Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 403

Belen shook his head. How could he remember how many Demon Warlords he had killed? Is it possible that he still counts when he kills?

"It's a very important bargaining chip anyway, but even so I can't be sure." Morpheus also knows what Ilia did, and the cadre who caught the "natural disaster" was also handed over to him. I think this is a very favorable condition.

You know, the "natural disaster" is now the empire's number one enemy. After all, it has caused too many disasters, causing the empire to be extremely nervous.

Immediately afterwards, Murphys said again: "The specific question is to ask Florty, she is much better than me now. If she helps, it will definitely be easier, so don't worry."

He thought, although Flotti is now an important member of the military, but in the party and government, there are also countless nobles who have noble titles. As long as she is there, it is enough to deter many old stubborns.

Belen nodded slightly, and it turned out that there are a few great friends who are different. If it is him, it is really powerless. He has no way to intervene in the party and government.

Although the bottom of his heart is still hesitating about whether to let Latier and the others leave, he doesn't know how much time he has to think about it. After all, he has been in Eloranya for a month, and he doesn't know when Will leave, so I must resolve this matter while I am still in Eloranya.

At this time, Morpheus asked again: "How is your body?"

When he heard him ask about his body, Belen was also startled, and then said with a faint smile: "Me? Not bad. I have recovered quite well recently. Do you think I am more energetic now?"

"Probably only you feel that you are more energetic." Morpheus glanced at Belen and said, his gaze swept over the white hair from time to time.

Although I don't know what the specific situation is, I know that Belen is terrible just by looking at what he looks like now. Although Belen himself said that, in the eyes of others, he is now in a terrible state of mind and body.

"If you need any help, just tell me." Morpheus didn't go to see Belen and looked straight ahead at the road, but he was undoubtedly speaking to the latter.

"Thank you."

"What are you polite."

Belen glanced at this guy who was taller than himself, and he laughed unconsciously. If it's time, please everyone.

The royal city is not too big. The people living in the depths are the royal family, and the king of Florentis also lives there. Even Belén has never seen what kind of person the king is.

Belen suddenly remembered something. He looked at Murphys on the side and asked curiously: "By the way, Morpheus, do you have no official business to do today?"

"Official business?" Morpheus was startled when he heard the words, and then grinned: "I am a third-class general. My official business is to go to battle to kill the enemy, and things like clerks are not my turn."

"That's really idle."

"Are you qualified to say this?"

The two ridiculed all the way, and then they stopped in front of a castle, and there were guards standing there in front of the castle.

Belen looked at the castle and asked curiously, "Is Florti here?"

Morpheus nodded slightly. He smiled and said, "If you didn't go out, it would probably be here. This is the Imperial Special Armament Office. By the way, there are some very weird guys here. If it weren't for your health problems, , I want you to teach them a lesson."


Belen was stunned when he heard the words, he thought, maybe the freak in Morpheus's mouth is some powerful guy.

"Okay, let's go and let them report."

Chapter 395: The tea you make is fine

When Belen and Murphys walked outside the castle, the guards all turned their eyes on Murphys. It was obviously not the first time they saw this young general.

"General Morpheus, did you come to see the President?"

"Yes, is she there?"

Morpheus responded with a smile. He came here often. After all, the only classmate who worked in Wangcheng was Flotti, so naturally he would visit frequently.

"We don't bother to run up to deal with some affairs on it, and the general will go in by himself."

"Yeah." Morpheus nodded slightly.

Belen on the side was startled when he saw this. He asked suspiciously: "Don't you tell me?" Anyway, it is also the guard of the royal city. Is it so slack?

"Of course it's okay. General Morpheus is a regular visitor to us. Besides, Master President also ordered General Morpheus to come in and out at will." The guard smiled and nodded, then looked curiously at this unseen Man.

Seeing the suspicious gazes of the guards, Morpheus stretched out his hand and patted Belen on the shoulder. He smiled and said, "This guy is a classmate of me and your chief."


The guards were all surprised to look at this man who seemed to have no energy, and the half-white hair color also made them feel that Belen was a little haggard and weak?

But since Morpheus has said so, it must be true. Since he is a classmate with the young general and their chief, it must not be a simple role.

"Alright, let's go in."


So, Morpheus led Belen into the gate, then walked up the stairs and entered the castle. The latter looked around. In terms of the size of the castle, it was about the same size as Hill's house.

The only difference is that most of the people walking around here are holding documents in their hands. This is not like a place where a person lives, but like an office place.

This is the Special Arms Department of the Empire, one of the three major armies of the Empire, and the highest-ranking officer here is Flotti, the commander of the special operations forces!

Belen looked at the people walking around, and he could even see many sub-races. He suddenly thought of something and curiously asked: "Is the position of Flotti really great?"

"It's more than amazing." Morpheus shook his head and said with a smile: "The three major military departments, here is the only military department that does not need to obey the king's orders. As the commander in chief, Flotti is in every war. You can use your own will to command the special combat troops to do anything, and they will never be punished."

"Well, this power is too great?"

Hearing Morpheus’ words, Belen was also taken aback. He realized how high Flotti’s position is. It’s the greatest privilege to not obey the king’s orders, and how trusting the king is. This position was given to her by Flori?

Morpheus said with deep approval: "Yes, it's too big, that's why countless people have targeted and dreaded her. Maybe this is a check and balance."

When one of them has power that even the king can’t control, this person will definitely be jealous of others, and the two sides are bound to have a balanced situation. Although Flotti is the military department and does not intervene in the party’s government, if she wants to , But it has the power to reverse many situations, so it has to be daunting.

"It's really hard work." Belen couldn't help but sigh.

Morpheus chuckled and said, "Perhaps she likes making noise."

"She will be tired too."


The two walked up the ladder to the third floor, and the people around them cast their eyes from time to time. They were not surprised to see Morpheus, but they had never seen the man next to the latter.

"Yo! Isn't this Morpheus?"

At this time, there was a voice from the right. Both Morpheus and Belen looked away, and saw three figures walking towards them, and these three were all sub-races.

It can be judged by just looking at the characteristics. The first person to greet is a man with a furry tail and ears. The easiest to judge is the pair of wolf pupils. On the right hand side is a very tall and strong man with a pair of horns. , Is obviously a bovine sub-race, and the other is a young female with feathers on her arms, which is obviously a bird sub-race.

Seeing these three people, Morpheus smiled and introduced Belen: "These three are the three deputy captains of the special combat forces. This looks very strong is called Blair. He is super strong, and this Beautiful girl, she is only nineteen years old this year, her name is Kalida."

"Hello, my name is Belen." After hearing the words, Belen nodded to the two of them for friendship.

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