Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 350

"I have found a few magic circles that can trap the "brave", but the layout is very complicated, and it takes about two days at the earliest."

Qiao Enna pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Two days? Maybe. Although I don't know when the "natural disaster" will strike again, you can give it a try."

"Then, without further ado, start immediately."

Although it is late at night, but now there is a moment of survival of Flozarno Academy. The sixty-ninth graduates have made a decision to guard it.

After Qiao Enna and others left and began to prepare, Belen looked at Al and said, "You still need you in the next battle, so go and rest first."

Hearing this, Al nodded, and then asked, "What about you?"

"I have something to tell Selika, and I will leave later." Belen explained.

So, Al left with Kayel, and Kayel glanced at Belen when he left, and seemed to want to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

At this moment, only Selika and Belem were left in the office, and the former was looking at the latter. After staring for a while, before the latter could speak, Selika sighed.

"Don't you want to resist Sisia by yourself?"


After being seen through by Selika, Belen was also stunned. Then he nodded and said: "Even if Vernie's magic circle can be set up successfully, it will be bad if you can't trap Sisia. Up."

For two days, I don’t know if the "Scourge" is still attacking during this period, but everyone has no idea about the magic circle that Vernie said. After all, they don't know how powerful the "Brave" is. .

"Didn't you have lost once?" Selika looked at the white man in front of her.

Hearing this, Belen couldn't refute it either. He was silent for a while and continued: "I know I can't win, but my situation is much better now than it was then. If you just stop Sisia, you might be able to do it."

It is not shameful to admit that you can't win. After all, in this world, who would dare to say that he can win the brave man who is "like a god".

If you want to repel the "natural disaster", the most conservative thing is not to spread the combat power of Putin and others to the "brave" side, after all, the strength of the latter is simply inestimable.

If the magic circle arranged by Verney fails as the first guarantee, then a second guarantee is needed, at least to delay the time until the battle of the school side is won.

Selika, who closed her eyes, thought for a long time, and finally sighed, then opened her eyes and looked at Belem. There was no other way at this moment.

"so be it."

Chapter 338: What can I be proud of?

On this day, all the defensive measures were set up, and Verney was setting up a magic circle. Because it was impossible to judge the route of the "Brave", she set it up in the most likely place at once.

When setting up the magic circle, Vernie worked with Jonna. After all, what she wanted to set up was a magic circle that she thought could trap the "brave". The magic power required was extremely large, while Jonna's magic power was infinite. Yes, so she became the best teammate.

Although the defensive measures have been prepared, everyone in the academy still dare not relax, after all, it is possible to encounter sudden attacks from "natural disasters" at any time.

Two days have passed since the attack by the "natural disaster", and outside voices couldn't reach it at all, but it must have attracted the attention of the imperial capital, and this incident was enough to shake the entire kingdom.

At this moment, everyone in the academy is not very concerned about whether there is any action from the outside world. From the current situation, it is better to protect yourself with your own hands.

On the roof of the teaching building, Belen was sitting at the highest point at the moment. He couldn't see what it looked like outside the barrier, but it should have been out of shape.


Belen clenched his fist, but then released it again. He sighed helplessly. The witches of the "natural disaster" did these things, probably just trying to fight for a living space for himself.

In the war between the witches and the Holy See countless years ago, the witches were defeated. Since then, they have been chased and killed by the people of the Holy See.

They want to subvert the status of crossing rats, and perhaps the only thing that can achieve this goal is war?But many people will die in war.

Belen has never felt disgusted with witches, and not everyone is afraid and disgusted with witches. His reason is because of a girl who was the first girl adopted by him, although the latter is even better than him. One year older.


How are you doing now?

Belen looked at the somewhat hazy sky, the sun was still visible, and his mind began to recall the past, and the corners of his mouth were also involuntarily raised slightly, revealing a faint smile.

"Mr. Belen!"

Suddenly hearing the calls of familiar people, Belen also recovered his senses immediately. He turned his head and looked, and saw Latier and the others walking towards him.

Laya came to Belém's side and looked down. She smiled and said, "Mr. Belém, what are you doing? Isn't it a peeking at a girl?"

"Not at all."

Belen was a little dumbfounded.

Ever since, the four girls sat down next to Belen, with a gentle wind blowing across their faces, very comfortable. They looked at the people walking below, but there did not seem to be any cheerful atmosphere. After all, the current situation Don’t allow everyone to be so happy.

Ratil asked in a daze, "Mr. Belém, can we survive?"

"What silly thing to say?" Belen was helpless, he said: "Don't worry, I will never hurt you, this time I will definitely spend it without incident."

Hearing Belen’s words, La Tier responded softly, and then after a moment of silence, he said again: "Mr. Belen, I know you must be very good. Is it because of us that you keep suppressing yourself? ."

Hearing that, Belen looked at La Tier, but he didn't expect the child to think so.

In La Tier’s heart, Belen has always been a very mysterious person. He can know so many powerful characters and graduated from the first magic school in the empire, but in daily life, except for cooking, he does not reveal anything. Show any outstanding appearance.

She knew that Mr. Belém was worried about them, so he had not shown any supernatural side. Although she was very moved, she was also a little guilty.

Because of them, Mr. Belén, who has power, has been suppressing himself. Isn't this feeling like a bird with wings but not letting it fly?

After apologizing, Latil was still afraid. If he had to use his power, Mr. Belen would be the same for the past two days and could not be with them.

Is it a conflict to use strength and company by their side?

Therefore, La Tier wondered which side of her guilt and worries was heavier, and she actually had the answer in her heart. She even felt that it was a bit selfish, but she did not want Mr. Belen to leave them, even if the price was Bei. Mr. Lun no longer uses power.

Seeing the sullen and entangled look on La Tier's face, Belen was also stunned for a while, and finally, he came back to his senses, feeling a little warm in his heart.

The child felt that he was dragging him down, but in fact, it was not like that, because his original intention was to stop using those powers. Avoiding the noise of the world was actually his long-term pursuit, although the present world is not satisfactory. Like now, I was involved in trouble again.

Now that he has the power, there is no need to give it up, but Belém uses it to protect his family. As for whether he can use that power, he doesn't care very much. After all, the ultimate goal is not all companionship. Are you by their side?

Belen stretched out his hand and rubbed the head of the girl with cat ears, with a slight smile on his face: "Don't think too much, usually you don't use those powers just because it's unnecessary, not everyone's sake. Oh?"

Ratil raised his head, fluttering with the cat's pupil and asked, "Really?"

"of course it's true."

Hearing this, Latier fell into silence. After a while she looked at Belém again, and said with a serious face: "Actually, I also really want to see Mr. Belém's handsome side."

"Huh?" Belen was stunned.

Latier blinked and smiled, "Isn’t it a cool thing to be able to use a very powerful power? If Mr. Belém can use that power to win a championship or something, I’m I will be extremely proud of this!"

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