Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 274

Having said that, although he has always regarded himself as a wandering businessman, he didn’t know from what point he didn’t continue buying and selling. In the past, when he was alone, most of his living funds were obtained from the trading magic device. La Tier's sake, so I gave up this channel.

Later, he didn't even do business, and his expenses increased due to the increase in the number of people. Although he didn't care about this very much, he didn't seem to have much to do with the freelance "wandering businessman".

Forget it, it's not important, after all, there are still a lot of bonuses around. Belen, who doesn't have much ideas about daily life, also plans to take a step.

Having said that, the prize money of the competition is indeed very generous.

After arriving in this small and stable town, Belem wanted to stay a few more days. Although it is not a short distance from Kalmargarh, it is still a month away from the school festival.

"Ah, Ermin, thank you for your willingness to help me."

"You're welcome, Granny Zal."

Belen, who was walking aimlessly, also turned his head when he heard the clear conversation, his eyes fell on the shop whose roof seemed to be weak and somewhat collapsed.

In that shop, an elderly woman and a gentle and beautiful woman in green were standing inside, and the latter was the hostess of the hotel where Belem was staying.

Belen came closer, trying to see what they were doing. After all, Ermin’s identity as a witch was quite sensitive, but it seemed that the old woman didn’t care.

Elmin looked at the collapsed roof above, then stretched out his hands, green light emerged from all around, vines spread, gathered on the upper eaves, supporting the collapsed area, and then countless branches entangled with each other. Get up and fill in the vacancy.

What is this doing?

Belen was a little puzzled, and then got closer, and then heard the voice from the old woman: "Ermin, thank you so much. It's really amazing to have a magister like you Great."


Belen then suddenly realized that he did not know Ermin's identity as a witch. After all, the recent "natural disasters" activities made the already sensitive identity of the witch even more nervous.

"Ah, you're welcome, Granny Zal."

Elmin smiled and shook her head. Then she looked up and saw the white figure standing outside the shop. She was taken aback and nodded slightly to Granny Zal before walking out of the shop.

Regarding Belem, Ermin still had an impression, but now he asked curiously: "This gentleman, it should be the first time to come to our town. If you don't know anything, you can ask me."

"Thank you." Then Belen looked at the old woman who was taking care of the shop, and asked curiously: "Miss Ermin, what were you doing just now?"

"The eaves of Granny Zal's shop broke, and I happened to pass by, so I helped her fix it, otherwise an old man would be too dangerous in such an environment." Ermin also looked back at Granny Zal's figure.

"It turned out to be so, Miss Ermin is really kind."

"Thank you, I just helped me. Granny Zal is the oldest elder in our town."

After talking about this topic, Belem was thoughtful, then looked at Ermin and said, "Miss Ermin, how long have you lived here?"

"Well, let me think about it. It's probably... three years, right?" Ermin thought about it, then smiled and answered Belen's question.

Belen asked curiously: "Have you been married to that gentleman for three years?"

"Yeah, I haven't left here since I married Nardo." Ermin responded with a smile, eyes full of happiness and contentment.

Hearing this, Belen nodded, and then walked forward, without saying anything.

Looking at the figure of Belen leaving, Elmin was silent for a while, her hand tightest, seemed a little nervous, but she still summoned the courage to call the former.

"That, gentleman, have you already..."

Hearing Ermin's words stopped, Belen also turned around. He knew what Ermin wanted to ask, so he nodded immediately.

"I know, you are a witch."

Hearing Belem's words, Ermin's heart jumped too. Yesterday, she vaguely realized something when she heard what the white-clothed young man asked.

"Can we talk to another place?" Ermin looked around, then looked at Belem.

Belen nodded.

Then the two came to the river.

"I don't know what the sir is called yet." Although Ermin read the information, he hurriedly scanned it, and didn't care too much, so he didn't know Belen's name.

"My name is Belen."

After hearing the words, Elmin said, "Mr. Belen, although I am a witch, I have nothing to do with that "natural disaster", so please..."

"I know, I won't let your current life be ruined, so please don't worry." Belen understood Ermin's concerns, so he said his thoughts directly.

Ermin who got the response was also relieved, a little grateful, and a little concerned. She said, "Ah, thank you! That, it seems that Mr. Belen is not hostile to the Miko."

Belen blinked his eyes, then looked at the rippled river surface, he whispered, "Of course there will be no hostility, because one of my friends is also a witch."

Although many people discriminate against races, Belém does not. Besides, the way of thinking of witches and humans is the same, there is no need to be hostile.

How could Belen, a kind-hearted witch like Ermin, bother her stability? That would be too unkind. He always thought he was a decent gentleman.

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Eight: Oshodol

In this town, everyone knows that the proprietress of the only hotel in the town is a very virtuous and gentle beauty, and she is also a magician who can use magic, and is very helpful and gentle.

Because of this, everyone in the town knows Ermin and the relationship is very good. Everyone in the town often goes to the hotel to give things away to express their gratitude.

A blacksmith's shop asked for Ermin's help because the floor of the second floor could not support people's weight, and Ermin was very happy to help, so he helped the second floor of the blacksmith's shop strengthen a lot.

The uncle of the smithy yelled gratefully: "Ermin, thank you!"

"You are welcome!"

Elmin smiled and nodded.

"That bastard Naldo can marry such a daughter-in-law, I really envy you!"

Some people gathered around here, and after seeing Elmin’s enthusiastic help, some people sighed and envied the loyal and honest man to death.

Can it be said that a fool is really a blessing?

Regarding the surrounding discussion, Elmin chuckled and bent over. She didn't regret being able to marry that person, and it was precisely because of that person that she could live in such a stable life here.

"Mrs. Nardo, there is a big hole in the roof of my house. It can't stop it when it rains. Can you please help me? We are willing to pay!" Someone came to Ermin and prayed to her. Tao.

"You are welcome, I am very happy to be able to help everyone in the town, take me there now?"

So, in this day, Ermin almost ran all over the town, wherever she needed help, and didn't stop until dusk.

Elmin walked back on the way, she exhaled a long breath and said, "I'm so tired, I need to rest well when I go back." Although she was tired, she was very happy to be able to help everyone.

In the early morning of the next day, Ermin was walking on the road by the river. She was in a happy mood at the moment. She wanted to go to the market to buy something, but when she was walking humming a song, she suddenly felt something , Immediately stopped.

"Unexpectedly, there is still a witch in this town."

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