Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 324

"Princess? What are you talking about?"

At this moment Taozi was also stunned, she didn't have this line in her impression.

"The Devil and I truly love each other, you can leave!"


The "Brave" and "Devil" on the stage were stunned. What's the matter, but besides them, the audience's eyes brightened.

Huh?This plot can have!

At this moment, Sisya was also stunned, and she muttered to herself: "Can you still do this?"

"No, no, princess! Your father has already betrothed you to me!"

Taozi has also broken away from the lines at this moment, but her implication is "Did you forget the plot, it should be this direction!".

However, Jieya seemed to have decided to go her own way. She covered her chest with one hand, and then waved one hand to the Demon King Hualuo, shouting with a full voice.

"No, I won't go back with you, it's not the life I decided, I don't want it! The person I love is the devil, and she is my favorite! So, brave man, please leave!"

Hualuo was dumbfounded for a long time, and she didn't know how things turned out to be like this, and then when she noticed Jieya's sly gaze, she immediately shivered, and then quickly shifted her gaze to look at Taozi Brave.

"Brave, brave! If you want to take away the princess, you have to pass my level!"

Forcibly reversed the plot.

"Then let's see who is stronger, look at the sword, devil!"

The Taozi brave simply no longer cares about the budding princess, and directly rushed to the castle with his sword, and then started a earth-shattering battle with the Demon King Hualuo.

The final winner, of course, is Peach Warrior.

However, Princess Jieya started crying with compassion and pity, then threw herself into the arms of Demon King Hualuo, and tried her best to hug her.

"No! Devil, you can't die! You are dead, what should I do!"

But the Demon King Hualuo was a black line, pushing the bud without a trace, trying to push this guy away, but he couldn't push it away.

At this time, Taozi Brave couldn't stand it anymore, feeling that the plot was going off track, and quickly said: "Princess, princess, the devil is dead, we should..."

"No! The devil is dead, my heart is dead, I want to go with her!" Jieya shouted, and then lifted the cheek of the Demon King Hualuo, the beautiful face showed a gentle color , And the playfulness in that eye made the "dead" Demon King Hualuo scared.

"Before you die, please accept this."

Under the gaze of the crowd, Jieya slowly lowered her head like this, and then let her lips touched under the sight of countless pairs of eyes widened, and the eyes of the Demon King Hualuo immediately rounded, as if a corpse.

"This, this..."

The corners of Belen's mouth twitched slightly. He probably could see two things clearly. Sprouting was probably the same kind of person as Flotti, and also, judging from Taozi's expression, probably the original plot was completely gone.

Bang bang bang.

Applause broke out, many people stood up and applauded, and some even began to cry. For example, the true brave man beside Belem was already crying.

"Too touching, too touching."

At this moment, it was not only Belem, but even Leia had already seen everything, and the two of them stared dumbly at the kissing figure on the stage.

Chapter 311: Lilies bloom?

"This stage play is so good!"

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't expect the princess to love the Demon King so deeply, it's so touching."

"Sure enough, love can cross races."

After the end of the stage play "The Brave and the Princess" by Jianjushe, this has undoubtedly become the number one topic today, but what is most concerning is whether the last kiss on stage is a real kiss or a fake kiss?

Probably, apart from the parties who watched the stage play, only Belem and Laya noticed a little bit. Didn’t everyone find that the story digressed?

This should be changed to Demon King and Princess!

After the curtain ends, in the background.

At this moment, Hualuo was sitting on the chair with his eyes blank, and the light armor on his body had not been taken off, just sitting there blankly, his mind was blank.

Her first kiss was gone.

There is no doubt that the last is a real kiss.

The original plot was clearly that she was defeated by the brave as the demon king, and then the princess happily went back to marry the brave. This is the ending of their stage play. How come the princess and the demon are dead in the end?

But in fact, only Taozi and the other members care about this at present. As for Hualuo's focus, it is not here at all. She can still feel the moisture on her lips now.

At this time, Taozi had put her clothes back on again, and she came to Hua Luo's side, then raised her hand, sighed and patted the latter on the shoulder.

"Be more open."

No, no, no, how could I think about it.

After a long time, Hualuo finally recovered a little energy. She stood up in silence, then went to the dressing room to take off the light armor on her body and put on her own clothes.

After Hualuo walked out, he stood there numbly, leaning back against the door, not knowing what he was thinking, and at this moment, a figure came to her.

"Sister Hualuo?"


Shocked by the figure that suddenly popped out, Hua Luo's eyes gradually recovered their brilliance. After seeing the budding in front of him clearly, the whole person suddenly became bad and his complexion turned red.

"You, do you know what you did!?"

The budding who was suddenly yelled showed a pitiful look. She asked softly, "Sister Hualuo, did I do something wrong?"

"Of course!"

Hualuo nodded angrily.

And Jieya rolled her eyes, and then said: "But, but people think that the plot is very good, I just heard the praise outside, don't senior sister Hualuo think this is bad?"

"I... the praise of the stage play is of course a good thing, but, but, you suddenly do that, it's not good at all!" Hualuo said with some shame.

"Which way to do it? I think the plot reversal is very powerful." Jieya didn't care very much.

Hua Luo immediately shouted: "Where am I talking about this!"

"What is the senior sister talking about?" Jieya blinked, as if she didn't know anything.

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