Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 363

Seeing that the space teleportation array was broken, Oshoor couldn't help but cursed. She turned her head and looked at the young school principal in the distance.

Because Oshoor's appearance caused a huge commotion, and the students in the teaching building in the distance also noticed the situation here, and their eyes widened when they saw Selika appear.

The head of the school holds the sword in a posture, as if he is fighting those two people?

And Oshodol also noticed the students in the teaching building. The corners of her mouth evoked a strange arc, and then raised a hand, the index finger pointed in the direction of the teaching building, and a black light was condensed on the fingertips, and then turned into A black meteor flew away, she chose to attack those students!

Selika also looked cold after seeing this scene, but as soon as she came up, she focused on the teaching building, so when Oshoor started her hands, she also completed the magic immediately.

"Life Magic·Fuso Tree."


Countless huge branches and vines crawled out of the ground, and then quickly gathered into two intertwined trees, and the thick vines directly covered the entire teaching building.


The black meteor bombarded the huge vine and only blasted it through a hole without bottoming out. The vine was very thick and had a strong defense.


When Oshoor saw this scene, she curled her lips. She clearly saw that the young school principal opposite was already prepared.


Hearing Oshodol's call, Iona immediately understood what she meant, so she immediately made a decision. The current situation was not good for them, and she couldn't help but hesitate.

So, Iona opened her mouth and bit her thumb, blood spilled from the breach, and then she began to portray magic lines in front of her, and began to chant in her mouth, she wanted to portray a wormhole in space that could not be destroyed.

When Selika saw this, she immediately moved, and she flew away in the direction where Iona was, the original sword in her hand lingering in the turquoise light.

Although Oshoor is already seriously injured, she cannot avoid retreating at this moment. She must block Selika before Iona finishes the spell!


With roaring sounds, Selika's attack became more intense. She couldn't just let the other person leave. When she saw these two people in the underground palace, she knew one thing.

Their purpose was the bead from the beginning!

If the power contained in that bead is urged, it is enough to destroy a city, even the entire empire of Florence, there is no treasure that can match it.

That is the war-type magic forbidden curse left by Fana Joseph, the first principal of Flozarno Academy and known as the "war madman"-the law of angels.

Before becoming the Flozarno Academy, Fana Joseph was the director of the Imperial Research Institute hundreds of years ago. He had an extremely lofty position. How many wars were reversed by him, and in some famous In his battle, the "law of angels" he mastered was the key to reversal.

If this war-type magic forbidden curse falls into the hands of "natural disasters", there is no doubt that they will be able to release the prohibition, and it is not difficult to imagine what they will do at that time!

All the creatures are charcoal!

"All right!"

Iona's face was pale, and it was obvious that in order to arrange this fixed-point space wormhole, she also consumed countless magic and effort, but fortunately, she was finished.


After hearing Iona's words, Oshoor immediately broke free of Selika's entanglement, and then flew toward the spatial wormhole. The longer her injury dragged on, the worse she was. She was now supporting herself.

"Do not!"

Seeing that they were about to flee, Selika couldn't help but panicked. She held the original sword in her hand, and the killing intent could be said to have reached the extreme. She concentrated all the power on the sword, and the moment the opponent fled Suddenly cut down!

"Sword Skill·The End of One Life!"

The ray of blue light flashed across the field like a crescent. The moment the space wormhole was closed, a burst of bright red blood sputtered out. Oshodol was hit hard the moment he escaped, and the crescent The blue light disappeared into the sky.

In midair, Celie was gasping in her mouth, her face was extremely gloomy, her left hand clenched into a fist, it can be said that she had never been so angry.

Many students in the teaching building saw the blue sword light across the sky through the crevices. Although they didn't know what happened, they felt that the sword light was beautiful.

Chapter 352: Wake Up Sisia!

In the northwest region, countless mountain peaks have collapsed, and this piece of land is no longer in shape, and amidst the burning smell, a sound of swords can be heard from a place covered with huge rocks.


Those boulders were all shattered, and a white-haired figure covered by blue radiance came out of it. This person was exactly Belen who had fought hard with Sisia.

Belém’s situation is not good at this moment. His hair is completely white. Probably this is not just because of the passage of time, because his appearance has not changed. His thinking will jump to another dimension from time to time. Maybe Most of it is because of this reason.

The flow of life in his body has stopped, this is because his amplification magic has reached its limit and cannot continue to go up, his body has almost assimilated with the magic of heaven and earth.

At this moment, Belen was already injured, and the eternal holy sword that shook "the brave" frontally, even in this detached state, he could not retreat.


At the other end, a red figure also rushed out of the rock covered area. Sisia was standing on a rock, her eyes full of disgust were staring at the blue figure in the distance.

At this moment, Sisiya is also very embarrassed. She is also injured, and she is not much lighter than Belen, but as a powerful superhuman, she is physically stronger than the ultimate Belen. His self-healing ability is several times stronger than Belen.

Belen could naturally feel Sisia's endless killing intent and disgust. He could not imagine the state Sisia was in now, whether she was trapped in a fantasy or emotionally indulged.

But just now, the moment Belen and Sisia met, there is no doubt that he saw the vermilion color on the latter’s eyebrows. With his current detached state, he can even see that the eyebrows are stretched out. The numerous prohibitions.

If he could meet the restriction, he believed that he could definitely make Sisia wake up.

But the problem is that even if Sisya is unconscious, her combat skills are never forgotten. In the face of such a powerful guy, even the current Belén can hardly be close enough to touch him. Met that restricted distance.

As a result, Belen's gaze was fixed on the eternal holy sword in Sisia's hand. If she could avoid her swordsmanship, she might be able to get close to that distance.

Go ahead!

After making the judgment, Belen's body fell slightly, and with a force from behind his feet, the blue afterimage remained in place, rushing to the red-haired girl not far away like a flash of lightning.


Belen flew up, the snow lion went out to sea like a dragon, the tip of the sword pointed at Sisia, and the wrist turned, the silver-white long sword revolved in an instant, enveloping the surrounding fierce energy.

"Broken Army·Devil Slayer Taidao."

In the hands of the red-haired girl, the scarlet big sword was replaced by a dark red Taito. Faced with the silver-white long sword that was rotating and stabbing straight, she waved her arm and directly blocked it, and then raised it high. Beheaded at Belem's head.

Re-holding the snow lion, Belén raised his sword and collided with Demon Sword Taito. His body sank a point in an instant. He shook with all his strength and bounced Demon Sword Taito away. Then he bullied himself and moved his left hand to the girl. Poke his eyebrows.

However, Sisiya flipped back, kicked Belen in the chest and kicked him into the air. The former stomped on the ground and then flew away.


Belen’s eyes trembled slightly, and then he saw Sisia jumping towards him. He made a sideways movement in the air to avoid the blow of Demon Slayer Taito. When he was at the same height as the latter, he A roundabout kick hit the red and white light armor, directly let Sisia fly out.

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