Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 390

But La Tier was a little touched. She didn't expect Hill to be willing to treat her equally, and then he was a little hesitant. Hill was so good to her, then she should also treat her once, perhaps now. Tell Hill about the slave?

If so, would Hill dislike her and Latis?

Latier has been hesitating at this point, because recently Hill’s attitude towards them is so good, so good that she feels ashamed. She obviously only helped Hill a favor, and Hill was actually willing to treat them as Family, but she still had the most important point that she didn't tell Hill.

She must find a chance to confess to Hill, or she will be uneasy.

At noon, the performances at the Auxerre Opera have been going on for a while, and in Poggiacorti's mansion, Belen is walking around alone without incident.

He wanted to go to the Auxerre Opera House, because he had never been to the Opera House, but because of Hill's resistance, he had to give up.

It's a pity.

Because Hill and the others did not come back until noon, no one ordered the kitchen to cook, so Belen had to do it himself, so when he asked the maids, he found a way to the kitchen, and then left alone. Go to the kitchen.

I have to say that the kitchen here is very high-end and atmospheric. Compared to the most high-end cuisine restaurants, it is not bad at all. There is no peculiar smell, and the environment is very good. You can even sit on the couch when you have nothing to do. Sleeping leisurely, being a chef here is a beautiful job.

"Hello, can you lend me the kitchen?"

Belen, who walked into the kitchen, looked at the surroundings, and then looked at one of the people who was still in the kitchen. He was still wearing a chef's clothes. He should be the chef working here.

When the person reading the newspaper heard the sound, he also put the newspaper down. It was a middle-aged man who seemed to have a strong figure. He looked at the man with black and white hair in doubt.

"you are?"

"I am your eldest lady's guest." Belen replied, and then after thinking about it, he couldn't use the kitchen utensils and cooking here for nothing, so he added.

"Well, I'm still a "God of Cooking"."

Chapter 381: Let's make a lunch

Sitting in the kitchen is not only the one reading the newspaper, but other people are also doing their own things. When they heard the name of "God of Cooking", they all looked down on standing still That young man.

""The God of Cooking"?Are you joking with me?"

I saw a* who was sitting on a chair playing with some small toy and stood up, looking young, probably only in his twenties, and looking at Belem weirdly.

Belen blinked, did he care about the fact that the other party did not know him? Although the "God of Cooking Contest" is very famous, even if he won the championship, he only had a few pictures in the newspaper. People can't just read the newspaper to remember others, right?

The middle-aged man lying on the couch also put down the newspaper. He seemed to look carefully at Belen, and he seemed to think of something vaguely.

"Young man, I think you are familiar with it. That "unstable kitchen knife" is very similar."

"It's me, I haven't eaten lunch yet, so I want to cook something by myself." Belen nodded, then explained, then looked around, looking for the ingredients, then looked at those few The chef who was staring at him, he thought about it, and reached out a finger, as if he had some good idea.

"Have you eaten? Do you want to be together?"

However, for the latter words, the chefs didn't seem to care at all, they only cared about the identity the young man had just admitted.

"Unstable Kitchen Knife" is the champion of this "God of Cooking Contest", that is, the current "God of Cooking". They are all people in the kitchen world. They read the daily newspapers during that period. Yes, although it is very similar to the young man in front of him, his hair color is different.

Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that the young man in front of him is not that one.

The young chef man looked at Belem. He also felt that the man in front of him was a bit familiar, so he said, "It happened that I didn't eat it either. Why don't you make a portion for me?"

"I will simply make a curry rice."

Belen nodded, and then walked to the kitchen table on the right. He looked at the crowd again and asked curiously: "Where are the ingredients?"

The young man wrapped his hands in front of him, smiled and said, "What do you need, I will get it for you."

So Belen reported the ingredients he wanted to the man. All he wanted were ordinary ingredients, which also made the man confused.

In fact, when Belém is cooking, if it is neither a competition nor for Latier and the others, the dishes he prepares are very simple. After all, he is not picky at all and has a good appetite.

After the potato and other ingredients arrived, Belen took a look and immediately peeled it off, but instead of using those tools, he used a kitchen knife.

If the thickness of the peeling made the chefs' eyes brighten, then the next knife skills made their eyes wide open.

When Belén lifted the knife, it wasn't that the aura was so mysterious, but at the moment when the knife fell, it seemed that even the cutting board of the ingredients catered to his movements, and the slender kitchen knife rotated in his hand to cut the ingredients. Blocking is just between the breaths, and the action is done in one go.

"Good knifeman!"

After seeing this scene, there was a chef who couldn't help but exclaimed. He had never seen such a skillful knife craftsman. This is not fancy, anyone with eyesight can see the food handling. How precise is the knifeman?

"It is said that in that time of the God of Cooking Contest, there was a genius girl who alarmed all the big figures in the kitchen world, and the most impressive thing about that girl was the skillful knife worker."

Although the genius girl was mentioned, their eyes looked at the young man in astonishment. How does this person's knife skills compare to that genius girl?

But Belen, who heard the chef's words, turned his head at this moment. He nodded slightly at the chef and said, "I imitated her."

The genius girl who imitated?

Everyone was stunned. They were almost certain that the young man in front of them was the "God of Cooking", and the knife skill alone was shocking.

After a while, the scent of curry diffused out, and as soon as the smell came out, the roar of Belen's stomach resonated with everyone.

The middle-aged man reading the newspaper also said at this time: "Can you give me a bowl?" He also wanted to taste the dishes made by "God of Cooking", even though it was a very ordinary curry rice. .

"Okay." Belen replied.

Ever since, those chefs all asked for a bowl. Since the identity of this young man is confirmed, the dishes he makes must be tasted. After all, this one is standing at the pinnacle of their cooking world!

Suddenly more people wanted to eat, so Belen asked them for some ingredients, and the chefs looked excited to get the ingredients.

And the young man understood what was going on after he noticed everyone's attitude. He watched Belen stay silent for a while, and then spoke again.

"Are you really that "God of Cooking"?"


So, the young man chef said: "My name is Gallon, and I have heard about you. Can you let me taste the dish you cooked in the final?"

"The New Year after the four seasons."

The middle-aged man with the newspaper came to Gallon's side and reported the name of the final dish that Belen had participated in the game.

Then Belén turned his head and looked at him. The middle-aged man nodded slightly, and then introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Modelo. I am the chef here. The dishes for the Grand Duke's banquet are all made by me. "

"Hello there."

Belen also nodded, and then he said, "I can't make that dish now."

Hearing this, Gallon frowned and asked in confusion: "Why? Is it because of the ingredients? I remember that when you selected the ingredients, they were all inexpensive ingredients."

"That's right, but the state of mind at the time can't be restored now." Belen explained in this way, not knowing whether they understood the meaning, but it was indeed the same.

"State of mind?" Gallon was stunned.

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