Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 397

Before Belem could react, Hill immediately grabbed his wrist and ran to the back of the kitchen. After looking around, he opened a cabinet and found that there was nothing inside. So he made a decisive decision and immediately pulled Belem drill. Go in and close the cabinet door.

The two stood on both ends of the cabinet like this, Hill seemed to be on guard, and Belen was already confused at the moment, this situation is a bit inexplicable.

"What happened?"


Hill immediately made a gesture of silence. She watched the outside through a small slit in the cabinet door she pushed open, and then closed the door just in case.

"what happened?"

After the door was closed, only a small amount of light could be seen. Belen gave Hill this set of actions in a daze. Did he find a new way to fix himself?

"Latil and Ilia have come down. I guess they came to me. I don't want to be known by them... I ran out to eat at night."

Although there was only a faint light, Belen could still see Hill's nervous look. He stayed for a while and then felt a little funny.

"It seems that you care about them."

After hearing Belen's words, Hill looked at Belen coldly and sarcastically said, "Do you think I am like you?"

Hearing this, Belen was a little puzzled, and then thought that his current situation felt a bit inexplicable, the more he thought about it, the more things were wrong, so he frowned.

its not right!Why should he stay here?

The foodie who has to eat at night is Hill, not him!

Wait, there seems to be a good idea?

A weird smile suddenly appeared on Belen's face, and he also raised his head to look at Hill, but the moment his gaze contacted Hill's, the whole person was shocked.

In front of Belen, Hill was staring at her, her dark brown eyes looked extremely strange in the darkness, as if staring at him in the abyss, it was chilling.

"You just laughed? Are you trying to betray me?"

"No, no! No! Absolutely not!"

Belen, who was instantly seen through his mind, was also panicked. He subconsciously denied the idea that was born in his heart, and then abruptly killed the idea.


When Hill had something to say, the cabinet door was suddenly opened, and the light instantly dissipated the darkness in the cabinet, exposing the figures of the two people.

"found it."

Hearing this sound, the two turned their heads stiffly. What caught their eyes was a beautiful girl with silver hair, and Belen had an idea, put out a hand and pulled Ilia directly into the cabinet, and then pulled the cabinet. The door closed.

"Ilia! Don't say anything! Is Ratil still outside?"

Belen was sitting in the cupboard at the moment, Ilia was sitting in front of him, and he was covering the latter's mouth with his hand to prevent the child from attracting Latier.


Hearing Ilia's response, Belen also sighed in relief, then retracted his hand, wiped the wetness of his palm, and then reached out and rubbed the girl's head.

"Hey, don't make any noise, or else the brother's innocence will not be washed away."

If he had gone out directly before, there would be no risk at all, but now this situation is not so good. If he is discovered, what will he see at first sight?

He and Hill are in such a narrow cabinet!

If La Tier saw this scene, maybe something big would happen, right?

"Illya! Get up from this guy!" Hill stretched out his hand and pulled Illya up from Belen, then looked at the latter warily.

Belen blinked, just trying to explain something, a familiar voice came in his ear: "Illya? Where are you?" This is Ratil's voice!

Except for Ilia, Belen and Hill are like great enemies, and their nerves suddenly become tense. If they are discovered now, it will be a big deal!

However, at this moment, La Tier came to the cabinet, which frightened the two people in the cabinet.

Chapter 389: This loss can only be swallowed

At this moment in the cabinet, except for Ilia’s expressionless face, Belen and Hill already felt that their hearts were about to jump out of their bodies. Their heads were already stuck together unconsciously, and they both surrendered their eyes. The figure outside.

Probably, La Tier and the others discovered that Hill was not there when they were going to the hot spring, so they came out to look for it. After all, that extra large curry rice took Fisher a lot of time.

Now, although La Tier outside was standing in front of the cabinet, her back was facing the cabinet. She looked around with some doubts. It was obvious that Ilia had just walked here.

"Ilia! Can you hear me? Where are you?"

When she heard La Tier's call, Illya subconsciously wanted to respond, and Belen and Hill also squatted down at this moment, then folded their hands together and covered Illya's mouth.


The two had a tacit understanding at this moment.

Her mouth was covered and she couldn't make a sound, but Illiya blinked, but didn't struggle, just looked at the two people around her strangely.

"Don't say anything!"

Hill's voice has been suppressed to the lowest level in her life, she is now so nervous that she is sweating, this must not be discovered!

"Latier, right? Are you eating it?"

Suddenly there was another voice. When the owner of this voice was recognized, the two in the cabinet instantly changed from nervous and shaking to petrified state.

No, isn't it?

Why is this one here?

Latier looked at the entrance of the kitchen, saw Hill's father also saluted, and then smiled and said, "No, Lord Duke, I'm looking for Ilia."

The visitor was Grand Duke Giovanni, Hill's father!

Belém is already sweating, and the crisis has risen countless levels this time. Now he is so close to the three people of Hill and Ilia. If Grand Duke Giovanni finds out, it will probably be difficult to explain. Is his mouth bare, right?

And Hill was even more afraid to let out his anger at this moment. If he showed his father that he was in such a narrow place with a man, he would probably not be relieved by an explanation!


After hearing what Latier said, Giovanni looked around, then curiously asked, "Is she here? The kitchen is just that big."

"Probably already out?" Latier couldn't find the answer. Then, she looked at the Grand Duke and asked curiously: "What does the Duke do to come to the kitchen so late?"

Giovanni smiled and said: "I'm a little hungry, so I came out to find something to eat, but it's not so good to trouble Modro and the others at night, so I'm going to find out if I can eat directly."

"It turns out that it is, then I will look for Ilia again." Latier bowed to Giovanni, and then walked out of the kitchen to continue looking for Ilia.

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