Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 391

On the side, Modelo put his big hand on Gallon's head, grinning and said: "You stinky boy hasn't reached the level yet, of course I don't know what it is."

"Why don't I know." Gallon slapped Modro's hand away, and then glared at the latter with dissatisfaction. He just forgot about it. He remembered the question of the last game. It's faith.

After a while, Belem’s curry rice was all finished. When the chefs tasted it, they all showed admiration. The ordinary curry rice made with ordinary ingredients can also be so delicious. It is indeed very unusual. what!

"What are you eating? Let me try it too?"

While everyone was eating food and chatting, a voice suddenly came from the entrance.

Chapter 382: Grand Duke Giovanni?

That voice made Modro and the others stunned for a moment, and after they raised their heads and looked at them, they all opened their eyes, and then hurriedly got up.


When he saw the crowd suddenly getting up and then hearing their names, Belem was also stunned for a moment, then looked back and saw a tall man standing there with a smile on his face, and beside him was Cuba. Old housekeeper.

This is Hill's father?The noble grand duke?

It was a middle-aged man who was about forty steps and fifty years old. He was wearing a white formal suit. His clothes were not very loose, so he was tall and burly. His deep eyes were similar to Hill. , The slightly brown black pupil seemed to have a trace of majesty, dark skin, and a slight stubble. After the baptism of time and world affairs, this man has a very mature charm.

"What are you going to eat? Give me a serving, but it's starving me."

The Grand Duke smelled the alluring fragrance, and his stomach groaned. He walked to the source of the fragrance boldly. When he saw the curry in the big iron pass, his eyes lit up and he turned his head to look. To everyone.

"Curry, who made it?"

Hearing the Grand Duke’s question, Belem also responded: "I did it."

Seeing this very young man, the Grand Duke also grinned. He said, "Can you give me a copy? I'm hungry."

"Of course, you are free."

Belem was a little surprised that the Grand Duke was so easy-going, which reminded him of what Hill had said. Although it was the first time we met, the Grand Duke felt very good for him.

Cuba on the side said: "Master, I will give you a cup?"

"No need, can't I do this little thing?" The Grand Duke waved his hand and refused, and then looked for a plate of chopsticks enthusiastically.

While watching the Grand Duke’s actions, everyone stopped and watched, while the Grand Duke ate the first bite of curry rice in full view. His big eyes immediately widened, showing admiration. expression.

"It's delicious! Boy, good craftsmanship!"

"Thank you for the compliment." Belen also smiled slightly, an unexpectedly noble person.

Modelo on the side also said with a smile: "Master, you don't know, this young man is the contemporary "God of Cooking" in our kitchen world. He is the one who won the "God of Cooking Contest" a few months ago. kitchen knife"."

Hearing this, the Grand Duke was also taken aback for a while, then looked at Belém, blinked, then frowned slightly, and said suspiciously: "I remember your hair was black in the daily paper."

In response to this, Belen just reached out and grabbed his hair, and said helplessly: "There is force majeure in it, and I can't help it."

"Okay." The Grand Duke nodded, then smiled and asked Belen, "I have Modelo here, or you will be my daughter's personal chef?"

Hill's personal chef?

Upon hearing this, Belém subconsciously wanted to refuse, but then the Grand Duke said before him: "I have heard from Cuba that you saved Hill."

The Grand Duke put down the plate, then stood up and bowed slowly to the place where Belem was. He said, "Thank you, I don't want to lose my family anymore."

Belen was also startled when he saw the Grand Duke bow to him, but he was stunned after hearing what the former said. He remembered Hill's sad expression at that moment.

Even if he is in a high position and has countless glory and wealth, in the heart of the grand duke, he has a family that is more important than his status.

The Grand Duke straightened his waist again. He smiled boldly and said: "Although the kid is very naughty, he is a kind-hearted kid. If there is anything wrong with him, please forgive me."

"I understand." Belen nodded slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the Grand Duke sat down again to eat the plate of curry, and the chefs also finished the curry one after another, and the curry was still unsatisfactory, so the bucket of curry was eagerly eaten by everyone.

After filling his stomach, the Grand Duke burped without image, then looked at Belem and asked, "Would you like to be my daughter's private chef? The treatment is very generous."

Good treatment?

Belen wanted to refuse, but he suddenly thought that he was in urgent need of medicinal materials to heal his injuries, so he thought about it and said, "I probably can't stay in Eloranya for too long."

The Grand Duke grinned when he heard the words. He said, "This is not a problem. The kid on Hill is very greedy. When will he leave, when will the job end? Is this okay?"

"Okay, I accept it." Belen agreed. He pursed his lips. Finally, he mustered the courage. He cautiously asked: "Can the salary issue be settled daily? I have some I want to buy things, and I am a little tight on funds."

Hearing what Belén said, everyone felt a little strange. He was clearly the "God of Cooking" at the pinnacle of the kitchen world, but he would have no money. This is really weird. Obviously, I went to sell some cooking recipes with any cooking institution. Can make a fortune.

Probably this is the poorest "God of Cooking", right?

The Grand Duke didn’t care, but rather curious. He asked, “What do you want to buy?”

"Because I have injuries on my body, I want to buy some medicinal materials and boil them to heal my injuries." Belen doesn't think there is anything to hide about his own injury.

Hearing what Belem said, the chefs looked at Belem curiously, and the Grand Duke seemed to know what, so he didn't have much doubts, just nodded.

"You can tell Cuba about the medicinal materials you want, so that someone can bring it for you. As for the cost, it will be deducted from your subsequent salary."

Hearing this, Belen also opened his eyes in surprise, and then hurriedly said: "Then I beg you!" I was worried that it would be a tiring thing to go shopping for medicinal materials, but now it is a great thing to solve.

"My name is Belen Grean. You can just call me Belen. Don't you know your name?"

Having given him so many benefits, Belen still doesn't know the other party's name, which is really rude!

The Grand Duke smiled and said, "My name is Giovanni Poggiacorti."

"Giovanni? Joe? The Duke?"

Knowing the name of the Grand Duke, Belen also suddenly thought of something, his eyes gradually widened, and there was a faint light in his pupils.

Is there such a coincidence?

Chapter 383: The killer is here again.

In the northern part of Eloranya, it is already evening, and the performances in the Auxerre Opera House are coming to an end. Whenever a performance ends, it is accompanied by warm applause.

At this moment, Hill and others are sitting in the exclusive box, and La Tier and Hill are crying into tears at this moment, and the two seem to feel the same while holding hands. Laya is also silently watching the ongoing opera, Kitty Erlatis also grumbled her little mouth and looked very upset.

Apart from them, there is only one silver-haired girl sitting in the seat and watching calmly, with no expression on her small face, as if she has no interest in opera, and can't hit her emotional thread at all.

"What is your brother doing now?"

Seemingly getting bored, Illiya began to mutter to herself.

After the dusk was covered by the night sky, Auxerre's opera also ushered in the final curtain. Many women left their seats with tears in their eyes.

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