Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 396

"No, no!"

Belen was also startled by Hill who suddenly changed his personality, and subconsciously gave in, he looked at the girl staring at him with some palpitations.

Broken because you were hungry?



Belen ran out of the room in an instant and reached the top of the stairs. This strenuous exercise also made him feel tired, but fortunately, his body has improved a bit these days.

Just after Belen gasped for a while, an incomparable killing intent came immediately behind him. He knew Hill was coming in an instant, and he was so scared that he immediately ran down the stairs.

For these guys, he really has nothing!

After a while, under the pressure of the murderous intent behind him, Belen finally completed a life-saving dish, and then set it aside.

The moment the cooking was finished, the killing intent disappeared instantly, and the girl pulled a stool over and sat in the kitchen to eat, with a surprised expression on her face.

Seeing Hill's happy look, Belen also twitched his lips. This guy is no longer a food master, he is already a captive of food.

Because of the excessive consumption of energy, Belen was also a little tired when he relaxed. He also pulled a chair and sat down beside Hill.

He was not hungry, and there was no extra food for Belen, so he could only watch the girl next to him eating his own food during this time of rest.

And Hill also noticed Belen's sight. She turned her head, with a grain of rice in the corner of her mouth, and said in an unimaginative way: "What do you look at? If you are hungry, won't you do it by yourself?"

"Not hungry."

Belen replied, and then withdrew his gaze, leaned his knees on the table and supported his cheeks with the palms of his hands. Because there was nothing to look at, he looked at Hill subconsciously.

Seeing that delicate and beautiful side face, Belen couldn't help thinking, apart from other things, this Hill is still very beautiful, thinking of the girl's arrogant scene, he also smiled a little.

If you think about it carefully, it's a bit cute, as Gallon said.

Hill's eyes glanced at the man who was looking at her. She just wanted to make a sound, but she didn't say anything because she hadn't swallowed the food in her mouth. She chewed and chewed, and she silently glanced at the extra large portion of the plate. Curry rice, then glanced at the man next to him.

"If you are hungry, I allow you to take a bowl and go a little bit from mine."


"Just be grateful to this lady! I'm such a compassionate person! Humph!" Hill thought that Belen was also touched by this, so his arrogant temper came out again.

"No, no," Belen shook his head quickly, and then said with a look of disgust: "You have eaten all of this, there must be saliva on it, I don't want it."

"You, get out of here!"

Hill, who was still stunned because Belen shook his head, immediately jumped up in embarrassment after hearing the disgusting words. Fortunately, she felt a little guilty!

Chapter 388: Don't make a noise!

In front of the embarrassed Hill, Belen couldn't resist the anger, so he moved a long distance away consciously, and then watched the girl gobble up food.

"Hey, there is a grain of rice at the corner of your mouth."

"You can control it!"

After hearing Belen's reminder, the girl immediately screamed, then reached out and wiped the rice grains at the corner of her mouth. Just when she was about to shake it off, she stopped her hand and put it in her mouth again.

At this time, Belen also had a good idea, he said maliciously: "I said, is the food I cook delicious?"

"It's not delicious!" The girl replied subconsciously, and then suddenly stopped in her mouth, her cheeks instantly flushed, as if she was embarrassed by her actions, she gritted her teeth and added.

"Not delicious at all!"

"Then don't eat it!"

As far as Belém is concerned, there is probably only one stalk between him and Hill that can't be played badly. Every time he encounters this problem, the child's expression is so interesting.

It's just like...

Are you teasing a little mouse?

"Why should I listen to you!"

After saying this, Hill snorted again, then accidentally choked the food that hadn't been swallowed, and immediately coughed.

Seeing Hill choked and had been patting his chest, Belen was also startled, then stood up and poured a glass of water towards Hill, and handed the water to Hill.

"Hurry up and drink."

Before Hill drank it, Belen patted the girl's back with his hand, and then retracted his hand when he drank the water. He was also a little helpless, and it was better not to speak while eating.


After drinking the water, Hill also exhaled, and then subconsciously wanted to thank the people who handed the water around, but when the first "thank" was exited, she also saw who handed the water, and immediately stopped. Stopped, then turned around, muttering.

"I won't thank you."

Belen didn't expect her to thank him either. He returned to his position, and then felt a little sleepy in his heart. He reached out and rubbed the corner of his eyes, and then looked at Hill who was eating in slow motion.

"Latier and the others are hungry, do I need to prepare them for them?"

Hearing this, Hill glanced at him and replied after being silent for a while: "They are watching the stars on the roof. I said I want to go to the hot spring first, but I was hungry before I went in."

Hearing what Hill said, Belen was also stunned for a while, then looked at Hill a little strangely, and he asked curiously: "Do you like my food?"

When Hill heard this, her cheeks that had cooled down immediately turned red and hot again. She denies with shame, "Bah! Who likes you? No, who likes your cooking! No, no, I hate it. you!"

"No, I mean cooking..."


Belen blinked, then glanced at the plate with curry sauce left. Although he said he didn't like it, he was still very honest.

Although this guy hates himself, he can't deny that this guy is really cute.

After finishing the meal, Hill stood up contentedly, and she gave Belen a fierce glance, as if she was dissatisfied that the other party was so annoying during her meal.

Seeing Hill left the kitchen without saying thank you, Belen also sighed helplessly. If he was not a private chef, it would be fine, but now there is no turning back.

I bought all the medicinal materials for himself, and it was only a month old. He has used it better now. If he resigns now, he will not be able to repay it if he resigns.

Just when Belen was about to wash the dishes, suddenly there was the sound of footsteps behind him. He looked back and saw that Hill suddenly ran back hurriedly.

"Quick! Hurry and hide!"


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