Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 273

In a small hotel room, Belen was lying on the bed thinking about what the hotel owner had said before, and finally shook his head.

Recently, I have become somewhat sensitive to the "natural disaster" organization whose core members are all witches, so when I see maidens, I think of "natural disasters".

Yes, the proprietress of this hotel is a witch.

The witches are naturally blessed by magic, so the magic in the air will be very close to them, and this is also the key to reveal their identity, but those who can detect this are also very sensitive to magic.

Since the existence of the "natural disaster" has personally lifted the mask, the fact that the core of this organization is a witch must be known to everyone.

That day, there were a lot of witches in the Leptchester Academy. It is probably the "natural disaster" organization that had accepted the call in secret.

However, after seeing Ermin, Belen realized that not all witches will face the "natural disaster", there are also witches like Ermin who live and work in peace.

The reason why the witch is hostile by most people is still talking about the battle with the Holy See hundreds of years ago. How exactly it caused it, Belem is also unknown.

But in fact, not everyone is hostile to the Miko race, after all, they are almost the same as the human race.

No one can conclusively determine the definition of good and evil. The distinction between good and evil is always subjective and not objective.

A pretty figure suddenly appeared in Belen's mind, and the light in his eyes gradually lost focus, as if he was thinking of many things.

I don't know how she's doing. With her temperament, she would definitely not join the "natural disaster".

Da da.

"Big brother, can I come in?"

After the door was knocked, Illiya's voice came.

After hearing La Tier's voice, Belen also got up from the bed, then walked to the door and opened the door, and he saw a little silver-haired girl in a nightdress.

"Ilia? Ah, come in first."

Belen looked at the door and there was no one else there. He was a little puzzled, but first invited Elia into the house, and Elia was sitting by the bed.

Iliya was lowering her head, as if she was hesitating to say something.

And Belen looked at Ilia very suspiciously. He didn't understand what the child wanted to say when he was looking for him at night. Is it hungry?

"Illya, it's so late, is there anything looking for me?"

"Big brother, I..." Yi Liya pursed her lips, her eyes were a little complicated. Finally, she summoned the courage to say, "Am I dragging you down?"

Hearing what Ilia said, Belen stayed for a while, and then realized what Ilia was struggling with. Soon, his complexion gradually softened with a smile.

"What are you thinking about."

Belen stretched out his hand and squeezed Ilia's soft face. He said, "You don't need to care so much. We are a family. How can things between families be called a drag?"

"But, but I want to help you big brothers, but if I help, the big brothers will take me to escape, such days..."

"it does not matter!"

Belen interrupted Elia, and Elia was also looking at him. Belen pulled a stool and sat down. He sat in front of Elia, and the smile of his mouth appeared naturally.

"At the beginning, we all made the most determined decision. What kind of mood do you think everyone held before deciding to save you? If we regret it now, then how stupid we are!"

"Whether it's the "witch" in your mouth or the subjugated princess, from the time you decide to go with us, you are just Ilia. If you want to arrest our family, you have to pass our level first."

While talking, Belen embraced the silver-haired girl and patted her on the back softly, trying his best to convey his heart to Ilia.

"It turns out that Big Brother knows..."

When she heard the "princess of the subjugated country" mentioned by Belen, Ilia's body also trembled slightly, she was a little nervous and a little scared.

"I don't know, but Illya said that to me at the beginning, and I believe it." Belen and Illya separated, and then put his hand on the latter's head and stroked it.

Sigmar, the princess of Ai Luo's subjugation.

Now that he got the confirmation, Belen couldn't help feeling in his heart, from a country's princess to a fugitive, how many things have to go through?

He knew that Ilia had amnesia, and it should have come to Florence during the period of amnesia. It was really a long journey.

"Big brother, I'm not a good boy anymore, I... I killed many, many people when I was in Ailuo." Illiya lowered her head and looked at her hands, vaguely still Seeing the ordinary hands washed in blood.

Belen could see Ilia trembling, and the slight arc of trembling made him feel a little distressed. He had heard about the civil war in the kingdom of Ai Luo from Vernie, and countless people died. , How much does Iliya hold in her hands?

"Me, I have killed many people."

Belen’s smile was a bit bitter, but even so, he was still smiling, because it was not something worth avoiding, time was relieved.

Hearing these words, Illya also raised her head and looked at Belem. Has this gentle and ordinary boy in her eyes killed many people?

"Don't look at me like this, I'm actually amazing."

Thinking it was Ilia's suspicious look, Belen also responded bitterly.

"I know Big Brother is very good."

I’ve found out that this big brother is a bit extraordinary before, but until the last time in Leptchester Academy, when the man in front of her wanted to use her own power to fight the magic that she was not sure of, she Just know that this big brother who looks ordinary is actually not ordinary at all.

Although she is young, she is not stupid.

Belen raised his index finger in front of his mouth and said cautiously: "I can't tell Latier about this. They don't know, but my goal is to be a competent head of the family."

"Well, I understand."

A small smile appeared on Ilia's immature but very beautiful face.

It seemed that it was because of the mutual confession that Belen was also relieved a lot. He rubbed the head of the little silver-haired girl again, and a gentle voice came into Ilia's ears.

"Ilia feels that it is a drag on us, but in fact, Ilia really protects everyone. We are a family, so we are not allowed to say anything that is dragging or not!"

Ilia blinked, then smiled and nodded.

"I understand!"

Chapter 257: The Miko of a Stable Life

After talking with Ilia last night, the little girl went back to her room. There is no doubt that after she was relieved, she had a very beautiful dream that night.

When a new day arrived, Belem got up early. As for breakfast, of course, it was settled in the hotel. On this day, Belem wandered around the town.

La Tier and the others also explored in the town, and Belem had no objection to this. The children always have their own space.

Furthermore, since the last time La Tier and Laya jointly blocked the attack of the blaster, Belen has felt that they have grown up, and that with Ilia, Belen is completely safe. Also, this town is not very big, and it will be fine if you want to.

Belém was walking in the market at this moment, looking around, considering whether he still had anything needed, as for the food reserves yesterday.

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