Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 308

Weilian looked at Kolstein, pursed her lips, as if she wanted to say something, and said after a moment of silence, "Thank you."

Hearing this, Kolstein was also stunned, and then stretched out a hand to pinch his chin, coughed twice, and turned his head away.

"Actually, it doesn't hurt, well, it's broad daylight after all, there's no way."

After saying this, Colesfin waved his hand and turned away. If someone was around, he would probably be able to see that his cheeks are now a little rosy. Could it be that the temperature he made was too high?

This day until noon, countless students have been on the court to compete. For the students of Flozarno Academy, those who came to wait and see were very surprised. How could ordinary people have such extraordinary power at this age? .

Among them, the most interesting students are Kathy, Hualuo and others. They have strength far beyond this age, and many people trained by the imperial military may not have such strength at this age.

At this moment, Selika suddenly stood up from her position, and Saxiang also came to the viewing room at this moment. She glanced at Belem who was drinking water, her eyes sly.

There is a magic pattern on the glass wall, which is amplified for external use, and Selika is standing there at the moment, she is smiling and speaking.

"I believe everyone knows that many of the people who came to the academy festival were graduates from our Flozarno Academy, and most of them have returned to the academy at this moment."

When Selika said this, many people looked at the graduates. On this day, the academy festival began, and the graduates who came back to the academy were not just the sixty-nine period waiting for Belen. The number of graduates, even graduates older than Belen and others, have come here.

"At this moment, there is a person who was very representative in my student days by my side."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the water in Belen's mouth spurted out, and he looked at Selika in disbelief, while the latter looked like he hadn't seen it, but the smile on his face was even greater.

Shaxiang on the side is also not too big of a problem. She puts her hands around her chest and said with a smile: "Dwarf, I have been hiding for so many years. I will show you today."

"I do not want it!"

Belen then knew that he had been led into the pit, they had wanted to do it a long time ago!

Shaxiang sneered and looked at Belem. She had hidden so deeply before, and she had to strip you naked today. She sneered and said, "If you don’t want to go, everyone will be waiting. Latier and the others didn’t come. I asked them to help take care of things. If you don’t play, I’ll call them one-to-one and talk about your previous scandals."

"You are forcing me! This is a threat!"

"Yeah, this is a threat, why, can't you make it?"

Belem was speechless at once.

Selika looked at Belém, and said happily, “Perhaps some graduates still remember his title at the time. Next, please give me a warm welcome. ."


Everyone was stunned by the sudden scene, but they were full of smiles. No one hated this unexpected surprise.

Hearing the incomparable applause, Belen knew immediately that he could not escape. He scratched Selika and Saxiang, then walked out of the viewing room and walked towards the martial arts field through the avenue.

After all, he was very afraid of Shaxiang’s threats. In case Latier and the others knew about some of the unbearable past in his school, that’s terrible, I am afraid that his status at home would not be guaranteed!

When Belen stood on the martial arts arena, countless people opened their eyes. In their memory, the swordsman named "Sword Juer" was wearing a mask.

"He didn't wear a mask!"

Someone exclaimed.

At this moment, not only Amos was dumbfounded, but even the old students sitting in other positions had their eyes widened. Is the delicate young man in the field the second sword??

Although they had guessed countless Jian Juer's face, when they really saw Jian Juer's true face, they felt their eyes brightened. Even the girls' eyes flashed.

Looks, inexplicable, not bad.

"Well, you are the second sword, this one is handsomer than me, it's totally unreasonable."

Amos touched his fists in front of him and shouted fiercely, but these words made the Puding and others on the side a little embarrassed. Brother, how high do you think of yourself?

"Oh, it's not bad."

A girl with long purple hair in the last row smiled slightly, the smile was very touching, but at the moment everyone's attention was focused on the white figure in the field.

"That kid actually looks like this? It's not as good-looking as I thought. This is really great."

"I can't wait to go up and beat him now!"

The voices of many graduates came out, and current students and outsiders were puzzled. The "Sword in the Second" seemed to be unpopular?

Selika smiled again and said: "Since he is on the stage, old friends should also be on the stage. If you want to beat this guy, please do it as you please. Whether it's a heads-up or a group fight, please feel free."

When Belen heard this, his face immediately became stiff. What is this? Do you avenge your personal revenge?But probably not many people want to beat him?

However, the fact is beyond his expectations.

When Selika’s voice fell, countless figures suddenly stood up, and then came to the court one by one. At this glance, there were at least a dozen people, and there were even some people who have not yet come down. Second batch?

"Hey hey hey, it's too much, what do you guys want to do!?"

Seeing Putin and others standing opposite, Belen immediately exclaimed.

Putin spread his hands and said, "No, I just want to beat you."

"Yes, I just want to beat you." Even Kai Le smiled.

Countless old friends are standing together at this moment. There are seniors and sisters from that school period, as well as their own contemporaries, and even juniors and sisters.

"Wait, wait, you guys are not in collusion!?"

Belen saw the bad intentions on the faces of Murphys and others, and he immediately realized the bad times. Then he looked back and saw Celica and Saxiang walking towards him.

Selika was holding her cheek and smiling and said, "So, are you ready, Jian Juji? After many years, it's finally time for us to take revenge."

"Wait, wait! Hit it, and the trouble will come one by one!" Belen yelled in panic.

Shaxiang squeezed her fist and said fiercely: "Who is singled out with you, do you think our posture is going to be singled out with you?"


Is it publicly executed!?

Chapter 295: Golden Age, Swords

At this moment, Belém is staring at the dozen or so people in front of him. This is a joke. How could it be possible to fight this together? These people back then were enough for anyone to eat a pot. , Let alone now, how could he be an opponent alone.

Selika smiled very kindly: "It's not good to bully people so much. Let us see your current strength first, right?"

"I'll come, I'll come!"

Amos took out the purple long knife behind him, and then walked towards Belem with a grin. He laughed and said, "The sword is the second. Although I have always lost to you before, don't think I am the same now. what."


Belen also called out the other's name, and it was the arrival of an old friend. Of course he was happy, but it didn't seem to be the time to be happy now.

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