Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 356

According to legend, in the dark age thousands of years ago, the human savior took the sword to cut through the darkness of the world, ushering in the first light of the millennium.

The one who took over it now was the "Brave", probably the Demon Slayer had slaughtered countless army of Demon Kings.

"Even compared to Demon Slayer Taito, my Snow Lion is not bad at all."

Belen looked at the silver-white long sword in his hand. He was not unfamiliar with the so-called divine weapon. No matter how powerful a weapon, he could only exert his power in the hands of a suitable person.

And the snow lion, but Antelina gave it to him.

call out!

The red figure shuttled and came to Belen in an instant, and the Demon Slayer in his hand carried the dark red brilliance towards Belen.

When Sisiya's weapon turned into Slashing Demon Taishou, the sacred aura turned into a killing aura. At this moment, she was awe-inspiring!


Belén swung his sword to the top and withstood the tremendous force, but his knees were bent, the ground under his feet cracked with him as the center, and the ground sank for a minute.

Belen also gritted his teeth. The last time he fought with Sisia, he only knew that the other party's swordsmanship and magic were very powerful, but he did not realize that the girl's power was so great!

She is still superhuman!?


Belen's feet were already sinking into the ground, he took a deep breath, and the breath of his body rose wildly, stepping into the "70%" state again.

The light blue liquid magic power burned like flames, and his power surged to the limit, and 70% of his body was strengthened to the extreme state.

Belen pushed the Demon Swordsman away, and then revolved and kicked on Sisia's red and white light armor. The latter flew out directly, and after landing, she retreated dozens of steps.

"Sisya, I didn't intend to be your sandbag."

Behlen, who stood up, twisted his neck, stretched his whole body, and made a chuckle of bone collision. After he was comfortable, he clenched the sword in his hand.

call out.

In the next moment, the light and shadow disappeared, and Belen had already leaped towards Sisia. He could not be in a passive state, otherwise it would be a matter of time before she would lose to Sisia.

Say yes!

The force emanating from countless collisions even sank the land. The positions of the two were constantly changing, and even the top of the mountain was constantly being cut shorter and shorter by the two swords.


The explosions sounded one after another, and Sisya even started to use magic, so Belen, who had begun to gain the upper hand, began to go downhill again.

Fighting Sisya, even if it is the legendary "Devil", probably everyone will think that the final winner must be the girl "Brave", and the opponent is changed to Belem, not to mention it.

As if the result was doomed from the beginning.

In the school principal's office, Selika is quietly drinking her coffee at the moment. Although she can no longer see the situation on Belen's side, she has a feeling that she doesn't need to worry.

She really wanted to see the battle over there with her own eyes.

The strongest person in the world and the most special person in the world.

One is the almighty and versatile "brave", as long as she wants to, she can even go to the highest point on all magic roads, and the other is that she has no talent in magic, but has the power not to lose to anyone.

Without the magic attribute, he can create amplifying magic that only he can use. This is all because of his world's first control ability. Probably even Sisia can't compete with him on this point. Compare it.


From the middle of the forest to the edge, the fighting rhythm of the two is very fast, and Belen also gradually feels invigorating. It's been a long time since he fought like this.


Demon Zhan Taishou struck Belen's chest horizontally, while he erected the sword in front of him, and the huge force directly shook it out dozens of meters away.

Belen shook his trembling hand. He had already started to gasp, and he had maintained a "70%" state, even if he had recovered to his previous state, he couldn't bear it.

"I was thinking before, what exactly can Latier and the others be proud of." Belen seemed to have made some choice. He walked towards the red-haired girl again, and the tip of the sword marked a long line on the ground. Long traces.

"Save the world or something. Since you are here, then it is definitely not my turn." Belen said, his gaze turned to Sisia again, and he said: "But I think, probably in this world You are the only one who can be called a god."

"So I will fight once as a human being today..."

Belen’s eyes gleamed like a torch, his breath rose again, and the sword aura on the blade of the snow lion became more and more awe-inspiring. Its spirit and spirit had all merged with the master, and his hair began to gradually turn from black. Turned into a pale color.


Increased to 80%!

Chapter 345: Transcendence

When Belen stepped into the field of "80%", he paid the price of time. This is a realm he has never set foot in. He may not have entered this realm during the school days, nor has he ever It needs to be this way, and it has to be done at the moment.

His black hair gradually turned into a gray color, as if there was a sense of death and desolation, but there was gradually a hazy feeling on his body, a feeling of illusion, vaguely as if the magic between heaven and earth had Fused.

His amplification magic can use his own magic power to assimilate his own flesh and blood and then be strengthened, and 70% is the limit that the physical body can get, and even the blood will be magically turned up, and the current state is him. Try to intervene in the magic between heaven and earth.

The risk of the first attempt was great, but he still succeeded. If it is the control of magic power, probably no one in this world can compare with him.

This state is really amazing.

Belem’s pupils have also changed into a deep blue color like the sea. The liquid magical flame has disappeared from him, but it is enveloped in a faint blue fluorescence. The color of his hair has no longer changed, half black and half white. .

He could vaguely feel a barrier that he couldn't cross, but he was within reach. He was in a trance from time to time in his mind. The scene before him was sometimes blurred, but it was extremely clear.

Even if it were flowers, plants and trees, he could clearly feel the magical power on them.

Although it is not clear what the situation is, when Belen noticed this, he immediately turned his gaze to Sisia who paused in place and seemed to guard him.

In Sisiya's body, he could see the extremely solid and strong magic power, the degree of that magic power was simply unheard of, no wonder, after all, the red-haired girl in front of him was a godlike existence.

However, Belen felt a little strange at this moment. The previous feeling of excessive tension was very weak. In other words, he always felt that his emotions were a little too calm at this moment.

At this moment, he seemed to be able to master many things.


At this moment, the red-haired girl's Demon Slayer Taidao suddenly curled up with a high-temperature flame, and her back foot stepped on the ground, and her figure flew out, the flame extended, and Taidao cut across.

Belen clearly caught the magical power. He tossed the snow lion in his right hand, took it with his left hand, and waved it aside, blocking the Demon Slasher.


Sparks flew in all directions, a burst of vigor oscillated from it, Sisia's figure was shaken back, and Belen also took two steps backwards.

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