Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 325


Hualuo was speechless at once, he had to tell him what he was kissing, he couldn't do it!

But shortly afterwards, Germination leaned directly in front of Hualuo, and then touched the latter's lips like a dragonfly, and then smiled.

"Senior sister is talking about this?"

Hua Luo instantly covered her mouth, her face flushed as if she was about to bleed, she looked at the school girl two years younger than herself in disbelief.

How can you be so bold!?

"Don't the senior sister like it?" Jieya said softly in Hua Luo's ear.

Hua Luo's ears suddenly numb, and she subconsciously pushed the buds away directly, and then wiped the mouth with the back of her hand, looking at the latter in shame.

"How can you do this!?"

Hearing this, Germination asked curiously: "Does the senior sister have a boyfriend?"

"How could it be!" Hualuo looked at Budding very shamefully.

Ever since, Jieya smiled with her hands on her back, feeling like an innocent girl, and said something shocking. She said, "Senior sister, why don't you be your lover with me?"

"Huh!? Me, this..."

Warlow immediately lost his language organization ability, his eyes were dull, and he lost the ability to think for a while, as if he could not understand what the school girl was talking about.

"actually, I..."

During this period of time, Jieya smiled and opened her mouth, her mouth was moving, as if she was saying something, and all this was probably heard by Hualuo.

Finally, in this passage where only two people were present, Hualuo gradually recovered. She looked at the bud, and finally said: "I'm sorry, please give me some time."

Hearing what Hualuo said, a disappointed radiance appeared in Budding's eyes, and her luster was a little dim, but she still showed a sweet smile.

"I know."

So Hualuo nodded, and after taking a look at Jieya, her eyes were a little complicated, she turned and ran out, probably trying to escape something.

In the passage, Germination stood in place. After a long time, she lowered her head, then sat down and buried her head in the gap surrounded by her arms, as if she was muttering something.

"Senior Sister..."

Compared to what happened here, the other side is completely different.

Long after the end of the stage play, Belen and others are walking in the academy, wandering around, after all, there are so many delicious and fun things to try.

At this moment, Sisiya was in a low mood, and Belen on the side knew her emotional state, but he also felt very speechless about this.

For the real brave man, the frustration in his heart has not disappeared because of the results of the stage play just now, because ah, although the brave survived, the princess was willing to die with the demon king. How can this be a victory?

Therefore, Sisiya is a little sad now, and this is a bit inexplicable in Belen's eyes, she is the real brave man, but she is lost because of this stage play.

"Sisya, haven't you recovered yet?"

Hearing what Belén said, Sisia raised her head and looked at the former, her eyes were complicated and her expression was a little sad. She said, "Someone is scolding me."

"Ah? What's the matter?" Laya was also taken aback when he heard the words, why was she scolded?

Sisya didn't know where to put her hands. She lowered her head and said: "I just heard some people say that I killed the princess and the devil and ruined a beautiful marriage."

Hearing Sisiya's words, Belen and Laya looked at each other, both seeing the helplessness in each other's eyes. The true Lord Brave would feel disappointed by this kind of thing, really...

So, the legendary Lord Brave is such a girl, is it really okay?

Chapter Three Hundred and Twelve: The Girl Who Lost Vitality

The school festival has been held until the seventh day. In a week, more and more people came to the school festival, and the daytime is a busy time, as long as the day passes through the day, it ends after 6 o’clock in the evening. It will be easy and happy.

On Belém’s side, because there are two small cats and a food elf, their group is wandering in the food all day.

There is no charge for events in the school festival, but it records the number of people or the number of sales. The number of admissions and the number of sales are equivalent to the turnover, and the turnover will be calculated proportionally to the entrance points, so it is so busy. After all, you have to graduate to upgrade, but you have to save a lot of credits.

There is no cheating in the school festival of Flozarno Academy, because there may be something watching in an invisible place. Anyway, no one is stupid enough to cheat, because the consequences are not as simple as dropping out. of.

"Eh eh! Take a walk, take a look! Freshly baked and fried food, take a look!"

"Ms. gentleman, would you like to take a look at our newly developed magic picture book."

Every day of the school festival is extremely lively, and most of the people who enter this magic school are not short of money, but they are not in the slightest different from the business staff in the shop outside.

For the credits, there is enough to fight. Some nobles don't care about their identity at all. As long as they can win over guests, they will be happy.

At least in a few trays selling food, Latier and the others have provided countless help, and a shop can even walk in no less than three times.

"Big brother, that, I want to eat."

"Brother will buy it for you."

After a little greedy cat explained his wishes, another little greedy cat also jumped out and said with a smile: "Mr. Belen, I want to eat too."

"Then two copies?" Belen looked at Ilia and Laiya again, but the two shook their heads, probably because they didn't want to eat.

Following the direction that Latis pointed, Belen walked over, and was shocked when he saw the family selling tofu, and then stepped forward to say hello.

"Sprout, Adeline."

Hearing someone calling their names, Yeeya and Adeline both looked up and said hello after seeing Belem, "Senior Belem."

But Sprout suddenly rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Senior Belen, would you like some tofu?"

"Well, two copies." Belen nodded.


As a result, the sprouts immediately baked the tofu, and Belém looked around and asked curiously: "Doesn't it usually require three people for business? There is one who ran to be lazy?"

Hearing Belen's words, Germination's body trembled slightly. She did not look up, as if looking at the tofu, she did not speak, and Adeline on the side responded to Belen's questions.

"The other is Senior Sister Hualuo, but..."

At this point, Adeline stopped suddenly. She looked at Jieya. Since the stage play, the friends of Jianjushe who probably met the latter could have noticed that Jieya's emotions were not right.

"Senior sister probably has something urgent to do, it doesn't matter." Jieya said calmly.

The subtle weird atmosphere in these words is impossible for Belen to even realize it. He looked at the pink-haired girl who was roasting tofu with his head down. The latter is not as active as before, but as for what, he probably Can also imagine.

Siye and Flotti are the same kind of people. Belem is almost certain about this, but he doesn't care about this kind of thing very much, but for some people it may be different.

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