Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 408

The next moment, a strange wave of magic power suddenly emerged behind him, and he suddenly turned around and looked up. The man in the tuxedo was holding his short sword with both hands and fell straight towards him.

Space magic!

Belen's eyes widened. This distance could not be avoided with his current physical fitness. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he wanted to use augmented magic to force his actions, but the next moment a blue figure suddenly came to him, a glow of moonlight. Across.


The Guanghua directly shook the man in the tuxedo out. When the man in the tuxedo landed, he glanced at Belen and the blue-haired girl and then turned and left.

Belen took a step back. He looked familiar with the blue-haired figure in front of him, but remained vigilant, but when the blue-haired figure turned around, his eyes widened.

"Why... why are you here?"

Chapter Four Hundred: This girl can't drink

When the blue-haired girl turned around, Belen also widened his eyes. He didn't expect this junior to help.

The current student president of Flozarno Academy, Weilian Alice.

The blue-haired girl stroked the hair in her ear, and then slightly nodded to Belen. The girl's expression was very calm, just like she was in school.

"Senior, long time no see."

"Long time no see, thank you for your help." Belen also nodded, and then solemnly thanked him. If it hadn't been for Weilian to appear suddenly, his side would be bad.

Weilian glanced over Belem's white hair, then shook her head: "It just happened to be passing by, and the senior's situation doesn't look good, otherwise I don't need my help."

Although the number of meetings with Belén is not many, just a few meetings before and after is enough to detect one thing, that is, the spirit of the senior in front of him is not at the same level when he first meets and when he meets later.

At that event in the martial arts field, Weilian sat in the audience and clearly saw the scene of this senior battling countless seniors.

At that time, Belen gave her the feeling that she was extremely strong, but at the moment it was extremely weak, so weak that even an attack of the same degree was difficult to defend.

"Thank you no matter how much." Belen exhaled, his energy relaxed, and now a little tired, he looked at Weilian curiously.

"By the way, why are you in Eloranya? Are you here to play?"

"My home is here."

Belen was a little embarrassed, and then replied "Okay", and then he asked: "Did you follow someone else? Don't you need to go back?"

Weilian said calmly: "I'm out for a walk alone."

"It turned out to be like this, then as a thank you gift. I would like to invite you to have a drink?" Belen came up with such an idea. He always has to thank others, but then he suddenly remembered something and hurriedly changed his words: " Let’s eat something, I forgot that you are still a student."

When Weilian saw Belen changed her mouth, her eyebrows frowned, seemingly dissatisfied, she said coldly: "Senior, I don't want to eat, I want to drink."

"This, is this appropriate?"

Belen looked at Weilian with a little embarrassment. It was already night. Taking a school girl to drink in the tavern by himself is not something a senior should do.

Will bring bad children.


Weilian nodded.

Seeing Weilian's determination, Belen blinked. He looked at this alley. He looked at Weilian suspiciously and asked with a weird look: "You didn't come out for this, right? ?"

How could Weilian walk into this small alley this night?


"Wait, did you avoid my sight just now."

"Senior, you are wrong."

Belen's scrutinizing gaze and Weilian's calm gaze met for a while, and then the former was defeated, he sighed, no matter what the child was for.

"Then have a few drinks."

He still has a lot of money on hand. After all, all the medicinal materials are deducted from his salary, so it does not affect his own assets.


Weilian replied, and the corners of her mouth evoked a bewitching arc.

And Belen also caught a glimpse of this scene inadvertently. He patted his forehead with some helplessness. As expected, what a walk was a fake, the child wanted to go to the tavern.

"By the way, is there a pub here?"

"Yes, senior, come with me."

Ever since, Weilian became the guide, Belen followed her, turned a few turns, and finally came to a hidden tavern, his mouth twitched slightly.

Obviously this route is very complicated, but why is this girl so familiar with the road?

After entering the tavern, Belen looked around and found that there were not many people here, and he did not see Lucie. He was not in this tavern.

However, based on the analysis of the man in the tuxedo who attacked him just now, maybe Lucy and the others are nearby. Then, who is that man?

The killer of Miesnison?

The more Belen thought about it, the more it was possible. He frowned slightly. These assassins were really lingering. These guys were everywhere, and they actually knew that Grand Duke Giovanni had hired the Silverbird Adventure Group.

An uncle in formal clothes at the front desk of the pub also said hello after seeing the blue-haired girl: "Oh, isn't this Weilian? What would you like to drink today?"

Weilian and Belen sat in front of the wine table. The former reported two wine names casually, while the latter watched the extremely skilled operation with a strange expression.

Are you a frequent visitor here?"

"the first time."

Belen looked at the beautiful blue-haired girl next to him with a weird look. He said, "But this uncle bartender knows you."

"I've been here several times." Weilian answered very calmly.

No, no, you didn't say that just now.

Seeing the girl actually changed her statement so seriously, Belen also felt a little amused. It seems that Weilian likes drinking very much, and she probably comes here often.

At this time, Weilian seemed to think of something. She looked at Belen and asked, "Senior, your physical condition, is it okay to drink?"

Belén nodded and said, "No problem, as long as it's not very strong."


Seeing that Weilian suddenly avoided his sight, Belen was also taken aback. Then he remembered that the child ordered the wine, and immediately showed an incredible expression on his face and looked at the girl.

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