Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 404

Blair and Calida are also slightly nodded in response.

At this moment, Barron glared at Murphys, seeming to be complaining about not introducing himself, then he looked at Belen and grinned.

"Hey, buddy, my name is Barry."

"Hello there."

For Barron's complaint, Morpheus treated it as invisible, and then he put his hand on Belen's shoulder and said with a smile: "This guy is my classmate with your chief."


The three of them looked at Belén curiously. This man who always seemed to feel very spiritless, actually graduated from that school like their chief and Morpheus?

At this moment, Barry suddenly remembered something, and said quickly: "Oh, it's almost time, we are going to train, see you next time."

Ever since, Barry left with the two in a hurry, they didn't want to punish the captain.

Looking at the figures of Barry and others leaving, Morpheus retracted his gaze, and then said with a smile: "Let's go find Florty too, it's ahead."


At the end of this corridor, Morpheus knocked on the door, and then a familiar voice came from behind the door: "Come in."

Morpheus opened the door and walked in. Belem followed, and the two of them were greeted by a woman who was looking at a document. There was no doubt that it was Flori.

"Flotti, see who is here?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Flotti also raised her head. She glanced at Murphys, and then noticed the man with black and white hair beside her. She was startled slightly, and then smiled.

"Isn't this the second sword?"

Belén blinked, and then replied: "Long time no see."

So, Flotti put down the documents in her hand, she smiled and shook her head, and then said: "Soon, it will be two months, come to me, I think it's not just to visit me?"

"Ah, I want to ask you something." Belem scratched his cheek, seemingly embarrassed.

"Sit down first."

Flotti stood up, then walked to the side to make tea by herself, and she asked, "What do you want to drink?"


After hearing this answer, Flotti glanced back at Belen, who looked at the tea set in Flotti's hand, and then gave a dry cough.

"The tea you make will do."

Chapter 396: Two Things

"Talk about it, what can I do?"

Flotti put two warm cups of tea on the table of Belem and Morpheus, and then sat back in her place, she looked at Belem.

After taking a sip of hot tea, Belem’s belly was also warm, and then he said: "I want to know if Illya's status as a fugitive can be eliminated?"

Hearing this, Flotti intersects her hands and ten fingers. She seems to be thinking. After a while, she said, "It should be possible."


Belen opened his eyes in surprise.

"Of course it is true." Flotti glanced at Belen, and she continued: "Although she is guilty, she also has a great feat. She is only helping us to hit the core members of the "natural disaster". Enough to have the capital to wash away sins."

"When will it be possible then?" Belen thought it would be better to deal with this matter as soon as possible.

"It's not right now. It's most appropriate for me to go out and help that kid wash the crime, but it's not time yet." Flotti shook her head, and she said again: "Although I am not involved in the party and government, many people think that Pulling me off the stage, in such a calm time, some guys think that someone will take the lead. If they are not caught off guard, it is better to wait and see what happens."

After hearing the words, Belen also understood the pros and cons, so he sighed, and nodded and said, "I understand." He didn't want to pull Flotti into the water, and her situation was more restrictive.

Seeing Belen seemed a little disappointed, Flotti smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, I promise you will help that child, and what I decide will be done."

"I know."

Belen certainly believed in Flori.

Immediately afterwards, Flotti leaned her elbows on the table and leaned her cheeks on the palms of her hands. She smiled and said, "So, what else? I'm very busy. You see, there are so many documents here. It makes people nauseous."

"Sorry, there is indeed one more thing." Belen scratched his cheek with his index finger, a little embarrassed, he couldn't do anything, he could only ask a friend.

"Talk about it." Florty ate a cookie.

Belen said: "I want you to help me find someone's family."

"Looking for someone?" Flotti was stunned, her gaze suddenly became a little weird, she said: "I didn't say that you should go to those tracing agencies if you are looking for someone, I am the commander of one of the three military departments. Isn’t it too big to use?"

"I think only people from your military department can find it." Belen said helplessly. If it was an ordinary person, it would be fine, but that person is not an ordinary person.

"Really? Who is it?" Flotti was also a little interested.

Belen thought of the black-haired girl who died in battle. He pursed his lips and said: "This person is no longer alive. She is a superhuman race. She is called Sealand Bella Gwen, and there is on her armor. The logo of the flower shield."

After listening to Belém, Flotti's eyes narrowed slightly. She muttered to herself: "The flower shield logo? That should be a member of the Superhuman Legion, and I don't know which unit it belongs to."

Belen also knew that he was a member of the Superhuman Legion, so he came to Flotti for help, and of course not only Flotti, but also Murphys, was asked for this.

Immediately afterwards, Belen told Flotti and Morpheus the scene he had seen in the cave, and their eyes flashed when they heard the Demon Warrior.

Although I don't know what happened at that time, the soldier is indeed worthy of respect. He didn't shrink from the strong, and finally died with the enemy and did not choose to escape.

"I can also help with this matter. I can help go to the Superhuman Legion to ask questions." Morpheus also said with a smile. As a general officer of the magic group, it is not a problem to find someone.

Belen nodded to Murphys, and then he said: "Although she has passed away, I learned that she still has a younger sister. I want to see if I can find her family from you. Her relics I think To her family."

"I understand, I will deal with this matter as soon as possible." Flotti also agreed, and then she looked at Belen with some playfulness: "So you are still nosy?"

"It just happened by chance, so I can't ignore it." Belen responded, such a thing should be normal.

Flotti smiled and glanced at Belen, and then continued to eat the biscuits. She looked at the dazzling files on her desk again, and she curled her lips.

"Is there anything else I can help? If not, I will start working."

Belen and Murphys stood up, then apologized, and said in unison: "Excuse me."

"No, I'm very happy that you can come and talk to me, and I'm very happy to see you again." Flotti smiled and looked at the two of them. Since sitting in this position, except for his own military Apart from the people, her friends are the only classmates.

After the two left Flotti's office, Belem also fell into silence. He didn't expect Flotti to be so busy. He had a headache just seeing the pile of documents.

"Flotti is very busy."

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