Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 311

"Hoho, Belen, come and try my new magic!"

Kai Le, known as the "Witch of the Red Lotus", jumped high from the wood vines, her beautiful face with a look of joy, she folded her palms in front of her, and a circular magic pattern appeared. Before you.

"Brilliant twilight, let everything in the world become degenerate. When the dark night is darker, let the red fire shine on the sky and the earth. Blow me up!"


Seven rounds of magical patterns were stacked on top of each other, and a dazzling fire spewed out from it, and finally burst directly as if the inner core collapsed, as if the space was collapsed for it.


A dazzling fire light swept in the direction of Belem, like a meteor outside the sky, the rest of the people consciously avoided, the impact of the explosion spread directly towards the outside of the field, and the sky tree suddenly The green shade was swayed and turned into brilliance to directly block the field, so that the blasting impact was completely resisted.

"You are too cruel! Are you going to kill me!?"

Seeing Kaile actually used such an exaggerated magic, Belen was also shocked, but at this moment the magic had already fallen, and he could only choose to block it.

Increased to 70%!

The light blue flame on his body began to burn. At this moment, Belen directly chose to do his best. He was even surprised to find that he could already reach this state on his own. This was only possible for him during the academy period. And he who lacked exercise these years should be unable to do it.

So the reason, probably because of the gift given by the creature that is suspected to be the wood elves by Ilia?

"That power, Belen is serious."

Selika stood on the trunk and looked at the figure in white. When she felt the majestic strength at the top of the big tree in the sky, there was a wonderful light in her eyes.

Looking at the huge meteor that came, Belen was full of concentration and stared at the thing that came with all his heart, and then his eyes suddenly became sharp, holding the sword in both hands, a gesture of decisiveness, an awe-inspiring momentum came into being. , When the flaming meteor was approaching, he held the sword in both hands and cut down.

Vientiane creates life, no-mind fits.

"Sword skill, one sword cuts a decisive decision."

The sword seemed to break through the sky, and in an instant there was a glimpse of sword light. The moment the firelight meteor arrived, it was directly divided into two halves, and then turned into firelight and disappeared instantly.


That sword qi directly cut off a sturdy branch of the big tree in the sky, turning it into a little bit of crystal-clear green magic light, rising into the air and disappearing.

"That's... no-mind fit."

At the location of Jianjushe, Taozi suddenly stood up at this moment. She looked at the white figure in shock. Her kendo was "Non-Mind Fit", so she felt the kendo contained in that sword in an instant.

The sword that Belen had slashed out was beyond what she could understand now. The mindlessness of that sword was as quiet as the sea, and the fit of that sword could open up mountains and seas!

"Senior Taozi..."

"Senior Belen, he is too strong!"

At this moment, everyone's eyes widened, and they didn't expect that Senior Belen, who had displayed his true strength, was so strong that he would cut such magic with a single sword.

Just after Belen exhaled, his eyes became clear again, but the next moment, he was sweating suddenly, because a tall figure wearing glasses suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Dwarf, what do you see."

It was Shaxiang that appeared in front of him. Her magic attribute was power multiplier. At this moment, her fist had already been thrown out, but when it was about to fall on Belem's abdomen, she stopped one minute before that, but The fist wind swept out, directly knocking him out.

That kind of power is too big, as if a punch has smashed all the unhappiness in my heart!


Belen’s figure flew out, hitting the edge of the martial arts field like a cannonball, and was directly shot out of a hole. The whole person was sunk in, but he coughed slightly, with lingering fears. This style of fist has such great power, if it is implemented, wouldn’t it be...

There is no doubt that if that punch is implemented, it can definitely cause him harm, even if he is in a 70% state, it is inevitable.

"Huh, it's comfortable."

Sha Xiang twisted her waist and looked at the figure embedded in the wall cheerfully, but she hadn't punched this guy for years.

At this moment, all the audience was stunned. This was more like a real battle than the exchange of performance styles. Oh no, it was a unilateral beating.

"Hey hey hey, is Jian Ju Er okay? It won't work if it doesn't."

There was a young girl with purple hair standing in the distance. There were countless huge ice cones on top of her head, facing the direction of Belen.

"Jonna, don't talk nonsense with him, beat him!"

Seeing the girl with purple hair, Morpheus greeted with a big laugh.

"Enough for him to eat a pot."

The purple-haired girl called Jonna also smiled slightly, her hand swayed slightly, and the countless huge ice cones flew directly towards Belem.

Say yes!

After countless ice cones blasted directly into the wall, everyone was taken aback, why didn't they respond?And Selika on the big tree was also stunned, and then showed a worried look, but when she wanted to see the situation, she suddenly felt a sharp momentum.


All the ice cones shattered at that moment, and a figure in white clothes slowly walked out, Belen's face was already very unhappy at the moment.

Belen squeezed the palm of his hand, and then looked at the dozen or so old friends in front of him with a very shabby smile. His voice at this moment was a bit gritted.

"Okay, you are still the same unexpectedly, so you owe it to clean up."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, everyone present was violent.

"beat him!"

Chapter Two Hundred and Nineteenth: Qiao Enna, Magic, Continuous

When he heard what Belen said, even Putin grinned and showed a smile, and the face of the delicate Zhengtai also appeared angry.

"Okay, I finally showed my true colors."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, beat him!"

"This guy is the same."

The fuse is on the verge of triggering, and the smell is pervasive. Everyone no longer keeps their hands at this moment. The main purpose of everyone's joint efforts today is to beat this guy fiercely. The school has been bullied by this guy for three years.

"Come on, let me see what you have made in recent years."

Belen also let go. His strength has been maintained at the state of "70%", and his body has recovered to the level of the academy period. It is not difficult to maintain a longer time, just It's just to bear the pressure.

"The fierce flames of the Phoenix Flame, the cool breeze of the barren land, in this world of dust, the scorching wind flutters and annihilates the gloom and haze."

The purple-haired girl called Jonna was launching a combination of magic at the moment, and it was very difficult to launch this spell by herself, and the audience was stunned.

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