An wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then raised his eyes to look at the woman in the purple robe who was walking towards him in the distance. He stood up, his heart solemn, and he still had a headache for this kind of attack that the naked eye could not clearly catch. of.

"Diane Gabriel, who can use magical painting magic, is a graduate of Flozarno Academy and is now a teacher of Leptice, right?" The purple-robed woman said Diane’s identity. Then smiled and introduced herself: "I am Iona, the Space Miko."

"Are all witches so pretty?"

Dian joked in response to the opponent, then glanced at the many cloaked people passing by.

Hearing what Dian said, Iona was also stunned, and then said with a smile: "Thank you for the praise, but my task is to kill you."

"I won't let you kill anyone."

A beautiful woman in a red professional uniform walked by. It was Wen En. She stood beside Di An, staring at the woman in the purple robe in front of her.


"Dian, go help them, and leave this person to me."

"it is good."

The two reached an exchange very tacitly. As Dian’s classmate, Wen En was naturally aware that the latter would have a headache to deal with such opponents, so he decided to make an exchange, and Di An was not hypocritical, because he knew Wen En did not. Not weak.

Just as Dian was about to leave, Winn suddenly shouted: "Also, just let it go and do it, and then just leave it to Senior Puding."

Hearing this, Dian looked back at Wen En, then nodded, said "I know", and seemed determined to go to support other mentors.

Looking at the charming and delicate woman in front of her, Iona said: "Winn Tiffany, good at wood magic, and a graduate of the same class as Diane Gabriel."


Countless stalks of vines flew in, trying to restrain Iona, but they fell into the space, all plunged into the mud and rocks underground.

Space magic, one of the strangest magic.

"It may be difficult for your classmate to deal with me, but how easy do you think you will be?"

Iona looked at the vines and wood strips on the ground, then smiled and looked at Wen. They naturally also investigated the magic that the latter was good at.

Wood magic can be said to have many uses, and it is outstanding in any respect, but Iona is confident in her space magic, and she has a natural advantage as a witch.

"The space is split."

Iona's palm whispered quietly, and Wen's position suddenly began to twist, and the latter frowned slightly. Surprisingly, wearing such a professional outfit, she actually turned upside down and went out.

"The action is very flexible."

Hearing Iona's words, Winn interlaced his hands in front of him and said calmly: "Please don't underestimate the graduates of Flozarno Academy."


Green magic array patterns appeared at Iona's feet, and the gentle magic power that rose was accompanied by dazzling brilliance.

"Magic circle!?"

Iona was taken aback. She found that the surrounding canes were actually carving the magical pattern for the woman named Winn, and now she was trapped inside.


The attack just now is for now!

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