Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 335


A huge wall of light was condensed into shape, and the endless magic was completely destroyed with the momentum of overwhelming, and several witches were all shaken away.

"President, are you having a good time?"

After Weilian stopped her hand, a laugh came from behind. She looked back and saw that a familiar young man was walking towards her slowly and waving his hand.

"Good night, but it's time to retreat now."

Chapter 322: Oshodol

Hearing what Kolstein said, Weilian nodded slightly and waved her hand to disperse the huge light wall. She was not in love with war, but her task was only to cover the students behind.

"Oh, it's like a change of person at night, I don't usually meet you at night."

Colesfin came to Weilian's side and looked at the girl in front of him with a smile, but the latter gave him a faint look, with an indifferent expression.

"Not leaving yet."

"Oh, let's go."

For Weilian's cold temperament, Kolsifen is already quite familiar. After all, they are all so familiar. Well, maybe they are very familiar, right?

But when the two were about to leave, Weilian suddenly stopped, and Kolstein was also taken aback for a moment. When he wanted to ask in doubt, he suddenly frowned, and the two turned slowly. Turn around.

"Oh, I ran into an amazing student when I came out."

A young girl in a black gothic dress walked out from nowhere, like a ghost from nowhere. Her body was covered with black magic, deep and terrifying.

The moment he saw the woman in the black dress, Kolstein clenched his fists subconsciously, and the magic of his whole body began to guard, his eyes were very solemn.

This person is very strong!

No, it is unimaginably powerful!

This was the first impression. It came from her own magic power. The oppression given by the other party was so heavy, and Weilian felt the same way. Rather, she felt more pure at night than Kolstein.

And this woman in black dress is the core member of "Scourge", Oshoor. She came here and wanted to relax. After all, she was silent for a long time in order to heal her injuries, and she was already panicking idle!

Oshoor couldn't help but ran out after Jialuofen returned. She has never been to Flozarno Academy in the future, and now she wants to see it.

Sure enough, there was a surprise when he came out. Looking at the girl's clothing, it was probably a student's costume. Does it have such a huge magic power as a student?

"who are you!"

Kolsfin stared at Oshoor and couldn't help but ask, is this unknown and powerful existence a core member of the "Scourge" organization?

Oshodol looked at Kolstein and said with a smile: "Can't you see it? Big sister, I am a "natural disaster" person. By the way, the purpose of coming here is simply to kill."

To kill, who to kill?Korsfin knew this well.

"Okay, let's go with you two, otherwise there will be no chance?"

Oshoor is no longer nonsense. She tilted her hands on her hips, tilted her head, and smiled at the two young men in front of her. She didn't care what their identities were. She just wanted to kill some people.

"Wait, you run first."

Colesfin did not look at Weilian, but this sentence was undoubtedly spoken to the girl next to him. His eyes were staring at the woman in the black dress, and there was a glowing magic power rising from him.

Hearing Kolstein's words, Weilian glanced at him faintly, and then walked towards Oshoor in silence. The silver-blue magic spread from her feet, like ripples on the surface of the lake.

"The night and moon in the sky, the blue ice, will cover the sky and the earth with your brilliance and icy cold on this deep night, sweep away the haze of the world, and punish the world for being extremely evil."


The spreading waves of magic power turned into huge magical array patterns on the ground, directly surrounding Oshoor in the center of the array. The shape was like a bright moon, and the surrounding lights were like flying fireflies.

"You are too weak now, you run first." Willian walked to the front of Kolstein, without looking back at him, but a voice came.

Hearing this, Kolstein grinned, a little helpless, but it was hard to refute anything.

"Huh? Very powerful magic."

Oshoor smiled slightly when she felt the surging magic power, but she was not nervous, and her smile fell in the eyes of Willian and Kolstein with a bad premonition.

As a result, Weilian immediately activated the magic circle, and the silver-blue luster began to emerge from the ground, and the light appeared at once, the power contained in it was enough to blow the mountain top.

I saw Oshoor’s figure floating, and a round of black magic converged on the tip of his right toe, and then lightly fell on the ground. A round of black hole rapidly expanded in all directions with her as the center. The explosion of magic power was all swallowed away, and the brilliance was completely covered in pitch black.


After seeing this scene, Korsfen also opened his eyes wide, and Weilian's magic circle was swallowed up so easily, without threatening the other party at all!


Weilian frowned slightly after seeing her magic circle directly swallowed. She knew that she could never be the opponent of that black dress woman.

"Want to run?"

Seeing Willian and Kolstein turn around and ran, Oshoor smiled evilly. She raised her palm, and the black magic power converged into a black hole and then became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a substantial The black hole was full of endless devouring power. She waved her hand, and the huge black hole shot towards the two of Weilian.

As soon as that endless swallowing force appeared, countless objects around were all attracted away, but the tiles were shattered into powder and sucked into the black hole at the moment of approaching, and it even caused the weather to change and the wind The masterpiece, as if the clouds in the sky are being destroyed.


The two looked back and saw the black hole that was getting closer and closer, and they stopped at the same time. Weilian frowned and stood in front of Kolstein, her slender hands with silver-blue brilliance.

Seeing the blue-haired girl standing in front of him, Korsfin suddenly opened his eyes, his mind went blank, staring blankly at the back in front of him.

What do you want to do?


The magic power in Weilian's body was all working. After feeling that the people behind her were not moving, she immediately shouted, which was probably the biggest sound she had made these days.


From the perspective of the current situation, it is obviously very dangerous. All the students have retreated at this moment. Only Weilian and him stay here. And now it is night. Korsfin, who has the magic of the "sun", can be said to be unable to perform How much power, in this case, he can't help at all.

So, run?

Perhaps running away is the most correct decision, otherwise both of them will die.

In Kolfin’s eyes, the black hole is getting bigger and bigger, and it will undoubtedly come to him in a few seconds. At this moment, a picture of Weilian being swallowed by darkness appeared in his mind. He subconsciously Reach out.


No, you can't die!

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