Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 297

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, Belen really couldn't do anything with this guy. It used to be like this. If he couldn't beat him, he could only mock him by his height.

Selika held her forehead helplessly and shouted: "Saxiang."

The girl with glasses is Selika’s secretary-general, Saxiang, and a classmate of Selika and Belém in the same class, but she is very different from Belém.

Looking at Belem who was no longer talking, Shaxiang took advantage of the victory and continued to shout: "What's the matter, I'm not talking, dwarf?"

"Too much! Come out for a fight!"

Belen couldn't bear it, and he was surprised. Every time he quarreled with this guy, it was him who got angry. He stood up, and then there was a silver-white long sword in his hand.

Seeing Belen took out the sword, Shaxiang immediately realized that this guy was angry, so she sat on the empty futon and looked at Adeline.

"Adeline, I haven't had your tea for a long time, can you give me a cup?"

"Of course, no problem."

Seeing that Shaxiang ignored him, Belen always felt that the corner of his eyes was jumping, then he put the sword away and sat down again.

"That sister is so tall."

Latier, who was on the side, approached Belen and murmured softly. When Saxiang and Belen were fighting each other, Latier was conquered by the height of the girl with glasses.

It's about one meter eight!?

La Tier looked at Shaxiang who was drinking tea with a bit of stunned eyes. He was only about one meter six, and among them, Laiya was the tallest girl among the girls, but it was not one meter seven. The finale is probably higher than Mr. Belém!

Seeing Latil looking at Saxiang with a very admiring look, Belen was also a little helpless. His height was less than 1.8 meters, and Saxiang was almost half his height. Change to the previous words. , Probably more than one head higher.

Shaxiang was still staring at Belen while drinking tea. Before coming, Selika had heard that this guy had come to the academy, but she didn’t expect to see him in the sword house, the moment she came in. She was also a little surprised after seeing Belen's true face.

Well, the long one is not bad.

And Belen also noticed Shaxiang’s sight, and immediately found a reason to fight back, staring at the latter indifferently and asking: "What are you looking at me."

"I used to wear a mask and couldn't see it, but now I don't wear a mask, and I still don't show it? Then you should put on the mask.

Shaxiang seemed to be dissatisfied with the fact that Belen had been wearing a mask before, but now that he heard Belen say that, she seemed even more angry.

Hearing this, Belen couldn't refute anything. He lowered his head in embarrassment and continued to drink tea, which made Shaxiang laugh sarcastically, as if to say "fight me, you are still tender".

"Belen, why are you here today? Even Latier and the others are here." Selika interrupted the awkward atmosphere between the two of them, and then changed the topic.

Belen raised his head and said back: "I'm here to help."


Puddinglan explained: "Senior, this is the case. We asked the senior to guide our swordsmanship, so the senior will come today."

"Guiding swordsmanship? Are you so familiar? It's really reassuring."

Selika was a little surprised. Originally, she thought that Belen's social skills were not good, and she might not be able to deal with the current members of the Sword House. It seems that he has grown a lot over the years.

Shaxiang on the side also entered the topic, putting her cheeks on the back of her hands, and then calmly said: "He probably has an advantage in this respect."

"Hey, why did you say it as if I had nothing else to say? Let me tell you, I got the title of "God of Cooking" a few days ago."

Only Shaxiang’s choking sound can’t be tolerated by Belen. Once he indulges, he will become like a villain like just now and become more vigorous. This is absolutely impossible to retreat!

"Just you? God of cooking? You treat me like I didn't watch..."

Having said this, Shaxiang stopped her mouth suddenly, she stared at Belem blankly, just because she had read the morning paper, she knew what the champion of the "God of Cooking Contest" was like.

"You are the "unstable kitchen knife"? Are you actually the "God of Cooking"?!"

When the figure of the young man in the morning paper corresponded with the guy in front of him, Sha Xiang exclaimed in disbelief.

Seeing that Shaxiang was so surprised, Belen was somewhat proud. He wrapped his hands in front of him, his chin slightly raised, and said indifferently: "Why, doesn't it look like? Do you want to take out the newspaper that day and come back to look right?"

The seven members of Jianjushe also remembered that Belen did introduce himself in this way at the time, but everyone didn’t care very much, but now it seems that the "God of Cooking" is really the "God of Cooking", that " Champion of "God of Cooking Contest"!

"Belen, is your cooking so good?"

Selika also looked at Belen in a little surprised. She also remembered the "God of Cooking Contest", but she didn't expect that the latter even took the title of "God of Cooking" on her head.

"As for cooking, I still have a lot of experience." As he said, Belen also glanced at Shaxiang who was stunned, who was mad at the disdainful eyes.

"The villain is determined!"

"To each other."

At this time, La Tier suddenly curiously said: "Mr. Belen, it turns out that your swordsmanship is really good, can you actually guide them?"

Hearing the question of discord coming out of the side, Belen was also stunned. He didn't really care about it being known by Lattier. Although he wanted to conceal the problem of his own strength, he didn't have to deliberately conceal it, let her know. Maybe it will help in the future?

But just when Belen was full of confidence and wanted to tell Latier about what he was good at kendo, Puddinglan and the others realized one thing.

Senior Belen said before, I don’t want them to know!

Ever since.

"Nothing, Belen-senpai is not good at kendo at all."

"Yes, that's right, it's obviously that we will teach Belén's senior again, Miss Sister, you think about it."

"Don't worry, Belen-senpai really doesn't know how to use a sword."

After hearing the words of Puddinglan, Casey and Garner, La Tier was also stunned. Why did this sound so contradictory? She looked at Belém curiously.


Chapter 283: Night Banquet

At night, La Tier was standing on the roof of the teaching building with Laiya and others. They were enjoying the scenery here. There is no doubt that the higher the place, the farther the view, but even standing here, the seat is completely incomplete. School.

In fact, La Tier had something to worry about. It was about Belem. She remembered the words she said in the Jianjushe yesterday, so she was very concerned.

Probably because I was by Mr. Belém's side, I didn't notice much. After all, Mr. Belém behaved very ordinary in daily life.

After contacting several members of the Sword House Society, La Tier saw the unusual swordsmanship with his own eyes, just like witnessing the battle of the Magister. Those young people of the same age must be very remarkable.

Those people are the students of Flozarno Academy, and even the principal of Celica Academy came to that club. Probably those in the academy are also very outstanding, right?

And what about Mr. Belém?

If Latier is serious about it, perhaps the most outstanding thing is that he is a graduate of Flozarno Academy, and this, until now, she has an aftertaste.

How low the graduation rate of Flozarno Academy is, she has only recently learned that there are probably tens of thousands of enrollees, and there may only be dozens or hundreds of graduates in the end.

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