Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 272

Because of the "natural disaster" attack, and the fighting between the two sides is so great, it will definitely attract a lot of powerful forces. If it is caught again, it will definitely be very troublesome. There was an old acquaintance Murphy before. Si is here, but next time you may not have an acquaintance.

"We will leave tonight and continue to Amalgar, but can I ask you something?" Belen looked at the two younger generations, showing sincere eyes.

"Senior, please say, we will try our best to help you." Wenn and Dian are naturally obliged.

Belén scratched his cheek, and then showed a serious look. He lowered his head and said, "Please give us some food! Our food reserve is almost empty!"


Chapter 255: Small Town

In a mountain forest, countless birds are flying into the distance in the air, seeming to be frightened, and there is a deafening roar in the valley.

Bang bang bang!

A mountain peak collapsed directly after several consecutive blasting sounds, and the beasts also fled in panic. They knew that two terrifying women had arrived in the valley!

call out!

From the collapsed valley, a black figure suddenly flew out like a meteor. It was a woman wearing a black dress with a wicked smile, and she was falling into the forest below.

When the black-clothed woman fell on the ground, she slowly stood up, and then looked back, she saw a mud and stone giant suddenly rise up, as high as a mountain, and a giant foot stepped on her. come.

"Ah, it's really rude."

The black-clothed woman shrugged with a smile, and then raised her hand, black magic power lined up from her, a black origin appeared at the foot of the stone giant, and then it became bigger and bigger, turning into a black Vortex.


The feet that the stone giant stepped on were directly distorted by the black vortex, and lost the support of one foot. The mud stone giant instantly lost his balance and fell head-on.


The wind and waves were rippling, and the black-clothed woman's hair was also swaying with the wind. She raised her hands and feet and stroked her hair, then turned and bounced away towards the distance. The ribbon of the black dress dragged on the ground and followed her.

On the mud-rock giant who collapsed on the ground, there is a girl in red and white light armor standing at the moment, her red hair is as dazzling as flames, and she has a tail tied with a golden rope behind her head. Similar hair style.

The girl’s face is very beautiful, her eyebrows are like ink paintings, her gods are like autumn water, and her cherry-like lips make her want to kiss Fangze. She stands on the boulder at this moment, with red hair fluttering, her black eyes looking forward to glow are as clear as water mirrors. She was even more heroic in light armor.

"Running very fast."

Looking at the place where the woman in the black dress had left in the distance, the red-haired girl whispered, and then jumped slightly into the forest.


In a town.

A commercial vehicle was entering from outside the city. A white-clothed man was sitting on the commercial vehicle, and beside him was a girl with cat ears looking around.

And this group of people is Belén and others. At this moment, after Belén entered this town, the whole person almost wanted to jump up happily, even though the surface seemed calm as water.

It has been three days since he left Leptchester Academy. When he saw that the city had not been attacked by "natural disasters", he was immediately excited.

Finally there is a safe place!

"La Tier, then let's find a hotel today, and eat locally by the way, and then I will buy some food to store."

"Okay, Mr. Belen."

After coming to a safe town, La Tier was also very happy. Could it be said that the terrorist organization of "natural disasters" would only attack some big cities and schools like Leptice?

During the three-day itinerary, Belén and the others did not encounter anyone, and the route they took was relatively remote. This is also to be on the safe side. After all, Belém did not want to encounter "natural disasters" and people from the Imperial military.

Although I don’t know who will go to Lep Chester Academy in the future, maybe Morpheus will be there, but there is no doubt that Illia’s identity as a "witch" must be revealed, but Belen I believe that Dean and Wen will try to help conceal it.

Having said that, does the identity of this fugitive need to find a way to solve it, and can it be done by helping to catch a "natural disaster" cadre-level member?

Recently, Belen has also begun to think about this problem. After all, it is a bit tiring to be vigilant all the time. I can't make trouble after Ilia's appearance is known to everyone, and I am happy to think of a solution.

Inside the hotel.

Belen came to the counter. He looked at the middle-aged man who seemed to be the boss. He was a man who seemed very loyal and honest.

"Ah, hello, can I help you?"

The middle-aged man also noticed Belen, with a kind smile on his faithful face.

Since then, Belen rented a big room and a small house in this hotel. He can be said to be a rich man now, after all, there are so many bonuses.

"Nardo, the kitchen is not enough."

At this time, there came a woman wearing a green apron. She was a beautiful and virtuous woman, probably the sign girl of the hotel here.

"Ah, I'm going to help now. You can fill out the procedures for this guest." Hearing the words of the woman in green, the middle-aged man nodded, then smiled and nodded to Belén, and then ran away After cooking.

The woman in green came to Belem, then smiled and nodded at him, and then continued to fill in some things on the formalities.

This woman...

Belen raised his brows slightly, as if he had noticed something, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he took the form handed by the other party and filled in the information of the resident on it.

After dealing with this, the woman in green put away the form, and then said with a smile: "I am the proprietress here. My name is Ermin. If you have any questions about the hotel, you can ask me. Now, this is for you to rent. Key to his room."

Listening to Elmin's words, Belen took the key blankly, feeling whether he had heard it wrong, then looked at the key, and then raised his head to look at the woman in green.

"Boss? The one just now..."

Seeing Belen's astonishment, Ermin smiled with her face in her arms and said, "That's right, it's just what you think. That's my husband just now. His name is Nardo."

Hearing this, Belem's expression was a little dazed. He put Elmin and the middle-aged man together in his mind, and they didn't look like a good match.

However, these two are actually husband and wife!

"Ah, I was rude."

Belen recovered and apologized.

Upon seeing this, Ermin shook his head and said with a chuckle: "It's okay, it's okay. Many people have an expression like you after hearing about my relationship with Naldo, and I'm used to it."

Hearing this, Belen also nodded. After he was silent for a moment, he looked at the woman in green in front of him and said softly, "Have anyone from this town been here with "natural disasters"?"

He is testing.

Hearing the young boy mentioned "natural disasters" in front of her, Ermin was also taken aback. She stared at the person in front of her, and then shook her head.

"No, if that terrorist organization comes, it is estimated that everyone in the town has already escaped."

Chapter 256: We are a family

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