Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 369

First of all, Putin told about the Blood Witch that their group encountered. Everyone frowned when they learned that there was a sixth core member of the "Scourge".

They have all fought against those core members, and they naturally know their strength. They did not expect that there are six levels of existence in this organization, which is really tricky.


The Sisia on the side suddenly spoke, everyone's eyes fell on her, and she said after a moment of silence: "They spent a lot of money to control me, and they need to control me. One person is the main mind."


None of these seven people are weak, and four of them need to be focused on. One is the blood witch who suddenly appeared. According to Putin, the blood witch seems to have lived more than 380 years. This is a very incredible thing, it is hard to imagine how powerful she is.

In addition to the blood maiden, the ice maiden and the flame maiden are also extremely threatening. The two of them have mastered the power of the "law of mantra", which is sufficient to counter the power of the elemental elves, and the magic power of the devouring maiden is weird Unpredictable, also not to be underestimated.

After these four, there are two witches who master gravity and multiplying magic. Although the remaining one has never met, it is probably a witch who has the power to control the mind or create the magic of the environment.

After being attacked once, everyone felt troubled by the "natural disasters". This organization dared to challenge the giant of the Holy See. It did have the ability.

After being silent for a while, Sisiya said suddenly: "In fact, there is one more thing I think I should tell you."

Seeing Sisya’s hesitation, Selika smiled and said: "It’s okay, Sisya, you think you should say it, just say it, here are all your own people, as long as you think you shouldn’t talk to others, then We will never disclose it."

"Senior sister." Sisya looked at Selika, and then took a deep breath. She said in a deep voice, "I was taken into their headquarters by them. If it wasn't for a guy to appear, they would do it anyway. Can't catch me."

Ever since, Sisiya told the process of being brought into the headquarters of "Natural Disaster" at that time, and everyone was shocked by the "demonic breath" in the words.

That "natural disaster" actually colluded with the Demon King Army!?

You know, that Demon King's army can be described as the enemy of all creatures in this world, but they want to conquer or destroy the world all day long.

Regarding the fact that Sisiya walked into the other party’s trap alone, even Aaron just felt wrong, but she also felt it was necessary. After all, this red-haired girl is known as a "god". .

"The existence that can destroy your stored power..."

After listening to Sisiya's words, Selika also frowned. It can be said that all the people present with Sisiya's power have a bottom line. After all, even Belem who stepped into the dimension of magic power can't defeat the latter. The realm called "God" is enough to imagine how powerful this brave lord is.

You can hear from Sisiya’s words that the blow she made at the time was enough to break the barrier. Faced with that blow, probably the ice and snow maidens were unable to stop them, but the mysterious person It was her presence that broke her charge.

How strong is that mysterious man?Probably stronger than Belem, who has stepped into the field of magic power, how could such a powerful existence appear here?

Qiao Enna on the side heard some clues in Sisiya's words, and she asked: "Looking at you, do you know who that demon is?"

"Yeah, I know."

Sisiya squeezed her hands, and a solemn expression appeared on the face of the brave man. She said solemnly: "I did see the face under the black robe at the time."

"That guy, why come here."

Seeing Sisia's appearance, everyone looked at each other. They gradually realized something, and the expressions on their faces gradually changed, a little unbelievable.

Maybe there is only one in the world who can show this look on the world's strongest "brave"?

Kaile still held a cookie in her hand that hadn't finished eating. She stared at Sisya blankly, and said with some uncertainty: "You don't want to say, that guy is, right?"

"That face, I can't possibly forget it."

Sisiya was extremely sure, and she looked very serious and said, "I'm pretty sure, it's the "Devil" guy!There is absolutely no possibility of misunderstanding!"


That is the supreme emperor of the legendary Demon King Army, which is the source of the most terrifying calamity, and the "Devil King" is also the "brave" and the ultimate goal for everyone to conquer!

Although "the brave" is known as the strongest in the world, it is because everyone believes that the "devil" will definitely die under the hands of "the brave", so this factor is excluded.

If there is a "brave" in this world who can fight with all their strength, there is no doubt that it must be the supreme "devil king" of the demons.

The Sisia who fought with Belen was in a state where all the elves fell asleep. If all the combat power was unblocked, even Belen who stepped into the magical dimension would never win.

But the "devil" can.

Putin sitting on the chair beside him asked curiously: "How strong is that "Devil"?Have you played against him?"

"I fought it once, although I didn't win, but I didn't lose either." Sisya recalled the battle, with a faint brilliance in her eyes, she said solemnly: "Even if you fight with all your strength, it is difficult to win. That guy."

Everyone can't imagine how strong the "Devil King" is, because they don't have a base for Sisia's strength. The world's strongest is really unimaginable, because only evenly matched guys can guess the depth of each other's strength.

Sisia paused, and then looked at Belem. She seemed to want to say something, but in the end she didn't say it bluntly. She just said: "Although the "Devil King" is very strong, in fact, the most troublesome thing is the four major demons. Marshal, our combat power cannot be fully resisted, so it will interfere with my fight with that guy."

Even if it is as strong as a "brave," there is still some helplessness.

Chapter 359: Enough

After the meeting was over, Putin and others left one after another. They had a lot of things to do. In the end, only Belen and Selika and Sisia were still in this office.

"Then, I should go too."

Belen was about to stand up, sitting here for a while is considered to have recovered some strength, now it is time to go back to Latier and the others, however, just as he was about to stand up, Sisia's voice came in his ears .

"Belen, do you know your condition?"

"My condition?"

So, Belen didn't get up. He looked at Selika. After a moment of silence, he pointed to his gray hair and said, "Do you mean this?"

"your time..."

Selika stopped talking, her hands clenched into fists on the table, her eyes had strange gazes, she pursed her lips, seemingly unwilling.

The Sisia on the side lowered her head and said, "Xiaomu told me that your vitality is exhausted very seriously." She is undoubtedly the most guilty one.

Hearing what the two said, Belen probably also knew what they meant. Although he had been mentally prepared for this, at this moment, his mood was undoubtedly very bad.

Selika was silent for a while, and she said: "When I treated you last night, I could feel the death aura in your body with my magic power. Generally speaking, only those who are dying will have it."

In Belen's body, the anger has begun to turn into lifelessness, and his state, to be better, is like an old man in his twilight years, going downhill.

After hearing these words, Belen sat silently on the sofa. What kind of mood should he use to deal with this fact at this moment? He doesn't want to be depressed, but it is probably more difficult for him to let him go easily at this moment.

"How much time do I have left?"

When Belen asked, Selika shook her head. She said, "I can't judge, but..." she said, looking at Sisia.

Seeing Selika looked around, Sisya exhaled. She really didn't want to say such things by herself, the sense of guilt became stronger and stronger.

"The time is uncertain, but in your current situation, it may be within five years..."

At this point, Sisia stopped. She clenched her fists, bit her teeth, and said: "I won't let you die, I will find a way to save you."

Hearing Sisiah said this, Belen looked at her and then smiled slightly. He said, "You don't have to be so bitter, it's not your fault."

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