Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 296

Indeed, as everyone thought, when the budding sword began, she walked around like a sword. Casey holding the sword against it seemed very reluctant, but what is worrying is that Casey did not show What a flustered look.

From the very beginning, Casey's sword had never been out of the sheath. In response to Shige's attack, he just attached the scabbard to resist it, just because the time had not arrived.

His sword's edge only needs to appear once in a battle.

The budding movement is the smoothest that Belen has ever seen, and it is very agile, without the slightest sluggishness, and without wasting a single cent of strength. This is the special feature of "natural" Kendo.

No sword is useless, no one step is wrong. Every time a sword is swung, it is for the next sword to be closer to the opponent's weakness, one sword and one sword.

Facing such a sword, Casey's situation became more and more worrying, because his number of ways seemed to have been pushed to the limit, and it was almost impossible to resist.

"The next sword is over."

Taozi looked at Casey whose route was all blocked, and said something like this.

"Not necessarily."

At this moment, Belen suddenly spoke out, and everyone's eyes opened slightly at this moment, because Casey's spirit had undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment.

The corners of the boy's mouth slowly curled up, revealing a pleasant smile.

"It's time."

At this time, the sword will be very comfortable.

The scabbard suddenly swept towards the surface of the water, and the waves splashed in all directions, forming a short water curtain that obscured the budding attack route.

Immediately afterwards, a sword light suddenly penetrated the water curtain and went straight to bud, and the girl's sword was also naturally swiped to the side at this moment, and the sword light and the water curtain were all scattered.

"The sword is out." Belen muttered to himself.

When the water splashed, an unsheathed sword pierced through the hand of the young man. The unpretentious and unpretentious sword of that sword contained infinite profound meaning. All the spirit and form were condensed in it, as if it were not from someone's hand. , But from this whole world, the sword pierced straight towards the bud.

Finally ended.

The end is a tie.

The tip of Casey's sword stopped on Yuya's chest, and the sword of Yuya also stopped by Casey's neck. The two swords simultaneously restrained each other at this moment.


For Casey's sword, Belen was also extremely surprised. It was a long time since he had seen such a sword, which made him feel happy as a "swordsman".

That sword has the power to survive the desperate situation. This is Kathy Gals's "supernatural harmony" swordsmanship.

At the same time, what shocked Belen was the "natural" Kendo of Jieya. No wonder Jieya was able to rank fourth as a first-year student. Her "natural" has reached such a state of freedom.

The situation that I thought was going to be reversed was abruptly leveled again, from winning to losing to even, this is the summary of this discussion.

The two put their sabers away on the lake, and then bowed to each other to salute each other. Both felt happy for this event. This was the experience of Jianjusha.

"Sprout, so amazing!"

Clement in the seventh seat showed longing eyes.

Hearing what Clement said, Yuya smiled and waved his hand, and then asked with a smile: "Clement, or else we two will try to do it later?"

"Me, me? Can it be? Let's forget it, I'm not qualified if I try to fight with Germination."

Clement's mood seemed to drop suddenly, and then, under the eyes of everyone, the young man hid in the corner alone, as if the atmosphere had darkened.

"What's wrong with him?" Belen was a little puzzled.

Puddinglan seems to have become accustomed to it. He said: "This guy is like this. It's okay to fight with any of us. He only wants to fight with Jieya but can't. It always feels like he has no confidence in the face of Jieya."

No, no, this is not a question of lack of confidence at all!

Looking at Clemente who was talking to himself in that corner, Belen thought it was a bit funny, but he didn't laugh, otherwise he would probably leave a "black belly" label in the teenager's heart.

"So beautiful."

La Tier's gaze was a bit sluggish, the pink-haired girl swinging the sword was really attractive, what kind of mood is it to hold the sword to have that attitude.

The swordsman holding the sword is full of spirit. The so-called peerless elegance and heroic grace probably refer to such a free and easy attitude, not to mention the sword user is a beautiful girl.

"Kathy, looks good, do you want to make a move?"

Adeline on the side also became very interested after seeing this battle. Compared to fighting with Yeyou, she felt that it was more interesting to learn from Casey now.

Hearing Adeline's words, Casey looked outside the house, then shook her head and said, "It's no longer suitable for swordsmanship, so forget it. Drinking tea and snacks are better."

It was calm outside.

"Sure enough, Senior Casey is so good."

Shige was also content to sit on her futon again, eating the biscuits while still sighing, she still thought that sword was very interesting.

A sword from a dead end, even Belen and Taozi were moved. The peculiarity of Kathy's kendo was beyond the former's expectation. It was the first time he saw such a kendo.

Jingle Bell.

The wind chimes on the side rang and attracted everyone's attention. Puddinglan stood up and said curiously, "It seems that a guest is coming."

"Go and see."

"it is good."

Puddinglan walked out of the house and everyone was quiet

After a while, Puddinglan came back, and behind him there were two girls, one of whom was the principal of Selika, whom everyone knew very well, and the other was a girl wearing glasses like Adeline. He was extremely tall, and when he saw this man, the corners of Belen's mouth twitched slightly.

The tall girl with glasses also noticed Belen. She was taken aback for a moment, and then she seemed to think of something. A sneer appeared on the face of that beautiful melon seed. She said, "Is the short boy growing tall?"

Chapter 282: Senior, he really can’t use swords

When the girl with glasses actually called Belem a "short", everyone was stunned, and then they all looked at Belem, who also fought back at this moment.

"I haven't seen it for a long time, is it appropriate to say this as soon as we meet?" Belen grinned his teeth unconsciously and stared at the girl with glasses.

The girl with glasses still repeated: "Dwarf."

"Are you owed to clean up!"

Belen gritted his teeth and Ratier and the others were a little surprised. They had never heard Belen say such rude words. Such Belen made them feel more childish.


However, regarding Belen's threat, the girl with glasses still looked like a sneer, did not take it to heart, put her hands around her chest, and looked at the former very arrogantly.

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