Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 334

The magic power on Hardy's body didn't seem to be broken, but blood spattered from his body. Finally, a trace of the shirt was split and it was broken by its blood, and the magic power on his body also faded at this moment.


Seeing this scene, Hellis' pupils also shrank suddenly. She didn't expect Hardy to lose so quickly and so thoroughly. She didn't see anything at all for that sword. Then, she wanted to use magic. , But the whole body is as cold as falling into an ice cellar.

Because, beside her, there is already a girl with black hair and fluttering black hair. The sword is placed on her neck, and the sharpness is looming. Hellis has not dared to move any more. At this moment, her mind In throbbing, I couldn't believe that this girl would be so strong.

Are the sword houses in Flozarno Academy actually such monsters?

Chapter 321: The Magic of Sprouting


On the trail near the creek, the two figures were constantly fighting back the colorful magic. Although there were dozens of enemies, they were still resisted by the two.

Hua Luo was controlling the endless flowers with both hands, and behind her, Jieya was holding a long sword in his hand, and the sword was surrounded by "qi", and all the magic from the attack was cut off by it.

"This is not the way to go."

Looking at the maidens who were on the offensive more and more fiercely, even if there were budding, Hua Luo still felt the tremendous pressure, and repeatedly regenerated the flowers, she had consumed a lot of magic power.

"Senior sister, don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Jieya showed a smile to Hualuo, her eyes didn't have the usual cunning color, she was serious and confident, and she could hear it in her voice.

Sister, why don't you be your lover with me?

Hearing the words of Budding, Hualuo couldn't help but echo the words in her mind. A blush appeared on the white cheeks as white as suet. She pursed her lips, and then murmured.

"Obviously I am the senior."

And Jieya seemed to hear Hualuo's words on the side. She was startled slightly, and then cleverly approached Hualuo's side and said with a smile: "Then senior sister won't hurt me, right?"

Hearing this, Hualuo said very seriously: "Of course."

"Then..." Jieya came to Hualuo's ear again, her voice soft and charming: "If the senior sister rejects them, they will also be hurt."

Hearing these very ambiguous words, Hualuo suddenly became numb all over, completely forgetting that she was in a dangerous situation now, and she groaned: "Say these things again."

"Yes, yes, don't say anything."

Compared with the previous retreat, the current situation has made Hualuo very happy.

Hualuo snorted, glanced at Germination, and glanced at the gunpowder in the distance. He could imagine that chaos in the academy was probably already in a mess, and he couldn't stay here any longer. He had to gather members of the Black and White Society as soon as possible.

"Sprout, I'm going to use large-scale magic. After trapping them, we immediately left to go to the teaching area."

Hearing Hualuo's words, Jieya stretched out her hands helplessly: "Senior sister is really gentle, even these enemies can't bear to hurt them."

"What are you talking about."

Jieya shook her head and said, "They are enemies. It is not a good thing for us to let them go, so let me come, at least so that they can no longer act."


So, without waiting for what Hualuo said, the budding stepped away. The sword in her hand was dyed with a dark red brilliance, and even the lovely pink hair looked a bit coquettish at this moment, and her pupils had a round. Dark red surrounds.

The corners of Germination’s mouth evoked a strange arc, and there was a heart-stirring madness in that smile. At this moment, the girl seemed to be in a terrifying state, exuding a dangerous aura, even behind her. Hualuo also felt the strangeness.

Looking at the figure, Hualuo also frowned slightly. She knew that the magic power of Budding was fanaticism. It was a magic power that could make herself enter a state of extreme excitement. She would gradually lose her mind. All in all, it was very dangerous.

She knew that the seven members of the Jianjushe were all very special geniuses. All they possessed were limited magical powers, and they specializing in kendo coupled with their flexible use of their magical powers were incredibly strong. .

Hualuo, who is most familiar with Budding, naturally knows how dangerous the magic of the former is, because as time goes by, the more difficult it is to remove the magic.

But at the same time, budding in this state is the strongest.

The budding in the fanatic state, even the physical fitness has been greatly enhanced, although the reason is lost, the "natural" kendo is branded in the heart, and the "natural" kendo in this state is what it is. The most pure and flawless.

"Sword Skill·Elegant Sword"

The dark red figure disappeared in the same place in an instant, leaving only a heavy footprint in the same place. Her figure wandered like a ghost among the witches, and dozens of sword lights suddenly appeared. , As if many swords were cut out in an instant.


After the sword sounded, even the wailing sound was not heard, a trace of afterimages suddenly gathered in front of Hualuo, the dark red figure came slowly, and the girl's face was wearing an innocent smile. , The dark red brilliance gradually faded.

"Senior sister, shall we go?"

"Ah good."

Allowing Yuya to hold his hand, when he left, Hualuo looked back with lingering fears, his mind gradually awake, and his pupils gradually enlarged.

More than 30 people fell to the ground.

"Senior sister, don't worry, I just made them faint, but even if they wake up, it will take a long time to get out of bed." Jieya smiled and looked back at Hualuo, with a little devil's demeanor.

At the moment near the dormitory building.

"Have you all retreated?"

After Colsfin knocked out the last witch, he also took a breath, and then looked at the students of the discipline team who was fighting with him.

The student of the Feng Discipline team looked around next week, then nodded, and said, "Except for the president who is still on the front line, they probably have already retreated. We should also go."


Hearing what the other party said, Korsfin was also startled when he heard the words. He frowned, then turned around and walked towards the natural area behind the dormitory.

"Where are you going! It's time to retreat!"

"Isn't there someone still left."

Leaving this sentence, the figure walked into the corner and disappeared into the sight of the Fengji team student.

At the foot of the mountain, a figure covered with blue radiance stood there, like a lotus flower in a lotus pond set off by the radiance of the night moon.

This position is one of the main roads that the witches pass, so the number of witches is particularly large, but now there is one person blocking it.

Willian Alice.

This blue-haired girl exudes a very powerful magic power. Compared with the magical power in the daytime, it is like a majestic river and sea that cannot be seen by waves.

It is the night now, Yeyue’s brilliance is bright and bright, and Weilian’s magic power is getting stronger and stronger with the passage of time. Her current magic power has surpassed that of Hualuo, who is inherently strong in magic power. , At this moment, Weilian is already the first student in this era of the academy.

Facing the incoming witch, Weilian just raised her hand, and the silver-blue magic power followed, and the endless magic power gradually condensed.

"The brilliance of Yeyue has cast an indestructible wall of light."

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