Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 409

"No? Can you drink that way?"

Weilian glanced at Belen, and then was silent for a while. She said, "In fact, it's okay. It must not reach the level of a critical senior's body."

"Really? That's good."

Belen chose to believe Weilian's words, so he was also relieved, his body that finally started to improve, he didn't want to break down again because of this little detail.

When his glass of wine was on the table, Belen couldn't help swallowing. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at the small glass of wine in front of him.

Judging by his instinct, the less alcohol it was, the more terrifying the alcohol level was, so he hesitated to stare at the purple drink in the glass for a while.


Suddenly there was a sound in his ears, and Belen turned his head in doubt, and saw that the blue-haired beautiful girl suddenly fell on the table. He was stunned for a while, and for a while, he was a little confused.

What's happening here?

Belen looked at Weilian's empty glass. It was about the same size as his own. It was awful. Even Weilian, who loves drinking so much, was poured.

Isn't he...

Belen looked at the wine in his hand with an extremely ugly face, and he noticed the bartender's smiling eyes. How could a man shrink at this time?

As a result, Belen gritted his teeth, directly raised his head and poured the glass of wine into his mouth. He was ready in his heart. The next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes.

After drunk the drink, he kept drinking for a while, and Belen's expression gradually recovered. He looked at the empty glass, and then looked at Weilian who was already drunk.

"How do you know how to drink?"

Chapter Four Hundred and One: What a blow

Belen shook a new glass of wine in his hand. He looked at Weilian, who was awake but seemed confused, and then sighed.

There really are such people who like to drink but don't know how to drink.

The bartender was wiping the goblet, and he smiled and said, "Are you a friend of Miss Weilian? This kid is a frequent visitor to me, but it is always a glass."

After hearing the words, Belen laughed dumbly, and then shook his head. He said helplessly: "I thought she could drink very well." It turned out to be such an amount of alcohol, which is really surprising.

While Belen was drinking, the blue-haired girl next to him suddenly had a faint gleam. He was a little confused, and at this time the voice of the bartender uncle came.

"Ms. Weilian will have this situation every time she gets drunk, probably because of her magic power, so she will sober up after a while."

After hearing the words of the bartender, Belen was also slightly startled. He remembered that Weilian’s magic power was Yeyue, and she was much stronger at night than during the day, probably because it was night, her magic was more active, so Will voluntarily dispel alcohol that is not good for you.

Sure enough, after a while, Weilian woke up. She looked at Belen, who was still drinking, and then looked back at the bartender.

"Continued Cup."


Belen on the side couldn't help but say, "Will you still drink?"

Hearing Belen's words, Weilian looked at him, blinked, and asked with curious eyes: "It's okay, I can pay by myself next."

"No, no, I didn't mean that." Belen shook his head, and he didn't care about the money for a few drinks. He said, "It's so late, don't you go back?"

Weilian replied calmly: "It doesn't matter, family members don't object to me coming out to drink."

"Why?" Belen looked at the girl curiously.

The girl said calmly: "Probably because I am better."

Hearing that, the corners of Belen's mouth were twitched, and he wanted to laugh a little. After all, it was powerful enough to be able to say compliments so calmly.

However, Weilian's words were not wrong.

As the current student president of Flozarno Academy, her future can be said to have a bright future. Perhaps her family is also very relieved of such an outstanding she.

Without staying on this topic, Belen thought for a while and said: "By the way, I remember you left with Kolstein? Does he also live in Eloranya?"

Weilian picked up the glass of wine in one hand and shook it. After hearing Belen's words, she replied, "Yes."

"He was the first junior student I saw when I returned to the academy." Belen was still very impressed with the boy.

Although in the academy, I didn't see the student fighting against the "natural disaster" personnel, but I heard that it was with a core member, which is really amazing.

He remembered that Jin Yan belonged to that schoolboy, right?He also felt the magical fluctuations from there in the square at that time, but unfortunately he couldn't witness it with his own eyes.

Thinking of the students he met in the academy, Belen couldn't help but sigh. It is worthy of "the era of jade". Only in the face of real difficulties can he shine with the most dazzling light.

At this time, Weilian asked, "Senior, are you traveling to Eloranya?"

"Fine, but there is still something to do."


Until late at night, Belen also had a headache while drinking, and Weilian didn't know how many times she had used her magical power to wake up, but having said that, the wine here was so expensive.

The two walked out of the tavern, and then stopped and looked at the night sky. Belen thought in his heart that it was probably already late, and it was time to go back. Maybe Hill will find fault with him tomorrow morning, right?I need a good rest tonight.

Looking at Belen, who was still not very energetic, Weilian looked at him for a while, and then said: "Senior, do I need me to send you off?"

Hearing this, Belen looked at the girl a little weirdly, and said: "Should I say this sentence?"

"However, the current seniors are very weak." Weilian responded calmly.

"No need!"

After hearing Weilian's words, Belen refused without hesitation. He was a senior no matter what, how could he let a younger generation as a girl escort him?

Too shameful!

When the two separated and were about to leave, Belen, who was a senior, shouted: "Be careful when you go back alone."

However, Weilian turned around and responded calmly: "The senior should be careful."

After the two separated, Belem walked towards the territory of Poggiacorti. Although he had a headache while drinking, his brain was still very clear.


When he was walking on the path of the small woods, the sound of the night wind blew across the silent woods, making him shiver. If the man in the tuxedo suddenly appeared at this time, wouldn't he be desperate?

Probably not?

After all, I have been sitting in the tavern for a long time, so I can't always wait for myself outside, right?

Belen shook his head. He also felt that this was unlikely, so he stopped thinking about it, and continued to walk forward, as long as he walked out of this small forest.

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