Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 310

And Belen was also taken aback for a moment, and the sword in his hand was too late to resist, but it didn't mean that he could not defend himself. After all, he was not the only one that could stop him.

"Fifty percent."

Belén’s aura rose again and again, his left hand protruded instantly, and his two fingers stood side by side. When Zona’s blade arrived, his fingers stuck on the sword, and the huge force directly caused Zona’s hand and sword to sink directly. He went away, and he took advantage of this point of time to retreat quickly.

Putin rubbed his chin, and said with a grin: "Zona, this is your fault."

Hearing Putin’s words, Zona immediately shouted unconvinced: "Nonsense, can this be blamed on me? You don't know his magic, what can I do with a body stronger than superhuman?"

"Stop talking, beat him together."

Selika also participated in this unilateral beating. She smiled and whispered: "Wooden vine entanglement." Crystal dark green magic flowed through her body.

Say yes!

Numerous wooden vines directly drilled out of the ground and shot towards Belem. In an instant, all his limbs were tied and bound, and the whole person froze in place.

Selika, who possesses life magic, can study many magics of similar attributes, and she just wants to block Belen's actions at the moment.

"beat him!"

"beat him!"

"Beat him to death!"

Countless resentful voices sounded, probably because they remembered the miserable situation of losing to Belen in the academy. That unhappy feeling has been retained until now, and isn't it a good time for revenge?

Seeing the dozens of people rushing in, Belen's eyelids also jumped involuntarily. Today, I am afraid that he is really going to be beaten by a group.

The people on the spectator stage also yelled with the senior graduates below, and the words "beat him" echoed in the audience, not only comedy, but also special...exciting?

Although I don't know why the man in white made so many seniors so angry, but after hearing the voices of so many seniors, I felt that this must be beaten!

Belen grinned, his whole body shook, and his strength directly smashed the wood vines away, lifted the snow lion in his hand, wiped the sword on the blade, and the light blue magic power carried through the long sword, blooming brightly Glorious.

"Elves Sword Dance·Fourth Sound·Dance."

After the words fell, Belen's aura rose again, increasing to his own "60%" state, and then Jian Feng tactfully turned around, and his sword auras practiced three thousand vertically and horizontally, weaving into a sky full of sword aura pools.


The sound of the sword mingled through the audience, and everyone was shocked. The countless faintly visible sword aura shot towards all directions. Zona and others also resisted and retreated at the same time.

"That sword skill..."

Everyone in Jianjushe had their eyes bright. They had never seen a sword skill dominated by sword aura, and they would have such a terrifying power.

All spectators also showed stunned expressions when they saw this scene. The "Swordsman" itself was very strange. I didn't expect to be able to use such a magical sword skill. It is a power that is not magic but better than magic.

"Elves Sword Dance, I haven't seen it for a long time, it's still so powerful."

Seeing the unparalleled sword aura, Selika and others sighed, everyone knows who Belen's teacher is, and this sword skill has caused them to suffer in the academy.

The wizard sword dance is a sword skill created by the contemporary "sword saint". Its moves are displayed as if a sword is dancing. The contemporary "sword saint" is also a member of the elves tribe. Perhaps it is called the wizard sword dance in combination. .

And in this world, perhaps there are only two people who can perform so far, they are "Juggernaut" and her disciple Belen Grean.


Zona and Amos were the first to rush in. The appearance of this death squad is really amazing, but they rushed into the pool of sword energy with their own swords and knives, and then another giant The vines rushed to the ground and directly sent the two into the sky, and the huge vine turned into a big tree in the sky, instantly dispersing the pool of sword energy.

"That is..."

Everyone was shocked by the big sky tree. The dark green fluorescence flowing on it gave people a very mysterious feeling, and they had heard of this magic.

Life Magic·The Birth of the World Tree.


The fluorescence swaying from the big tree in the sky caused countless wooden vines to grow on the ground, and Zona and others stood on the wooden vines, and they approached Belem extremely fast.

Selika was standing on the branch of the tree at the moment, her hands folded in front, and she smiled and looked at the people below. She used this magic mainly to prevent everyone from hurting people outside the court.

Belen looked extremely unnatural, and it seemed that these guys in front of him were serious, and very serious.

Chapter 297: Warm hospitality

Somewhere on the avenue in the school, a girl in a blue-purple priest's uniform was walking slowly, and beside her, a young man was saying something with an extremely aggrieved expression.

"Al, I know I was wrong, don't you stop talking to me!"

Kayel was very uncomfortably following behind the girl.

Immediately afterwards, Al stopped suddenly, then sighed, turned to look at Kayère, and said: "Then you have to promise me that next time you meet with Belém, you will never say bad words."

"Yes, yes, I agree to everything Al said."

Kayère nodded as if pounding garlic, and agreed to Al's request without hesitation.

When Al saw Kayel's perfunctory promise, she sighed and said, "Why can't you be a little mature?"

Kayel's eyes suddenly brightened when he heard this, and he approached Al's side and asked with expectant eyes: "Does Al like more mature men?"

In this regard, Al said indifferently: "Does anyone like naive people?"

"It seems, too."

Kayel rubbed his nose, seemingly embarrassed.


Suddenly there was a huge roar from a distance, which immediately attracted everyone's attention, and Al also turned his head and looked in that direction, and from there came several strong magical powers.

"The activities in the martial arts field have begun? No, you should hurry up and see."

"It is said that the graduates are now discussing with each other, you can't miss it!"

Everyone's comments came in the ears, and then many people ran towards the martial arts field, and Al was also interested when they heard their words.

A discussion among the graduates of Flozarno Academy?

This reminds Al of Belém. Does it mean that Belém will also play?She blinked, and then walked towards the martial arts field without hesitation.

"Al, where are you going?"

"Exhibition field."

In the martial arts field on the other side, the battle has heated up.

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