Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 410

But just as Belem had just walked out of a distance, he suddenly stopped and took a deep breath. Although his body has not recovered yet, his perception is also much worse.

But ah, at such a close distance, I really can't feel it.

Belen turned his head to look, and saw a dark figure standing there. When he saw the figure of the other party, he frowned slightly, and he could immediately tell that the other party was not the man in the tuxedo.

"who are you?"

At the moment when he saw that dark shadow, Belen remembered the mysterious person who suddenly appeared that night, but the dark shadow under the tree at the moment gave him a very clear feeling, unlike the mysterious person who had a vague feeling.

Not the same person.

"Leaving Poggiacorti, this is my advice to you, otherwise, even if we are outsiders, we will start together."

The voice was very hoarse and it was indistinguishable from the difference between men and women. But Belen judged something from this sentence, frowned slightly, and said: "You are the killer of Miesnison."

"Remember my advice."

The last sentence was left, and the shadow turned around and disappeared into the darkness like a ghost. This also puzzled Belen. Are the current killers very principled?He didn't do anything to him.

Belen, who was puzzled by this, stayed in place for a while, and then let out a sigh of relief, and put his doubts behind him, so he should go back and think again.

The two things that happened tonight are really a headache.

Chapter four hundred and second: What you said hurts!

After experiencing the ups and downs of last night, Belem's sleep quality is not very good. After waking up early in the morning, he still felt a little uncomfortable, but now he must get up.

"Hey! Where did you go last night!"

When Belen was about to go to the kitchen to make breakfast, Hill's voice suddenly came from behind him, and his footsteps stopped at this moment.

Belen turned around. At the moment, Hill was wearing a very ordinary tan dress. When he saw this dress, he raised his brows slightly and said, "This is Ratier's clothes, right?"


Hill wrapped his hands around his chest, looked at the man in front of him indifferently, and said indifferently: "Because I want to try it, I borrowed it to wear it, so that I can understand everyone better.

"You're really serious." Hearing what Hill said, Belen shrugged helplessly, then turned and walked downstairs, as if thinking of something, he turned his head and smiled: "Yes, this dress is I bought it, do you want to know me too?"


"Yes Yes Yes."

Seeing Belen running down the stairs, Hill was gritting his teeth at the moment, his face flushed, and he was obviously extremely embarrassed. He didn't expect this guy to say such nasty things.

"No, why should I talk nonsense with him?"

Hill suddenly remembered that what she had asked Belen to say was not this, so she pouted a little annoyed, and then followed along.

Belen, who came to the kitchen and began to prepare cooking, suddenly noticed that someone around him was watching him, he sighed, and then turned his head to look at the lady.

"Say what you want to say quickly."

"What did you do yesterday."

Sure enough, this is the case.

Belén had already prepared his rhetoric and did not need language organization. He said directly: "I went to find a friend to do something yesterday, and then I had a little trouble when I came out, so it was too late to come back."

But Hill sneered after hearing the words. She didn't believe what he said at all. She sneered and asked, "Trouble? What can be the trouble."

Belen was silent for a while, and then said: "Do you believe me if someone wants to kill me?"

"Kill you?" Hill was stunned. The first thing that came to mind was the killer of Miesnison, but then frowned, and she said, "Then why didn't you die?"

When Belen heard this, he looked at her bitterly: "Do you expect me to die like this?"

"Of course..."

Hill didn't hesitate to admit it, but the next moment she suddenly remembered what Liya had said that day. She stared at Belen, her lips pressed in silence.

No matter how she looks at it, this guy is not like Laiya said, but she hates this guy for always being indifferent.

Although he hadn't finished speaking, Belen already understood what she wanted to say. Although he didn't care what others thought, the more Hill contacted them, he couldn't care less.

"Go back, Latier and the others should also come down."

Belen lowered his head to look at the ingredients on the chopping board, and pursed his lips. His mood was undoubtedly very bad, but it was not easy to express. This was probably not the level of dissatisfaction.

He wanted to choke with Hill as usual, but if he had to fight now, he would definitely be really angry. If that happened, Latier and the others would probably be very sad.

Seeing that Belen hadn't refuted anything, Hill also frowned slightly, clasping her hands on her side, she opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't speak, and he hesitated for a while before turning and leaving.

Noting Hill's departure, Belen also raised his head. He took a deep breath, and then exhaled slowly, leaving the troublesome emotions behind and starting to cook.

On that rectangular table, the figure of Grand Duke Giovanni was not in his seat today. He probably went to deal with some affairs in the royal city. It would take a while before he came back.

"Mr. Belen, good morning."

Ratil smiled and said hello after Belen brought the dishes to Hill.

"Good morning." Belen also replied, and after seeing the smile on La Tier's face, he was also infected, and looked at the girl curiously with a smile.

"Latier, I seem to be in a good mood."


La Tier responded with a grin. The brown cat pupils were full of expectant light. She asked tentatively: "Mr. Belém, are you free today?"

Belen thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Nothing is going on today."

"Then, do you want to go out together?"

Hearing Belen's words, La Tier's eyes suddenly lit up, and the little tail behind her was constantly swaying. She looked at Belen with some expectation.

"Out to play?"

Belen frowned. After last night's time, he didn't really want to leave here if he could. As long as his injury gets better, he can use some power, and then he will be able to protect Latier. they.

Seeing Belen frowned, La Tier was also startled, and then said somewhat disappointed: "No, can't it?"

"You guy!"

Seeing Latier's sadness and disappointment, Hill immediately put down his chopsticks, and then gave Belen a dissatisfied look. She got up and patted Latier on the shoulder, showing a smile.

"It's okay, let's go out together! I know a lot of interesting places."

Hearing what Hill said, Latil also raised her head to look at Hill, and then softly responded, still a little disappointed in her heart. She originally wanted to be alone with Mr. Belen.

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