Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 293

On the pond.

Taozi held the sword in both hands, then looked at Belem and said, "This is the first time I have seen "Vientiane Creation". I also ask the seniors for your advice."

"Don't be so polite, come on."

Hearing that, Belen was not arrogant, but nodded and continued to invite the battle. He was also very interested in Taozi's "unconscious fit".

Chapter 278: Creation of Vientiane

Keng Keng Keng!

After several consecutive sword-edges interlaced, the threat of Tao Zi's "non-conscious fit" kendo has an invisible growth, and that sharp momentum can be said to be irresistible.

However, Belen interrupted it continuously with a variety of complex sword skills. His sword skills in battle have been completely detached from sword skills. This is his "all phenomena creation" way.

The so-called "creation of Vientiane" is to transcend and sublimate in any sword and reach different realms in an instant. This is a peculiar kendo that turns corruption into magic.

And "Vanxiang Chuangsheng" is an extremely rare existence in kendo, because it is a kendo that most people can only learn from ancient books.

Every sword can be called a "sword skill", which is the "Vanxiang Creation" kendo.

And Taozi's "Non-Mind Fit" is a kind of ultimate swordsmanship, which has a great advantage in the battle, because its sharpness is unstoppable, but Belen has resisted it in his domain.

While receiving the sword, Belen was also a little surprised. He found that his physique had really changed a lot. He thought to himself that it was probably the gift of the wood elves at that time that caused such a change.

Belen, who is now exerting his own strength, can clearly perceive how different he is from the past, and probably now he has returned to his academy.

Facing Taozi's offensive, Belen has been interrupting it in his own way, but he did not attack, only resisting Taozi's sword.

"It seems that Sister Taozi can't hurt the senior."

"Sure enough, the graduates are so strong! Even Taozi-senpai can't help it."

The six people sitting at the edge of the room were watching carefully, and they were all surprised when they saw this somewhat stalemate scene.

This is the first time they have seen the strength of graduates.

In the game, Taozi seemed to be impatient for the stalemate, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and then the sword in her hand turned and shook Belen a step away, and she moved a step closer.

The sword in Taozi's hand was held high, and an invisible sword force emerged from the girl's body. The blade seemed to glow with a faint silver light and fell suddenly towards Belen.

"Sword Skill·Two Breaks Under the Blade."

When that whisper fell into Belen’s ears, Belen also felt the endless fit of the sword. He was not very surprised that Peach had sword skills. Probably the six younger generations who watched the show were also It definitely will.

Contains the sword skill of the kendo that is unconsciously suitable. With this sword, Belen can choose to avoid it, but he has no intention of this, because he has the mentality of treating himself as a senior, and he naturally chooses to take this sword. .

As a matter of fact, the "Vanxiang Chuangsheng" kendo can set foot in the highest realm in one sword, and he does it at this moment, setting foot on the "Vanxiang Chuangsheng" way of "Mixed with One".

Belen's waist sank slightly, and then he held the sword in both hands. All the sword strength and sword aura were restrained into the sword, his eyes focused on the falling blade, and then he rushed up.

This sword didn't have any aura, it was just ordinary to resist, but this sword made the six people outside the field open their eyes.


A sword shattered the strength of relevance, Taozi's sword skills were broken and backed a few steps, she looked at her somewhat trembling hand, and after a moment of silence, she slightly bent over to Belen.

"Thank you, senior."

From this simple inquiry, Taozi understood the incompleteness of her "Non-minded fit" kendo. She had not reached the state of non-mind when she wielded the sword, which led to her imperfect fit.

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

Belen felt that Taozi seemed to understand something, so he was very happy. The reason why he has not fight back is mainly because he wants Taozi to use himself as a whetstone.

That "Non-minded fit" is a main attack on kendo. In this case, you can only realize what you lack when attacking the strongest defense.

The six people sitting by the house were a little dumbfounded at the moment.

"Puddinglan, isn't that your "reunion"?"


Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in the heads of the six people. The ever-changing "creation of all things" can probably use a variety of swords!

"I can't help it..."

Ghana swallowed, and was able to meet a kendo senior who could "create life in all things". After seeing the scene just now, he couldn't help but want to ask for advice from the senior.

The two returned to the sword house.

"Adeline, please give me a cup of tea."

"Ok, Sister Taozi."

At this moment Taozi seemed to feel very comfortable, completely different from the previous Gao Leng, but very cute sitting on the futon, with the saber set aside.

Belen was a little curious about Tao Zi's emotional change, and the first-year girl who was standing beside him, Budding, came to his ear and explained softly.

"Senior Taozi will feel very happy every time she asks others for advice, um, like this, senior, isn't it cute?"

"Huh? Uh..."

Belen turned his head to find that there was an inexplicable cunning in Budding's eyes and felt a little speechless. Then, Adeline handed Belen a cup of brewed tea.

"Senior, this cup is for you."

"Thank you."

Belén took the tea ceremony and thanked him. He blew the tea in the cup to dissipate the heat. He could smell a refreshing scent. Then he took a sip. The bitter but fresh taste spread on the tip of his tongue. Only those who know how to taste know how good this tea is.

"It seems you like tea ceremony very much."

So, after taking another sip, Belen looked at Adeline in surprise, and then noticed the very complete set of tea making tools.

"Yes, this is my hobby." Adeline nodded.

Puddinglan on the side seemed to have something to say. After hesitating for a while, he took a deep breath, seeming to cheer for himself, and finally dared to say it.

"Senior Belem, can you please..."

"Senior, can you give me some lessons on Kendo after drinking my tea."


Puddinglan turned his head and looked at Adeline. The guy who directly covered his voice was undoubtedly the girl with glasses. Only then did he realize one thing.

Probably everyone in the sword house now wants to ask the seniors for advice. After all, after watching the discussions between Taozi-senpai and Belen-senpai, everyone knows that this is something that can improve their kendo. How could they have no idea? !

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