Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 368

Selika shook her head to express helplessness, and then greeted Sisia. Although she knew how Belen's injury came from, she knew very well that she could not blame Sisia.

After all, who would have thought that "the brave" would be controlled?They underestimated the "natural disaster" too much.


When someone came in from behind, Belen suddenly widened his eyes, exclaimed the name of the leader, and then saw two more people.

"Heber, and Atwood! Why are you here?"

Aarons saw Belen's eyes wide open here, and then he walked up with a laugh, he smiled: "Is it a pleasant surprise to see us?"

"It was a pleasant surprise," Belen admitted frankly.

Eber smiled and said: "Yesterday I saw your embarrassed look, but I was so happy."

"You are gloating." Belen shrugged helplessly.

Everyone who came to this office turned their gazes on Belem at this moment. After all, it's really impossible not to let people not care that the black hair turned white overnight.

Looking at Belem’s white hair, Putin couldn’t help but speak: "Belen, your hair."

"I know, don't care so much." Belen knew everyone's kindness, but he didn't want them to feel sorry for himself. He said softly: "My gray hair is not all the cost of overdrafting my life. In the specific situation, I am not very clear."

However, Belen still explained to everyone the kind of transcendent state that he entered during the fight with Sisiya, a realm he had never set foot in, and everyone fell into contemplation after hearing the words.

Regarding Belém's augmented magic, everyone present knew what kind of principle his magic was, but they knew one thing better. Only Belém could reach that level.

What does the so-called over 80% look like?

In the end, Vernie rubbed her chin, and then said first: "You said that your vision, or consciousness, will jump out instantly, probably like a dream state? Sometimes dim and sometimes clear ."

"Very similar." Belen nodded slightly.

Everyone frowned slightly after hearing the words, they didn't know what it was, but Vernie was thinking of something, she said: "Probably, your thinking at that time has already jumped to the dimension of magic."

"Magic dimension?"

Not only Belem, but Aarons and others are also not clear about this, but Selika and Jonna who specialize in magic have their eyes widened, as if they heard something unbelievable.

"How can this be?"

"It's not impossible."

This sentence came from Sisiya, everyone's eyes fell on the brave man, and Sisiya said: "I can also enter the magic dimension, but because I have the protection of the elves, and I am a superman. Kind, so there won’t be many side effects."

The implication is that Belém is a human being, so to step into that inhuman field must bear a certain price.

Worthy of being a "brave" who is "like a god".

Even Aarons, who doesn't have a lot of affection for Sisia, has to be so amazed in my heart, the world's strongest is really not nonsense.

The so-called magical dimension is no longer a field that humans can set foot in. With the special amplification magic created by Belen, he can actually integrate himself into the magic of the world, which has to be surprising.

"This is the first time I have seen a human being able to enter the magical dimension."

Now Sisiya had remembered the scene of her fight against Belem that night. The latter state had indeed entered the magical dimension, otherwise it would be impossible to cut off her power every time.

Even with the experience of Vernie and Jonna, I have never heard of anyone who can step into the magical dimension, and it is simply unheard of.

Verni looked at Belen and said, "If you can enter the magical dimension with your own consciousness, at that time, probably you are not a human being."

If it can do that, it is probably "God".

Hearing this, Belen shook his head, and said, "I hope there won't be such a day." Just contacting that field once, almost let him go directly to life, he doesn't want another time.

At this time, Sisia whispered: "Xiaomu, come out."

Last night, she had liberated the elves.

A small sapling gradually emerged, and then fell on Sisya's shoulder. It was the wood spirit, and it seemed to be watching Belen without eyes.

"Hey, meet again."

"For me, it was probably the first time I met."

Belen knew that it was this little sapling in the small town that gave him and Ilia a drop of life, the legendary wood spirit.

Everyone looked at this little sapling curiously, the magical little sapling that Sisia could call out. The magic emanating from it made everyone feel very comfortable, and Selika felt the deepest because of her magic. It is closest to it.

In an instant, everyone knew what this young tree sapling was like.

The wood spirit.

Sisya didn't care about the conversation between the two. She said, "Can you heal him?"

"Let me see."

The young sapling floated on Belen's head, and the turquoise magic swayed with its leaves, then scattered like pollen, and then penetrated into Belen's body.

Everyone looked at Belen nervously, and now the only one who can solve the problem is probably the wood elves. How can there be more powerful healing effects in this world than the wood elves?

Under the magic power of the wood elves, everyone's eyes gradually widened, and the white hair gradually returned to black, but in the end it only recovered partly.

Half black and half white.

The young sapling stood on Belém’s head and placed its own leaves, and said, “I have used the liquid of life for you before, so you are very adaptable to my magic power. I can restore your vitality. Some, but the other part is nothing."

Hearing what the Wood Elf said, Sisya frowned and asked, "Why is this happening?"

Little Sapling explained: "His gray hair is probably not due to the lack of vitality, but as a human being to enter the magic field. His thinking has always been in a state of extreme tension, because he can't adapt and has been under load. It becomes what it is now."

It turned out to be so!

Everyone suddenly realized that although Belen had strengthened his body to the point of transcendence by virtue of the amplification magic, his thinking was still the same, and if he wanted to try to blend into the magic power between heaven and earth, even Belen’s magic control must be necessary. It takes a lot of effort.

Aaron on the side sighed slightly: "It's really hard for you to do this. As far as this control is concerned, I can't match you."

Chapter 358: "The Devil"?

Half black and half white hair.

Belen was sitting on the sofa and kneading his hair, but soon he sat still, always feeling weak and a little hungry.

"Now, here you are."

Aaron on the side handed a biscuit, and Belen took a look, then took it naturally, just like he was in the sword house.

Everyone started to exchange the information they knew last night. After all, the information handed over to the imperial military today was not complete, because when they came back last night, everyone was exhausted.

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