Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 402

Picking a place with a small number of people at random, Belen walked into the hall with a refreshing breath, and then he looked at the woman who was sorting files.

"Hello, I want to find someone in Wangcheng."

Hearing the sound, the woman put down the file, and then stretched out her hand to signal to sit down in front of her, and Belen was also aware, he closed the door and walked to the chair to sit down.

It's summer outside, and the working environment here is really comfortable.

"What do you want to do in Wangcheng."

Hearing the question, Belen also recovered from the exclamation. He said: "I want to go in and find someone, her name is Florty Pandora."

Immediately afterwards, Belen noticed that the woman in front of him was staring at him. He was slightly startled, and when he was wondering about it, the woman took the lead.

"Are you looking for the special armament chief?"


Belen remembered that Flotti did have such an identity.

"Are you a nobleman?"


So, the woman was silent. She seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, she said, "Then I can't let you pass. It takes a lot of processes to see that adult, not the noble you. , There are a few loops that cannot be passed."

In general, the identity gap is too large to be seen.

Belen thought for a while, and then said: "I am her friend."

"According to the regulations, the process must be followed." The woman didn't care what Belen's identity was. On her side, she must go through the process, otherwise she would not be able to bear the blame.

Belen was silent for a while, and then asked a little curiously: "Then is there any way to see her?"

"Yes, you can let people take you in, but that person must have a certain status to take you in." The woman responded calmly to Belen.

Find someone to take him in?

Belém thought of the Grand Duke Giovanni for the first time. If he went to ask the Lord Duke, maybe he could do it?As his civilian status, it would be difficult to see Florty in the royal city.

Forget it, go back first.

"All right, excuse me."

Belen stood up, he was a little helpless, it was like taking a trip for nothing, and the moment he stood up, his eyes suddenly noticed a figure walking by the window, his eyes suddenly widened.

The next moment he came back to his senses, and then hurried to the window to open the window, and shouted at the voice: "Stand, stop!"

"Hey, hey, the air conditioner is going to run away."

Seeing Belen opened the window, the face of the woman who had been keeping a calm expression instantly turned gloomy, obviously dissatisfied with the former's actions!

The man who had passed by outside also heard the sound coming from behind. He turned around and looked around. When he saw the man who had come through the window, his eyes widened.

"The sword is the second!?"

Belen was so surprised that he hurriedly said hello: "Take me in!"

The man was stunned, and then he saw Belen was suddenly pulled in, and the window was immediately closed. He was a little confused and walked over.

"Hey hey hey, did you know that the air conditioner ran out!"

The woman had stood up now, with her hands on her hips, looking anxious, and facing her angry, Belen just scratched her cheek in embarrassment.

At this time, a figure opened the door and walked in. When he saw the two in the room, he was also stunned, and he looked at Belem curiously.

"What are you doing here?"

Belen turned his head to look at the man, not to mention how happy he was. He took a deep breath, then smiled and said hello.

"Hey, Morpheus."

Chapter 394: You can rely on friends for things

After Morpheus arrived, he also understood the situation. With his help, Belem also obtained the qualification to enter the royal city, and the woman did not object because she knew Morpheus's identity.

"Can I take him in?"

"General Morpheus, please."

The woman looked at the tall figure walking out the door. For this legendary figure who became a third-class general at a young age, no one knows as long as she works in the city. Moreover, as we all know, this general Morpheus It's a classmate with the head of the Special Arms Department, Flotti.

It seems that the man did know the adult, could it be said that he also graduated from that school?

At this moment, Morpheus has taken Belen into the royal city.

"Do you have anything to do with Flori?"

"Something about Ilia." Belen nodded, and then he looked at Murphys curiously, and said, "Do you know the identity of Ilia?"

Hearing this, Morpheus said: "You mean the identity of the "witch", right?"

Belen wasn't surprised that Morpheus knew Ilia's identity as a "witch". Probably everyone who was fighting together already knew about it.

"I want to help Elia get rid of the status of a fugitive, do you think it is feasible?" Belen directly informed Morpheus of the purpose of this trip, who is also very powerful as a general-level figure.

As a friend of Belem, Morpheus naturally knew that Belem was very important to his family, so he also seriously thought about whether this matter was feasible.

Morpheus also knows the origin of the identity of the "witch". After all, it was a lot of trouble at the beginning. It is said that the soldiers, knights and magisters who arrived in that town killed the child.

According to Morpheus's knowledge of Belem and the situation in which Ilia helped them fight the "natural disasters" at the time, there may be reasons for what the kid did.

But even so, killing so many soldiers, knights and magisters is also a very serious matter, it is countless lives.

"It's difficult, but not necessarily impossible."

In the end, Murphys gave such an answer.

Belen was also relieved when he heard the answer. After all, something like that had happened. It is not easy to forgive Ilia if it is easy, but it seems that there may be a silver lining.

"If that child can help the empire to do something that can gain merit, then if the merit is over, the fugitive status can be pardoned." Morpheus said.

After thinking about it, Belen also said: "Help the Imperial Army catch the "Scourge" cadres, and also repel the core members of the "Scourge" three times in a row. Is that enough?"

At this moment, Morpheus suddenly remembered something. He smiled and said, "Didn't you kill a lot of Demon generals before? There is still a story about "Ten Steps and One Killing Demon Generals" in the military. Maybe your credit can help that child too."

"By the way, how many did you kill?"

"Forget it, it seems a lot."

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