Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 295

Ratil looked at Belen curiously. They had been in Flozarno Academy for five days. During these five days, the latter would go out once a day, and did not return until the meal time.

Seeing Latier asked, Belen didn't want to hide it either. He explained: "I, I have been to my former club these days, where several juniors have asked me some questions."


La Tier was puzzled, and didn't know what it was.

Upon seeing this, Belen also thought about it, and then explained: "A community is a place where like-minded people ask for academic advice from each other. Well, that's it."

Ratier asked curiously: "Is the club Mr. Belén once belonged to? Can I go and see it?"

"I want to go too!"

Laya on the side also came to agree, and Latis and Ilia also came to the side. Although they didn't speak, their will was probably the same.

Belen was stunned, and then responded: "Then go together."

It's not a big deal, besides, I probably don't need to do it today, after all, it's those guys' infighting.

On the stone bridge outside Jianjushe.

"Such a beautiful place!"

La Tier and others looked at the surrounding scenery in surprise. They did not expect that Mr. Belen’s club would be in such a poetic place.


Puddinglan and Casey just came to face each other. When they saw the girls next to Belen, they were also startled. They looked at each other and walked forward. They probably guessed who these girls are, they should be seniors. The family mentioned before.

"Hello, please come in."

"Thank you!"

Seeing that these two handsome young men were so polite, La Tier also replied in a panic. After all, these are all students of Flozarno Academy.

When they came to the Jianju Society, the four girls all looked around and found that the appearance in this society was quite ordinary, but there was a faint fragrance of tea, which matched the scenery outside, as if they were living in an elegant guest house. The place is average.

After both sides got to know each other, Puddinglan and the others were not idle, so they could let their seniors come to point them. They didn't want to waste time, so they immediately invited each other to fight.

Since then, Puddinglan immediately yelled: "Ghana, come and come, give me a meal."

Hearing Puddinglan's unshakable words, Ghana sneered and said: "Heh, don't cry later."

Puddinglan on the fifth seat and Ghana on the third seat stood up, then walked to the pool outside, covered in magic power under the feet, stepped on the water, and came to the center.

"Mr. Belen, can I do that too?"

Seeing the two teenagers standing in the middle of the pond, La Tier's eyes flashed light, and her mind began to imagine the scene of herself standing on the water.

"Of course, Lattier is so smart, he will learn it soon."

Belen smiled when she saw the girl's cat ears and tail start to shake, but what he said was not comforting, it was not difficult at first.

Two swords appeared in Ghana's hands. The tip of the sword looked like a crescent moon. It was a sword named Taito that was handed down in the old days of the East. As the third seat, his kendo was "Double Heaven".

Shuangjianliu is his kendo.

"Come on, let me see how far your "reunification" has reached."

Carrying two swords, Ghana took the lead in attacking. His "Double Sky" is a combination of speed and skill, seeking the ultimate fusion of the two ways, which is the ultimate power.


Puddinglan curled his lips. When the two swords were cut, he was ready to hold the sword in both hands, and then greeted him. In fact, he faced Ghana's offensive very hard.

The final result of this competition was that Ghana won.

Puddinglan's "Reunion" Kendo can only be presented in the final blow when facing Ghana's "Shuang Tian", integrating all the energy and spirit to defeat the enemy in one strike.

However, Ghana was obviously better. His "double sky" was both offensive and defensive. He blocked Puddinglan's final sword when he was looking for flaws and flew Puddinglan's sword.

"Hey, want to flatten me, it seems it's too early." Garner put the sword away and touched his nose, then looked at Puddinglan provocatively.

It is not the first time that Puddinglan has experienced this kind of result and provocation, but facing the face of Ghana, he has never been able to get used to it.

"I will definitely win you next time."

"Yes Yes Yes."

After watching this match, the three girls except Ilia opened their eyes wide. Is the contest of swordsman masters so beautiful?

"Okay, amazing."

La Tier couldn't help muttering too.

Hearing this self-talk, Belen also glanced at La Tier and La Tis. Probably these two children will learn swords more vigorously after this?

After discussing with several current members of the Sword House in the past few days, Belen already knows what the kendo of the seven is. Among them, he is very interested in the kendo of Jiye and Casey.

One is the kendo named "Natural", and the other is the kendo named "Shenhe".

Regarding "natural" kendo, Belen can be said to be the second clearest of all kendos, because his teacher Antelina is of this genre, which is a kind of kendo that uses the sword in a true sense.

Belen has never seen the "shen" swordsmanship, but he still knows it. It is probably a type of his "Vanxiang Creation", but it is said that his sword is only used when he thinks that the time, the place and the people are right. Only when the three are available can you really show off.

Therefore, for Casey, his sword is not perfect at all times. Only when he thinks the right time can he display a truly powerful sword.

"Senior Casey, do you want to try?"

Yuya finally finished eating a biscuit, and then stood up, with a beautiful smile on her face. She held a slender sword in her hand, which was very similar to Belem's sword.

Hearing Budding's invitation to fight, Casey looked at the scenery outside, and finally, the handsome young man showed a harmless smile.

"It seems that the weather is pretty good, so it's good to come before."

Today's sun is shining in the sky, and today's spring breeze is over the willow shoots, he thought, it's probably a time for swordsmanship.

Chapter 281: Nature and God in harmony

"Kathy's sword is very powerful."

Puddinglan on the side looked at the back of the young man who was slowly walking towards the lake.

"But, it will probably be defeated."

Without denying Puddinglan's words, the chief Taozi said something that no one could object to, which made Delatier and the others curious.

Belen looked at the two figures thoughtfully. To make good use of the "supernatural" kendo, he must wait until the right time, but during this period, he should face the attack of the budding "natural" kendo. How to resist it?

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