Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 354

Mastering the power of the law of the "Fire Mantra" is to be able to borrow all the magical powers of the fire elements that countless days, but Jonna's approach is different, because her magical power is continuous, precisely because it is infinite, using this as a medium To control the magic of the ice element between the world and the earth.

The cold air extinguished the flames of the countless meteors, but at the same time it was dissipated by the heat flow. The magic power between the world and the earth is endless, and Qiao Enna still needs to control the magic power of the outside world, so the speed should be slower.

Lack of strength, technology to make up.

Since a long time ago, Qiao Enna has been dubbed the title of "peerless genius." Except for Beren and others, everyone else does not know that she has the magic of "continuous", but even so, they know a little. , There was once a "great magister" who said that this purple-haired girl has the potential to become the "king of magisters" by virtue of these three magical powers.

Today, Florentis has a total of twelve "Magic Leaders", but there are only three "Grand Magisters". As for "King of Magic Wizards", that has been a title that no one has been able to obtain for hundreds of years. Up.

If the flame is invalid, then don't use it.

Qiao Enna took out a purple feather fan, and a turquoise radiance appeared around her body. As she whispered, she waved the purple feather fan in her hand.

"Superposition of magic power, pitch-black snow storm."

Under the spell, the snow and ice in the sky was immediately swept in by the wind, turning into a violent storm and snow swept all over the plain, and the falling flame meteor was also frozen into ice as it approached and fell straight down.

Seeing this scene, Yanlian Temple's eyes were also slightly squinted. The opponent's magic power was obviously not as huge as hers, but it seemed that there was no end at all, and it could even simulate the power of making "the law of mantra".

Unbelievable guy.

At this moment, the plains began to twist, breaking the ice, and countless stone pillars rose into the sky and shrouded toward the location of Yanlian Temple.

In the distance, Illiya raised her front and back hands at this moment, seeming to be controlling the stone pillars rising up into the sky, covering the Yanlian Temple from all directions, her small hand and five fingers suddenly clenched at this moment.

Say yes!

The Yanlian Temple was directly wrapped in mud and rocks, and the stones were constantly flying and superimposed on the outside, as if a huge planet was formed and the Yanlian Temple was trapped in the middle.

And Qiao Enna still did not relax her vigilance. She stared at the huge ball of stone, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she could see the flames from the cracks, so she immediately moved her hands.



The air on the ball of stone instantly froze into ice, canceling out all the flames that showed through, and forming a huge ice stone in the air.

However, under the sight of Qiao Enna and Ilia, the huge ice stone suddenly gasped with violent steam, and finally a ball of fire suddenly emerged from it, and the stone suddenly burst into a crack.


The heat wave spread to all directions, and a figure in red clothes slowly walked out in the thick steam. A red flame was burning on her body, and the high temperature even melted the frost covering the plain below.

"Your ice is far worse than our big sister's."

Yanlian Temple looked at the purple-haired woman indifferently in the distance. She actually fell into the wind repeatedly, which made her proud self-esteem very uncomfortable.

"Oh? Really? But your flame, I don't think it is so enthusiastic."

Qiao Enna smiled disapprovingly at Yanlian Temple's cynicism. In her opinion, the current situation is already one-sided.

Illya herself has mastered the "Law of Mantra" just like the woman in red. It is difficult to distinguish the level of strength, but the other party’s last injury is definitely not healed at this moment. Now add another her, then It's different.

In the golden age of Flozarno Academy, Jianju was almost the leader, but everyone knows that it was only because Jonna was unwilling to fight.

In many previous competitions, there is only one person who has beaten Belém in one-on-one matches, and that is Jonna. Her strength is beyond doubt.

Yanlian Temple didn't say anything after hearing the words, she slowly closed her eyes, and the clouds above the sky slowly retreated, leaving the huge sky empty, and at the moment it was already crimson. The red magic lines finally converged into four red roulettes on the sky.

Seeing this scene, Illiya's eyes moved slightly. She remembered the scene in Leptchester. At this moment, the woman in red was going to use the superposition magic of the last time.

"That is..."

A dignified color gradually appeared in Qiao Enna's eyes, and she could feel an extremely dangerous force in the crimson light.

Does she still have the magic power to use that kind of magic?

It was already night at the moment, but the world on this side was shrouded in scarlet red, and it was no longer able to distinguish between day and night. The red sky suddenly cracked with a white light like the belly of a fish, as if opening an eye.

Yanlian Temple also opened her eyes at this moment, her face was also paler, but the fighting spirit in her eyes had not retreated, she still had the confidence to defeat those two people.

"I am a witch of flames. The fire protection blessed on my body is released at this moment! Let the flames of the world descend from the top of the sky!"

The white fish belly that split in the sky suddenly burst into a crimson beam of light, like the light of extinction, containing the power to end all things, and can reopen the world.



At Qiao Enna’s call, Illia immediately responded. Her arms opened, her silver hair fluttered in the wind, her hands suddenly folded, and the khaki magic power rose up, and the khaki began to burn on her body. Liquid flame.

After mastering the "Law of Mantra", the little silver-haired girl exerted all her strength at this moment. At that moment, the figure that had been fixed at about ten years old seemed to have broken through the shackles and changed at this moment.

"Earth Mantra·I am the new master of the earth!"

The southern land of Flozarno Academy seemed to resonate, and the mountain was shaking at this moment, and countless earth element magic powers began to respond to the silver-haired girl.

"The little sister left her hand, then I can't stop."

Seeing this scene, Qiao Enna was also very surprised, and then smiled. She stared at the crimson beam of light that came from that day, her eyes were extremely serious, just like facing the white man back then.

"Then, go all out for a long time!"

Chapter 343: See who falls first

In the southern region, the fighting has become fierce, but the fighting in the rest of the region has also begun, and in the trilateral battlefield facing the core members of the "natural disaster", the most uncomfortable one is Puding.

At this moment on the battlefield in the east, that is near the rivers and seas, but now it has become a glacier, there are constant blasts, and this piece of land has already been devastated.

"These two people are too difficult to deal with together."

In mid-air, Kaile couldn't help uttering an angry cry after seeing that his blasting was easily resisted by the cold ice he was dealing with.

Putin stared at the two figures in the sky. The ice and snow maiden was already strong enough, and it was even harder to deal with another woman in a green dress. It was soon after the battle that the opponent had the ability to double the magic power. Magic properties.

"Zona, it's up to you."

Although the opponent has double magic power, their side also has Zona who reduces magic power. These two people are simply natural opponents.

Zona stared at the figure in the green dress. He clenched the sword in his hand, took a deep breath, and shouted with a smile: "Just leave it to me!"

At this moment, Gaiola also noticed Zona. From the previous opponent's sword, he could feel the opponent's special magic power, which was the opposite of Cisse.

"Take that person out."

Thus, both sides determined their offensive goals.

Except for the stalemate on the battlefield in the eastern region, the battlefield in the northern region has already fallen into a bitter battle at this moment, and the battle here is truly tormenting.

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