Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 351

"That's it...what an accident." Belen also smiled slightly, and he scratched his hair.

Laya on the side also responded: "Mr. Belém, occasionally do something that everyone can be proud of. Isn't it cool?"

What can make everyone proud of?

Belen raised his head thoughtfully and looked up to the sky. Although he and Latier said that, in fact, he really often avoids situations where his power is useful.

And now, what Latier and Laya said at the moment made him very concerned. If his power can do something that they are proud of, it might be really cool.

What to doSave the world?

Chapter 329: Here Comes

On this day, the current head of the Flozarno Academy issued an order. In the afternoon, all the main combat forces were dispatched, and the array was directly sent to the space leading to the "natural disaster", hiding it nearby.

Earlier, last night.

When everyone heard Selika's thoughts, they were all taken aback.

"Preemptive strike?"

Selika added a piece of sugar to the coffee, and then slightly nodded and said, "Yes, Vernie’s magic circle has been completed to the final stage, and Jonna has also freed her hands. Before the "natural disaster" attacks us, we can If you attack their headquarters first, you may be able to catch them all in one go."

"Okay! How can we stay passive all the time!" Amers fisted and grinned, he wanted to rush into the "natural disaster" lair to fight those guys.

Putin was sitting on the sofa eating biscuits, his eyes rolled, and then he nodded and said, "It's okay, but what if we happen to meet the "Brave"?"

Hearing that, Selika said: "If they really control the "brave", then she will definitely show up first. We can ambush the combat power first and attack them directly after confirming that the "brave" has appeared. ’S headquarters."

Kai Le, who was eating dessert on the side, also smiled and said: "If the "Brave" is controlled, then something must be controlling her. We only need to destroy the things that control the "Brave"."

"It makes sense, then do it."

Therefore, the decision was made last night.

At noon, when all the combat power was hidden near the forest, three others remained in the base camp. One was the head of the school Selika. She sat in the office as before, and the other two It was Belem and Vernie.

On the rooftop, Belen and Vernie were sitting against the wall. The latter was not in a good state. At the moment, he looked a little depressed, as if he might fall asleep at any time.

Because I don’t know which route the "Braves" came from, and the range of the magic circle is also limited, Vierne simply arranged dozens of them. Although most of them are based on the magic power of Jonna, as the liner, Vi Erni also had to contribute, dozens of magic circles were arranged, and they were not completed until this morning. Now the body is still empty.

"Vernie, are you okay?"

"Do you think I look okay?"

Vernie replied a little slouched, her eyes slowly closed, she leaned against Belen's shoulder, and whispered softly: "Let me lean on for a while, if it comes, wake me up."

After saying this, Vernie slept quietly on Belen's shoulder, breathing evenly, but her face was not good, she was really exhausted.

Belen looked at the girl next to him, his mouth smiled, and he couldn't help recalling the past in his mind. He stretched out his hand and lifted the hair that covered Vernie's eyes, as if it had happened before.

In that tea room, Xiao Huahua easily became sleepy after drinking tea and eating snacks. Whenever she was sleepy, she leaned on his shoulder closest to her. She obviously grew a lot, but she still felt the same.

"Thank you."

Belen looked at the sky outside. The barrier that originally covered the teaching area had disappeared. Now that they decided to take the initiative and they wanted to prevent Sisia from appearing, the barrier was in the way, or even Seuss. Rika couldn't detect the situation outside.

Dean’s Office.

Selika is now staring at the countless still-visible surveillance pictures in front of her eyes. The reason why she didn't go to help is actually due to an important reason. She must stay here.

At this moment, I hope that the worst situation will not happen, as long as Sisia is not controlled, then there will be her and Belen guarding here, and there will be no mistakes.

However, as they had guessed at the beginning, the worst situation still happened, and this sudden occurrence was beyond everyone's expectations.

In the upper right corner of the screen, Selika saw a figure wearing red and white light armor slowly walking out of the dense forest, and her pupils suddenly shrank at this moment.

How would it appear here!?

Selika hurriedly took out a blue crystal, input the magic power and immediately said: "Pudin! Did you hear that? Didn't anyone come out from your place?"

Soon, a voice came from the crystal: "There is no situation, and the "brave" has not been seen."

Hearing Putin's words, Selika's face instantly became gloomy, and she gave an order without hesitation: "I have seen the "Brave" on my side, and it is estimated that they have sent the "Brave" out long ago."

Putin on the other side also changed his face after hearing this sentence. From Selika's words, he understood one thing, that is, the "natural disaster" is already in the academy!

At this moment, Qiao Enna suddenly raised her head and looked at several directions, and then she said solemnly: "Puding! I felt a few unusually huge magical powers, which belonged to the core members of the "natural disasters"."


Everyone frowned when they heard this, do they have any conspiracy?

As the main strategist here, Putin immediately ordered and shouted: "I doubt what magic circle they are setting up. Now I will stop them immediately and separate several teams according to the directions mentioned by Jonna. The students will lead the students to block those hidden. The maiden who got up, act now!"


Everyone is scattered at this moment. What Puding is most worried about is what terrible magic circle the core members of the "natural disaster" will deploy, otherwise, why should they be scattered in several directions?

At this moment, on the base camp side, Selika’s broadcast sounded from the teaching building: "Next, all schools will be hidden, Vernie, activate the magic circle."

Hearing Selika's voice, Belen also immediately awakened Verni: "Little Huahua, it's time to wake up."

"What little flowers?"

When Vernie woke up, she heard this nickname. She rubbed her eyes. Although she was not tired now, in this case, she would have to hold on for a while.

So, Vernie stood up, she slowly closed her eyes, and began to sense the perceptual barrier she had placed. After getting the exact position, she took a deep breath, and then her hands began to seal in front of her. The technique to activate the magic circle.

This magic circle was completed by Verni relying on a variety of vast elemental magic powers, and it also put in countless magic spars, which can be described as consuming countless funds, although it is considered to be a big business for Vernie. Nothing, but because there are so many things to mix, it's more troublesome.

After completing a series of handprints and spells, Vernie opened her eyes suddenly, and she drew a deep voice: "Seven Yao Fengming Formation, get up!"

Chapter Three Hundred and Fortieth: Next, leave it to me.

In that mountain forest, a red-haired girl in red and white light armor was slowly advancing forward. Her speed was very fast, seemingly step by step, but step by step and ten steps away.


Whenever she took a step, the eternal holy sword in her hand suddenly swept away, setting off a violent wind and turbulent waves, opening the ground.

The light in Sisiya's eyes was dim, but with a look of disgust, she stared at her eyes tightly, as if staring at something that disgusted her.

"Damn the Demon King Army!"

The girl's mouth uttered such a low voice, her eyes were fierce, and the eternal holy sword that was chopped out from time to time was also completely destroying this place, constantly attacking those who did not exist.


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