Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 358

"No, he won't die."

Kaile suddenly said, she shook her head, and then smiled confidently. She said: "That guy, once you get serious, you will never lose! Even if the opponent is a "brave"!"

Although the confidence in Belem seemed a bit overdone, Puding and others smiled knowingly. Although they grew up, that guy was still the invincible sword in their memory.

Seeing the confident look of Putin and the others, Cisse, who was next to Gaiola, shook his head. The white-clothed man was powerful, but she didn't think she would be the opponent of the "brave".

"Ice and Snow Mantra. Frozen thousands of miles."

No longer intending to talk nonsense with it, Gaiola directly launched the "Law of Mantra", and she thought it was time to get rid of these eyesores.

Do it!

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes were slightly squinted. It seems that the other party is about to fight seriously, and they must not let the other party succeed!

"Time Magic·Eighth Clock·Slow Speed!"

Putin, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately activated his magic. The 100-meter-high glacier that was freezing at a high speed suddenly began to retreat to the eighth clock on the surface of the river, slowing its freezing speed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Down.

Gaiola was not surprised at all. She waved her hand indifferently, and the sky and the earth instantly became icy blue, and thousands of ice cones came out solidly, like a heavy rain that shot towards everyone.

"The magic is multiplied, tenfold."

Under the action of Cisse's magical power, the sky full of ice cones passed through the huge green magic lines, and instantly turned into huge ice cones, like thousands of rain falling, trying to nail everyone.

"I come!"

Morpheus yelled and stirred the metal wings behind him, and came to the crowd. His arms were folded in front of him, and the huge wings suddenly burst into light.

"Metal Wings of Sky Shade the Earth!"

Countless magical powers turned into pieces of metal, as if ten thousand people were united, the wings separated from Morpheus's back and flew above them and turned into huge shields.

Bang bang bang!

Countless ice cones slammed on the huge metal wings and made huge noises, and even the impact force caused the pair of metal sky wings to move slightly to the rear, and Morpheus was struggling to resist.

Zona, who was hiding from the side, looked towards the sky, his pupils widened slightly, because a huge iceberg had actually condensed on that day, so he clenched the sword in his hand.

"Kaile! Send me up!" Zona yelled at the red-haired woman behind, then yelled at Morpheus: "Open the wings!"


Hearing Zona's words, Morpheus did it without hesitation, opening the pair of wings as thin as possible, and at this moment, Zona slammed and jumped out.

Kayle was bombarded by a blasting magic at Morpheus's original location, and the huge impact directly caused it to fly out.

Magic · Cut!

Blue magic enveloped the sword's edge, facing the falling iceberg, Zona didn't hesitate to rush up, turning into a ray of sword light through the iceberg, and then falling into the river below.


That sword was great. The iceberg was cut in half by a sword, and it quickly became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was interfered by Zona's magic.

"turn on!"

Kayle suddenly yelled, and Morpheus immediately understood, and with a deep sip, he separated the Metal Skywings, so that the thousands of ice cones came into view.

"I have a big one! Come and try it!"


Three huge magic lines were engraved in the air, in a triangular formation, and among them was a round of red round sun, Kayle's staff was raised high, chanting spells in his mouth extremely fast.

"At dusk, everything ends, darker than pitch black, more brilliant than light, come here in the end! The heavens and the earth are instantly shattered!"

At the moment when the spell was completed, Kaile's pale face had an arrogant smile. This was her ultimate meaning!She held the magic wand and the dot landed in the center of the triangle.


The vast magical powers converge and announce to the world at this moment, a light beam of extinction penetrates out, and instantly blasts out the two halves of the glacier, and hits towards the sky of Gaiola and Cisse. go with.

"This magic..."

Gaola's pupils suddenly shrank, and the next moment her eyes became sharp. She wanted to activate the "Law of Mantra" to freeze all the space to resist the opponent's magic, but at the moment she was about to do it, her sight appeared There was a scarlet figure.

"Oh, I found such a thing as soon as I came over."

The scarlet radiance dissipated, revealing a woman in a black-red dress, her pupils were blood-red, she was wearing a weird bloodthirsty smile.

Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Seven: Erion and the Coming Again

When the light beam approached, under the sight of Putin and others, they also suddenly noticed the woman in the black and red dress that suddenly appeared.

Who is that?

"I will give you a shield when I come back."

I saw the red-eyed woman facing the approaching huge beam of light. The moment she raised her hands, the whole world suddenly turned into a blood-red color, and even the bright moon turned into a scarlet moon.

Scarlet blood was born from her magic power, came at a very fast speed, and then turned into a huge buckler to resist her.


Hearing her call, Cisse also raised a hand, and the magic power was covered on the scarlet buckler, and the magic power contained in it suddenly doubled.


A huge beam of light bombarded the scarlet circle, exploding with astonishing power, and the energy fluctuations that oscillated in it even quickly reversed the river directly below.


The final blast sounded, and the terrifying energy fluctuations vibrated, and even the scarlet buckler directly shattered, and the three people in the sky were all shaken and flew far away.

Kaile below was already pale, her magical powers were almost exhausted, she was sitting on the ground, her original dress was very revealing, and the sweaty fragrance is even more charming at this moment, but no one would think of it at this moment. Go elsewhere.

"That person, is it also..."

Putin and the others looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in the sky with solemn expressions. Since the other party has the ability to block the magic of Kai Le, it is enough to explain the other party's magic.

"Oh, it's really amazing."

The red-eyed woman looked at her somewhat trembling hands, then shook her, looking at Kai Le below with some surprise, then she turned her head and looked at Gaola.

"You are a bit slow here, the Imperial Army is coming."

Guyora looked at the red-eyed woman in front of him plainly, and said, "It doesn't matter, just kill these people now. Oshoor should be soon."

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