Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 362


Suddenly a huge black hole appeared above the sky, and the cold breath emanating from it seemed to lead to the Nine Nether Abyss, which was chilling.


An astonishing swallowing power erupted from the black hole, and the stone wall above his head was completely shattered and swallowed, shattering the ground at an extremely fast speed.


Oshoor grabbed Iona's wrist with one hand, then flew upwards, where they didn't have any advantage. As long as they could get out, they could let the latter open the space wormhole and leave instantly.

"Leave things behind!"

Seeing that the other party was about to flee, how could Selika let them do as they wish, and immediately controlled countless vines to attack Oshoor intensively.

The new head of the Flozarno Academy has never done anything seriously in these years, and this action is with endless killing intent.

They actually dared to get their idea here!

"You go up first."

Oshoor looked at the countless vines chasing indifferently. This way, she couldn't get out of her body. She controlled a bunch of magic power and sent Iona up.

After the oil bottle was gone, Oshoor stopped. She turned and looked down. With her arms spread out, the infinite magic power began to rippling in this space, and countless black holes were formed in the blink of an eye.


The vines submerged in the black hole seemed to have disappeared, and the vines of the sky tree seemed to be inexhaustible, and they madly attacked Oshoor.

Bang bang bang!

Countless branches of vines rushed into the rock wall behind Oshoor, and on one of the branches, Selika suddenly ran towards Oshoor, her mouth still chanting a spell.

"Souls wandering in the void, the dead walking in the human world, at this moment, I obey my call to help me and follow the spirit of my life to appear in the world."


Countless dark shadows emerged in the void, and those shadows exuded a desolate breath, and it has been an unknown amount of time, but the killing and brutality they carried was extremely dignified, with extreme lethality!

"This is the undead?"

Seeing this scene, Oshoor also widened his eyes. The first impression was undead magic, but the next moment he felt it was not strange. This master of the school has extremely rare life magic power, opposite to death, but But there is the same reason, it is not strange to be able to use such magic.

"Swallowing Magic·Eye of the Abyss, annihilated!"

Huge black magic lines began to be built in front of Oshoor in a round, and then aroused amazing magic power, countless black rays of light penetrated through, even the void can penetrate, and all the undead are destroyed.

At this moment Selika was approaching, she was only a few steps away from Oshoor, but the latter sneered at this moment, mastering that kind of magic but she wanted to be close, but her ridiculous smile disappeared in the next moment. , The pupils shrank suddenly.

"Heavenly giant wood, take the creation of the world as the beginning, and turn the first wood born in the world into a sword in my hands!"

As the singing was finished, Selika's left hand suddenly condensed and the light dissipated, and a cyan long sword suddenly appeared in her hand. Her expression was cold, and her murderous aura went straight to Oshoor.

She was once, but the chief of Jianjushe!

The only girl who used to be the only girl in the sword house, after many years, once again showed her sharp edge, and the sword seemed to be able to cut off the cycle of life and death, annihilating the endless black magic.

"Sword Skill·The End of Everything!"

The moment that the sword was cut, Oshoor was also gritted her teeth, all her magical powers gathered in a hurry at this moment, she never thought that the school principal was actually a powerful "swordsman"!

"Swallow Magic·Black Shield!"


However, at the moment that the dark shield was formed, a cyan radiance suddenly tore a huge crack open, and Oshoor, who hurriedly used magical power to defend it, could not resist it, and blood spattered from his right half.


In the underground palace under five hundred meters, the blue brilliance disappeared in the darkness. The entire palace collapsed, and even the edge of the stone wall was chopped out by this sword a huge ravine.

Death and life have the same origin, and this sword contains the life law of the way of death!

Chapter 351: War-type magic curse


The sword seemed to penetrate the ground, and the cyan light gleamed in the dark place five hundred meters underground, and the roar sounded afterwards. Even the students in the teaching building felt a shock.

what happened?Could it be that someone from the "natural disaster" came over?

However, when the students looked outside, they found that nothing happened, but the earth was still shaking and very violent.

They could not imagine that a fierce battle was taking place five hundred meters underground.

Five hundred meters underground.

The branches and vines of the big sky tree are all over the underground world, and on one branch, Selika is standing in the center, with bright red blood on the cyan sword in her hand, and opposite her, Oshoor There are blood stains on the right side of her black dress and black dress, and her face is extremely pale.

But even so, Selika still didn't care. She looked at Oshoor indifferently, and said: "Hand over the things, I can't kill you."

"kill me?"

Oshoor sneered. Even though she was seriously injured now, she still had the confidence to escape.

Although Oshoor had never underestimated the young principal of the Flozarno Academy from the beginning, he never expected that while the opponent was a powerful magister, he was still a good leader. A powerful swordsman known as "swordsman".

That sword, if it weren't for avoiding it quickly, I'm afraid it's not just a serious injury.

But she is seriously injured now. She is very clear that she can't fight the school principal. She must evacuate quickly, otherwise she may really not be able to leave.

So, Oshoor endured the severe pain, gritted his teeth, looked up, and the next moment Huawei fled towards the top with a black light.

Selika naturally couldn't let her go like this. With a wave of the big sky, the magical light that gradually turned into green was dissipated, and she also turned into a touch of blue light and chased after Oshoor above.


The black beam opened a large hole in the center of the square, and Oshoor rushed out in an instant. Iona, who had been waiting outside for a long time, immediately activated the space teleportation array she had just set up.


Oshoor yelled, but Iona suddenly saw a blue light lasing out of the ground, which instantly surpassed Oshoor.


That ray of cyan light directly transmitted the space that Iona had arranged to break through, and the next moment, Selika's figure appeared in the air, and she was holding the Primordial Spirit that contained the ultimate in life and death in her hand. sword.

"damn it!"

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