Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 398

"Then, find out what else to eat." Giovanni began to look for his supper.

Seeing this scene, Belem was a little speechless. This father and daughter are really the same. They still want to eat at this time.


At this moment, Giovanni suddenly saw the unwashed plate, he was stunned, stared at the curry sauce on the plate, and then said to himself.

"Who is making curry in the middle of the night? Are you really afraid of getting fat? Is it Modelo?"

Hearing Giovanni's words, Belem knew immediately that he had seen a plate he hadn't started washing, and then looked at the girl who was bulging cheeks with a smile.

"I will eat fat."

"You didn't do it yet!"

Hill retorted in dissatisfaction, saying, she also stretched out her hand to squeeze her waist, and then her face was a little bit wrong, she always felt a little more fleshy, it is true that she has eaten a bit more recently. Are you fat?Illusion!

But there is no way, every time I want to finish it, I can't stop it!

When he thought of this, Hill looked at Belem fiercely again and complained: "It's all your fault, every time you do so much!"

Hearing this inexplicable complaint and accusation, Belem twitched the corners of his mouth slightly. He said, "I've done a lot, but it's not because you can eat? If you eat early, how can you finish eating every time? "

That's right, although Belen always makes a huge portion for Hill every time, this slim-looking guy is a surprisingly big appetite, and he actually eats it every time!


Seeing Belen's retort, Hill immediately showed a fierce look. In her opinion, it was Belen's fault. If she didn't make it so delicious, she wouldn't be overwhelmed!

Correct!It's this guy's fault!

Ilia, who had been sitting with her knees around, suddenly said, "Brother, when is it surprising?"

Belen responded softly: "Ilia will bear with me for a while, and wait for the Lord Duke to leave first."

The Grand Duke Giovanni who was outside suddenly became discouraged. He sighed and said to himself: "No, I have nothing to eat. I don't want to eat fruit anymore. I will ask Modro to do some backup tomorrow. "

So Giovanni shook his head in disappointment and left the kitchen.

Finally gone!

After seeing that the two dangerous men had left, Belen and Hill in the cabinet were relieved, and their tense nerves relaxed at this moment.

After opening the cabinet door, the three people walked out.

Hill found a stool and sat down, then lay down on the table, thinking in her head, if she knew this would happen, she would definitely endure the urge to eat!

And Belen on the side also sighed for a long time, and then began to reflect. He had known that this would be the case, he would never make a supper for this guy!

"Brother, do you go to the hot springs?" Illiya reached out and grabbed Belen's clothes corner.

Hearing this, Belen turned his head to look at Ilia, then waved his hand, and said with a tired face: "Ilia, brother is so tired now, I want to go back to sleep."

"Okay." Illiya nodded.

"Ilia, let's go together!" Hill suddenly raised his head, then glanced at Belen with a contemptuous look, and sarcastically said: "I don't go to bed as dirty as some guy. It."

Yes Yes Yes.

Belen looked at her helplessly, then sighed and was about to wash the dishes. Tonight was really exciting, no matter who found it, it felt bad.

No, this dumb loss can't just let it go!

When Belen opened the water, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched, and a ray of light flashed under his eyes. This time it was broken for Hill, and it couldn't end like this.

While Belem was washing the dishes, Hill's voice suddenly came from his ear: "Oh, yes."

Belén turned his head when he heard the sound, and when he saw the girl whose hair was covering half of her eyes and tilted her head, her heart seemed to be picked up, and the girl's dark brown eyes stared at him as if from the abyss The eyes of the devil are palpitating in this quiet atmosphere.

"If you dare to say anything about tonight, you won't be paid any money."


Chapter 390: Meet Again, Lucy Raphael

Unknowingly, I lived in the Hill's house for almost a month. During this time, in addition to the rapid progress of the girls' relationship, Belem's body began to improve day by day.

These days Belen has been soaking in the medicated bath, which makes him stained with a kind of fragrance, which is similar to the taste of the liquid cooling down. The fragrance is like the gust of wind blowing on the grassland. Genial.

early morning.

Belen, who had just changed his clothes and sat on the bed, looked at his right hand. He shook it loosely, and then shook his palm. Although it was much better than before, he still can't exert much strength now. .

However, it is better than the weak appearance before.

Belém took out a letter from the storage. He looked at the envelope in silence, and it was time to hand this thing to the Grand Duke Giovanni. He had never read the contents of the envelope, but the more he touched These upper-class people, the more he can perceive the weight of the information contained in this letter.

Maybe something terrible will happen?

However, this has nothing to do with him.

Belen stood up and walked out of the room. Then he came to the hall. He found that the Lord Duke was not reading the newspaper here today, but he should have been up at this point in time.

Go to the office and have a look, maybe it's office work.

Back on the second floor, after several corners, Belen came to the office. This month was not in vain. He recognized most of the rooms here.He raised his hand and knocked on the door.


There was silence for a while, and just when Belen thought Giovanni was not here, the words "come in" came out, he was slightly startled, and then replied "Excuse me", and then he pushed in. .

In the office, Grand Duke Giovanni was sitting in his office seat with his fingers intersecting, and he smiled faintly when he saw Belém.

"Belen, what's the matter?"

Belen nodded slightly, then closed the door and faced Giovanni. He said, "I wanted to talk to the Lord Duke last time, but I was interrupted."

"Well, I remember." Giovanni nodded.

Belen did not take out the envelope, but looked at the Lord Duke and mentioned a person's name: "I don't know if Lord Duke knows a person named Borg Baya."

As soon as the name was spoken, Lord Duke's kind eyes suddenly sharpened. At this moment, he looked like a superior, exuding a depressive aura.

"How do you know this name."

His voice was still calm, but it smelled of interrogation. It was completely different from the usual friendly appearance. Probably this is the face of a daunting grand duke in a political party.

Belén didn't care about the changes in Grand Duke Giovanni, but this made him more certain of the answer in his heart. This is the person to whom he should hand this letter.

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