Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 292

Just after the topic was exhausted, Tao Zi, who was leaning against the wall, slowly stood up. When she stood up, the eyes of the other six people also lit up, as if they knew what she wanted.

Belen asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

"I want to ask the senior for advice on kendo."

Taozi held a saber in one hand and looked at Belen calmly.

Chapter 277: No Thoughts Fit

Sure enough!

The other six people all got up helplessly. When Taozi-senpai stood up, they knew what the only third-grader in Jianjushe was going to do.

When a few of them entered the club, the first thing this senior girl did was to ask them about Kendo, but in the end, she didn't know the outcome. It was really just asking for advice. Maybe it was because they were concerned that they were younger generations. They knew Taozi. Senior sister is a very gentle person.


Belen stood up, he stretched his waist. Although he didn't like to shoot, he didn't want to show cowardice in the face of the advice of his juniors.

"of course."

Seeing that Belen agreed, everyone became curious. This senior who was at the same time as the principal of Selika Academy, once the second seat of the Sword House, would have what kind of kendo?

When the two came outside the house, Belen looked at the open space that was not very spacious, but it should be enough for a pure swordsmanship.

"Senior, shall we go to the pond?"

Taozi looked at Belem. She seemed to be unhappy with the size of the clearing.

"it is good."

It is not difficult to set foot on the water, even Belen, who has no magic attribute, can do it. After all, it is just a basic magic call, and there is no major difficulty.

The two stood on the pond, while the other six were sitting outside the house looking at the contest.

"Guess, who will win?"

"Will it be the winner?"

"Probably it will, after all, the opponent is not us. Facing the senior, Taozi-senpai should not keep her hands."

Everyone didn’t know much about Belen’s strength as a senior. After all, it’s been some years since the era of the first Jianjusha members, but they knew that Taozi-senpai’s strength was unfathomable, so they didn’t dare to say that they were. You can win this sword house chief with your best efforts.

Belen took out the silver-white long sword from the storage container. His magic weapon was broken. Now he can only use his own sword. The last time he took it out was when he faced the red-haired girl.

Taozi-senpai slowly pulled out the sword, the scabbard hung around her waist, the spring breeze was blowing, her long black hair fluttering in the wind, standing on the pond is particularly attractive.

"Senior, please."

Hearing this, Belen shook his head and said: "You should be the first to do it anyway." After all, he is the senior.

"I understand."

Taozi didn't care about this problem very much either, she nodded slightly to indicate that she understood, and then held the sword in both hands and placed it in front of her, her breath suddenly calmed down, as if it had merged with the wind blowing.

This girl is a master.

After feeling the change in temperament, Belen immediately judged this. He would not care about it. After all, the one in front of him is the current chief of the Jianju Club!


Hearing only a faint whistling sound, Belen noticed faint ripples in the pond, his eyes condensed slightly, and he greeted him with a sword.


I don't know when Taozi has acted, and has come to Belem, her hands held up the sword high, and then cut down on the sword that Belengue blocked.


Belen suddenly felt something and took a step back, and saw that the water surface at the original location was suddenly opened by a silently open gully, and finally slowly closed, the crack that stagnated for a moment made him slightly stunned.

this is...

"Taozi's swordsmanship is "non-intentional". One accident can get injured. Senior can avoid it. It's really amazing!"

"After all, they are graduates from our sword house, how could they not be good?"

After seeing this scene, the six people were all talking about it, but Belen was a little bit cold. The kid's asking for advice was really too serious. That sword almost hurt him.

Because it is not a competition of strength, Belen just kept his strength at the "25%" level, so as to ensure that he would not feel overloaded.

"Senior, please be more serious."

When this voice fell, Belen felt an awe-inspiring force oncoming again. He did not respond, but told the other party with actions.


The silver long sword in Belen's hand trembled slightly, and the sweet sound of the sword whirled in the air, and when the opponent's sword was cut, his sword power finally appeared. For an instant, it seemed that even the air was divided. Come.

Since he was asking for advice from juniors, as a senior, he couldn't use sword skills like "Elves Sword Dance". After all, it was not his own, so he wanted to use his own swordsmanship.

Taozi’s blade fell, and Belem’s blade was also picking up the sword at this moment, and it bounced the blade away in an instant, the sword swept forward, cutting off a trace of black hair, and Taozi was also at this moment. Withdraw several steps in a row.

Taozi looked at the white-clothed man in front of her, her eyes gleaming slightly, she seemed to have a strong interest, and in that sword she saw my senior kendo.

"Do you see it?"

"I don't understand, but it seems like the senior sword and budding, are they also "natural" kendo?"

"It's not the same. Didn't you see that it was a sword skill? The senior, he was a sword skill just now, it is no longer in the range of sword skill."

Jieya immediately denied Puddinglan’s words, and then expressed her own opinion. Her kendo is “natural” and is a natural response to the opponent’s attack during the battle. The Belén senior has just Obviously, she had gone beyond the scope of swordsmanship, and directly cut off Taozi-senpai's "non-conscious fit".

Adeline pushed her glasses, then nodded her head in response, "Yes, the sword that Senpai just used is a sword skill. I probably know what Senpai's kendo is..."

Hearing Adeline's words, Pudinglan and the others became curious, and they couldn't think of what kendo based on that sword skill.

A young man wearing a felt hat smiled and said, "Probably the creation of Vientiane, right?"

"Vientiane Creation?"

Puddinglan looked at the young man wearing a felt hat. The latter was named Garner Gilbert, who was a second-year student with him, but was the third seat of the Jianju Society. His kendo was "Shuangtian".

"Yes, it's a little different from your "reunion" nature, but you have nothing to do, and the realm of seniors is much higher than you." Garner said with a smile, and teased Puddinglan by the way.

"Aha, Ghana, you owe it to you. Come and fight later!" Puddinglan suddenly became unconvinced.

In this regard, Ghana was not afraid of this, but rather said with interest: "This is what you said, let's bet on the food for the next week?"

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