Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 357

Evenly matched?

Belen glanced at Sisia, then raised his right hand and looked at it. He always felt that his thinking was a little jumpy at the moment. He unexpectedly found the magical power of Demon Slashing Taidao so clearly, the sword that he slashed out. Just break it.

He seems to be able to find the trajectory of the flow of magic power now.

Can win?


Belen exhaled, and then the dark blue eyes looked at Sisia, he put the sword back in his right hand, and then took a step forward.


The figure suddenly appeared illusory for a moment, as if it had stepped through the void. When the white figure appeared again, it appeared in front of Sisia, and cut it down with the sword in her right hand.

At this moment, he truly intervened in the magic of this piece of heaven and earth, and was able to twist the space in front of him with his own will instead of passing through the space with his sword skills. Although the extent is limited, it can be done!

"Sword Skill·One sword cuts to a decisive decision."

That sword seemed to cut through even the space, and just as it fell, Sisia's Demon Slayer Taito had already risen in response to it, and the flames swirled.


The sword banged, and the terrifying power directly caused the earth under the feet of the two to collapse and sink a bit, and the air wave swept away, like a tornado, directly destroying all the surrounding trees.

Say yes!

The figures of the two of them flickered continuously, the swords were constantly interlaced, the blue and the red were like two streams of light that continuously rotated and collided here.

Entering this kind of magical state, Belen can perfectly contend with Sisya in his consecutive jumping space. Even the magic power of the opponent's Demon Slayer, he can easily capture and then cut it off!

At this moment, there seemed to be a little lack of music. The rhythm of the contest between the two was very fast, and the speed was even more so that ordinary people could not see clearly with the naked eye. With every collision, even the earth was gradually broken apart.


The sword light and sword shadow pierced the void one after another. If it weren't for the fast healing between heaven and earth, probably even this mountain and river would be swallowed by the turbulence of the void.

Sisya leaped high, and the flame vortex swirled on the Demon Slayer that she was holding, as if she was about to destroy the blue figure below.

At this moment, the blue figure disappeared in a flash, and went directly across the void to the back of Sisia. After turning around, it kicked Sisia's back. The latter turned into a meteor and directly bombarded. On the ground below.


The ground collapsed and collapsed, and in the next moment, countless muds and stones spurted out of the mountains and forests, which quickly condensed into countless huge palms and grabbed them towards Belem.

"Elves Sword Dance·Third Sound·Memorial."

A sword whirled away, the sword gas turned into a ring and spread out, shattering all the giant earth and stone hands with a silent and sharp force.


Staying in the air for a moment, Belen lifted the sword in his hand, and his blue pupils stared down, and he saw a huge icicle suddenly rise from the ground, and he also stabbed it with a sword.

"Sword Skill·People from the other side."


The sword light shooting star shuttled away and directly smashed the icicles abruptly. When Belen came below, Sisia also rushed towards him. There was a trace of blood on the corner of the girl’s mouth. It was obvious that she was already injured. !

"Siege Eternal Holy Sword."

The sword of Demon Slayer turned into a dark red light and dissipated, and the crimson brilliance condensed in the hands of the red-haired girl again, and then the terrifying magic power gathered in it and compressed into huge energy.

"Eternal Sacred Sword·The God of Destruction!"

An incomparable coercion shrouded the scarlet big sword, and the power radiating from it seemed to have the might of annihilating the world, and at this moment it slashed towards Belem.

Feeling the power contained in the eternal holy sword, Belen didn’t care, but his emotions were calm and unreasonable, as if purely occupied by reason. Facing such a sword, he was very close to Sisia at this moment. , Can't hide, really can carry it!

The degree of increase is getting higher and higher, and a large part of Belen’s hair has changed from black to white, and the blue pupils are becoming clearer, even the magic of the eternal holy sword can be clearly seen, and at this moment, he is more clear Feeling the barrier, he seemed to be able to take out something from it, and even the white clothes on his body were dyed blue with fluorescence.

"Sword Skill·Sword to Santuchuan."

In the northwest region, there was a roar that shook the world.

Chapter 346: Eastern Battlefield

In the eastern region, the fight is fierce at the moment, but the people of Putin are in a heavy heart, because they found that the two witches cooperated too well, and they were simply impeccable.

During the years that Morpheus and Kaile have been mixing together on the battlefield, they have also seen many strong people from other countries, but this is the first time I have seen someone as strong as the blue dress woman.

This woman is probably the strongest person of "natural disasters", right?

Gaura looked at Putin and the others, and said faintly: "As expected of the outstanding students who graduated from Flozarno Academy, probably killing you here, this country is also considered a heavy loss, right?"

"Bah, is it up to you two?"

Morpheus spit out. There was a pair of huge metal wings behind him. He looked at Guyora coldly. Although they couldn't do anything to the latter for so long, they did the same. Can't stop them.

Just because they have Putin's time magic here!

"Do you think it will be difficult to kill you?" Guyora looked at Murphys coldly, and then a sneer appeared on his face, as if mocking.

Putin's eyes sank, and he said solemnly: "They are delaying time."

That's right, it's just delaying time.

Although their side launched a fierce attack, the other side has always been passively defensive, and has not launched any large-scale magic except for sometimes interfering with them, so Putin has this judgment.

"What are the delays? What do they want to do?"

Kaile also noticed something wrong, but he didn't know the purpose of the other party's delaying time.

The other three frowned when they heard Putin’s words. They only noticed the strangeness now. At first they rushed to prevent the "natural disaster" from setting up some magic circle, but after arriving, they found that the other party seemed to be Waiting for them in general.

What do they want to do?

Putin looked at Guyora who was sneering, and said flatly: "If you want to sneak attack our headquarters, probably you will be disappointed. What stays over there is our highest combat power here."

This highest combat power refers to Belen and Selika.

After hearing the words, Gaiola still sneered. She said, "I think, are you referring to the swordsman in white? That is indeed a tricky person, but maybe he is now Still dead in the hands of the "brave man"."

"The Brave"!

Puding and others all had their eyes sinking. Although they hadn't heard anything beforehand, they all knew the main reason for Belen's staying there.

Verni's magic circle may not be able to stop the "Brave", if it can't stop, someone needs to stop it, and this person is obviously the most suitable Belén who has competed with the "Brave".

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