Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 309

At this moment, everyone on the field was stunned. The situation on the martial arts field does not seem to be one-on-one anymore. Why does it seem to be a group fight?Moreover, how come the head of the school and the secretary general have gone up!?

Jianjushe side.

Puddinglan looked at the senior graduates in the field with some curiosity, and said with a smile: "It seems that Senior Belen made many people feel uncomfortable at the beginning."

"Of course it will be upset."

Hearing these words of Senior Sister Taozi, everyone looked at her curiously.

Taozi stared at the white figure below, smiled and said, "Everyone who can enter this academy has extraordinary talents. The more you stand on a high place, the more you have your own arrogance, even The principal of the school is no exception. However, during the three years of the school, he has been held down by one person. Do you think you will feel comfortable changing it?"

"Is that person Belen-senpai?" Garner was also stunned. Although he knew that among the seniors of the sword house, Belen-senpai was better than Selika academy, but he only knew that it was in kendo.

Taozi stared at the field, opened her lips slightly, and said something that made everyone's eyes wide open.

On the other side of the Black and White Society, at this moment, Hualuo looked at the figure in white in shock, and still murmured, "It turns out that the sword is the second."

And the budding on the side heard this murmur and asked curiously: "Does Senior Sister Hualuo know Senior Belen?"

"Well, probably our third grader was the last to hear about the deeds of that senior." Hualuo nodded slightly, she looked at the figure in white clothes and smiled and said: "I didn't expect to see such a legendary Character."

Hearing the surprise in Hualuo’s words, Germination also asked curiously: "Is Belen-senpai so good!? What great things have happened?"

"Many. For example, in the legend, the deeds of the senior who killed the Demon General in ten steps on the battlefield outside the Great Wall, and..." Hualuo recalled what he knew, then shook his head and said with a chuckle: "All in all, the person we saw was the first person in the golden age of Flozarno Academy."

"The golden age... the first person?"

Jieya looked at the white figure in a little surprise. Was the kind-looking senior turned out to be such a powerful person?

"The first person in the golden age!?"

The people at Jianjushe also opened their eyes wide. When they heard the words of Taozi-senpai, everyone looked at each other. It was hard to imagine that the senior was such a powerful person.

In Flozarno Academy, the top magical academy, there is undoubtedly gathered most of the geniuses of Florentis. In every age of the academy, almost no one can take the lead. After all, they surround themselves. All are geniuses not to be underestimated.

In the golden age, almost no student has ever heard of it. How many talented people came from that era, and in that golden age, there was a so-called strongest person?!

Selika looked at the controversial viewing platform, then looked at Belem with a smile, and said, "Now you are known to everyone."

"So, who thought of this idea?" Belen sighed helplessly, these black-bellied guys.

Selika smiled without saying a word, but this smile made the corners of Belen's mouth twitch slightly. Sure enough, this guy has a black belly, but fortunately, newspaper staff are forbidden to enter here, and there is no worry about his appearance the next day. Spread throughout the empire.

"Don't talk nonsense, Jianju is second, come and fight me quickly! I waited for this but waited a lot better!"

Amers yelled. Obviously, this guy was a little impatient. The purple long knife in his hand enveloped a purple magic power, and the air began to agitate.

"Since you want to fight."

Belen looked at these old friends, and felt an inexplicable mood. Belen, who had never liked shots, was an exception to these old friends. The beginning of getting acquainted with them was a fight!

Thinking of this, Belen closed his eyes, and the full spirit slowly emerged in his heart. He opened his eyes again, and the moment he looked at everyone again, his eyes bloomed quietly, and his hands were long and silver. The sword appeared, and the sword had lines like sharp teeth.

"Come on then, I won't keep my hands."

"Hey, the snow lions are all taken out. It seems that you are serious. That's great, it's just what I want!"

Amers grinned, and then took the lead in attacking. He ran towards Belem, brandishing his purple long knife, leaping in one step, and cutting down towards Belem.

"Forty percent."

He groaned softly in his mouth, and the blood qi in Belen's body surged, and the light blue magic power was covered by clothes, and finally merged into his body.

When the purple long sword fell, Belen did not choose to make it hard. Instead, he immediately retreated a few steps to defeat Amers’ attack, and then he stepped forward again with the sword in both hands, slashing across the direction. The latter.

"Come on!"

Amos laughed, without the slightest fear. When he mentioned the purple long sword, he cut off. The next moment was the collision between the long sword and the long sword, but at the same time, the purple magic suddenly painted a magic pattern between the swords.

"Heavy domain, comprehensive coverage."


An invisible force gushed from the purple long knife, and the gravitational magnetic field unexpectedly came laterally, directly causing Belen to feel great pressure, and then was forced to retreat.

"Haha, where to run."

Amers grinned and laughed. As long as he is not high-level magic, he can generally use the purple long knife to use magic. These years of tempering have finally given him his own magic rule system.

The purple barrier suddenly covered Belém, and then began to compress at extreme speed toward the center. After seeing this scene, Belém's eyes condensed slightly, and the tip of the silver-white long sword named "Snow Lion" punctuated the ground. Condensing the qi on it, concentrated attentively, began to compress at an extremely fast speed, and when the gravity barrier was in front of his eyes, he swung his sword to cut the space apart.

"Sword Skill·People from the other side."

Chapter 296: Group Fight

The momentum of that sword ruptured the space in front of him directly, causing the gravity barrier to disappear indirectly, while Belem stood still with the sword in place.

Amers has also become very strong now.

The contest just now knows that it's just a small fight, nothing more than a trial.

"Snow Lion, haven't seen that sword for a long time."

Looking at the silver-white long sword in Belen's hand, Selika also missed a bit, and she couldn't help but think of the figure holding the sword back then, and at this moment it also naturally overlapped with the person in front of her.

Zona at the back couldn't bear it either, and couldn't help but shout: "I said, Amers, can you do it? I can't help but want to do it."

"No! You wait! I'll win in a while!"

"Who cares about you, beat him!"

Zona no longer cares about Amos continuing to monopolize his opponent. He also has an extra long sword in his hand. You must know that he was the third seat of the Jianju Society.

"Sword ranks second, let you see my growth over the years!"

Zona’s kendo is "square inch kill", which is a very unique kendo. Within that square inch distance, he can do absolute defense. A sword from a square inch is enough to threaten anyone. .

Belén naturally knows this, so he will never go to a close battle with Zona. It is a kind of swordsmanship. It is an unclear domain. Instead of choosing to enter the opponent's domain head-on, it is better to be at a distance. It is easier to defeat him outside.

"Don't hide!"

"Those who don't hide are fools."

Just as Belém repulsed Zona with a long-range offensive, suddenly a round of hour hand appeared at his feet, beginning to bloom with golden brilliance, and then the hour hand began to reverse, and the distance between Belém and Zona suddenly followed the route just now. Shorten away instantly.

"This is... Putin's magic!"

Zona haha ​​laughed, and then the sword suddenly became fierce and slashed to Belen's waist. This was where the latter couldn't resist the sword's edge at this moment.

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