Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 355


A shock of thunder fell from the sky and smashed towards Jialuofen, and she just glanced at the coming thunder. When the thunder came above her, she was suddenly distorted and disappeared by that strange magical power.


A purple-haired figure suddenly leapt up, holding a purple long knife in both hands and flew towards Garofen below. The purple long knife was shrouded with a cloud of purple magic power, covered by the gravity field, and this knife was enough to cover the mountains. To split.

However, before he could fall, an invisible force suddenly appeared at the moment Garofen's line of sight was swept over, and Amers flew out and hit the distant stone wall as if he was hit hard.

"That guy's magic..."

Sha Xiang stared at the purple-clothed woman in the distance. She vaguely seemed to have thought of something. She made a decision in her heart, and then called the two of them.

"Amers! Al! We continue to attack!"

Not far away, Al immediately understood after hearing the words. The scythe in her hand swept in front of her, and her body fell slightly, like a hunting cheetah.

"It hurts me so much."

Amos had also struggled out of the stone wall. He also heard what Shaxiang said, so he grinned and replied, "I'm ready!"


Bang bang bang!

Three sounds of crushing the ground sounded, and a figure with purple magic power all over it resembled a cannonball. The first one came in front of Garofen, waved his purple long knife and slashed it.

"Look at the knife!"

Gravity field!

Seeing this, Jia Luofen also squinted her eyes slightly. She moved her mind, controlled the magic power to push the gravity field back, and then blasted it away. However, at the moment when Amers was blasted out, Jia Luofen's pupils suddenly shrank.

I saw a blue-purple electric light suddenly shuttled in front of me. The priest girl came to Jia Luofen. She held a huge war sickle in one hand and swept away with the lightning, as if to stop Jia Luofen. Broken!

Jia Luofen immediately lowered back and avoided the war sickle, then reached out and patted the ground, engraving a magic pattern, and then she backed away.


Suddenly, an astonishing attraction erupted from the magical pattern, which directly sucked Al's figure in an instant, and hit the ground.

Just at the moment Jialuofen was about to win the chase, another figure came to her, and at this moment she opened her eyes wide, and a fist fell on her abdomen.

"Eight million punches!"

At the moment that the punch was implemented, Sha Xiang felt an unparalleled force back shocked back, and the whole person flew upside down, but Jia Luofen was also blown out by the punch.


Shaxiang got up again from the dust. She looked at her right fist. The tiger’s mouth was cracking and bleeding, and her wrists were all bruised. She opened her mouth and endured the severe pain, probably the bones were also cracked. .

However, she was very happy.

"Saxiang! How are you?" Amos and Al ran over, and were shocked when they saw the blood on Shaxiang's right hand.

After seeing the faces of the two, Sha Xiang smiled and shook her head. The tall girl shook her right palm, even more stiff than a man.

"Small injuries are okay, but I have probably figured out the magic of that guy."

After hearing this, Al also widened his eyes, and hurriedly said: "Her magic power is probably restrictive magic power."

Shaxiang nodded, and she said, "Yes, it is indeed restrictive magic. What you said before is correct. There is indeed a gravitational element in her magic, but at the same time there is repulsion."

"Her magic power is released at a short interval, and it can be imprinted anywhere, just like when dealing with you just now, her magic power can only be released once, not continuously, as long as we can cooperate faster than before. We will be able to defeat her with her continuous attack."

Shaxiang has already seen through the opponent's "repulsion" magic power, but is also very alert, because the opponent's magic power is not only released for a short time, but even their magic and physical attacks that have been applied to them can be rebounded. Is very tricky.

Having the kind of repulsion that can even bounce off physical attacks is simply a big trouble for Sha Xiang, but this is the time to test her perseverance.

Jia Luofen in the distance has also stood up, her mouth has overflowed with blood, one hand is covering her abdomen, although it is very painful, but she is only frowning, she stares at the three in the distance Personally, I can probably think that the other party has already judged his own magic.

But even so, what can we do?

Shaxiang's left hand was clenched into a fist. She took off her eyes and put them in the storage container. She looked even more beautiful without her eyes. At this moment, she was not wearing her usual uniform, but a refreshing combat outfit. .

"Come here, come and take me again."

The tall girl shook her left hand, her head had blood flowing down her face, but despite this, she still raised her mouth, she wanted to see now.

Who on earth fell first?

Chapter 344: Confronting God as a Human

In the northwest area, there is a battle that no one knows about except Celica, and Celica, who is sitting in the office, can no longer see the situation there.

The magic circle used for monitoring there has been destroyed by the "Brave".

When Belen came to the mountain forest, he used a more violent way to prevent Sisia from moving forward. Probably the square in the academy was already broken.

Seeing the red-haired girl walking towards him step by step, Belen also took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled, and then slowly greeted him holding the sword.

He doesn't know how the other battlefields have been, but at this moment his attention must be focused on this "enemy". One inadvertently, but will be killed!

Sisia, who is not protected by the elves, is about her current strength?

There is no doubt that it has been weakened, but Belen is still unable to judge, so it is better to test it first. If possible, he will try to delay the time.

Increased to 60%.

The magic power was assimilated with flesh and blood, and the secretion of body hormones began to increase rapidly, and his physical fitness suddenly climbed to an unimaginable level. This level of him is probably extremely rare even if he is placed in a superhuman army.

Physical fitness is one aspect, and Belen pays more attention to the use of "qi". He moved his right foot back slightly, his waist sank, and then turned into an afterimage and rushed to the red-haired girl in the distance.

The moment Belen approached, Sisia's godless gaze locked him, even at such a high-speed movement, she still clearly captured Belen's figure.

"Broken Army·Devil Slayer Taidao."

These two words were squeezed out of Sisiah's mouth, and she looked at the figure that was coming in abhorrence, the eternal holy sword in her hand had changed at this moment.


The scarlet big sword suddenly turned into a radiance at this moment, and then slowly gathered, and finally disappeared. What reappeared in the hand was a two-meter-long dark red sword.


Belen slashed, and the snow lion happened to collide with the Demon Slayer Taidao. The two suddenly became illusory. For a moment, the white figure suddenly retreated behind the electric light and flint.

Belen's gaze locked on the dark red Taito. He naturally knew that Taito was a world-famous artifact, which was beyond the scope of the magic weapon.

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