Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 411

"Mr. Nabelen..."

La Tier was still a little unwilling. Although he couldn't get along with Mr. Belém alone, it would be good as long as he could go out together. After all, Mr. Belén hadn't been out together for some time.

Seeing that La Tier wanted to go out to play, Belen also put away the worries in his heart. He nodded and said, "Then go out and play together."

Although I am very afraid of the killer of Miesnison, it is not good to think about it carefully. Since Latir wants to go out, then go out. After all, Illya is still nearby.


"Hey, are you dissatisfied?"

Hearing Hill's smacking sound, Belen immediately set his sights on the girl's body. This guy said such annoying things early in the morning, which caused him to be in a bad mood now.


Hill turned his head away, as if he didn't want to talk to him.

Seeing Hill like this, La Tier and the others didn't know what to say, but Belen sighed inwardly. This eldest lady is really hard to serve.

"So, where do you go?"

Chapter 403: You have nothing to see!

After noon on this day, although the weather was very hot, the girls were in active mood because they decided to go to the water park west of Eloranya.

That water park is only open in the middle of summer. In the summer of Eloranya, it can be said to be the most lively paradise. It is a paradise that can be entered by both nobles and commoners.

Although the number of people who enter each day is limited, and the water park is generally open at noon, it stands to reason that Belém and his party are already late.

However, there is Hill here. According to her, part of the shares in that water park belongs to her family. So, why do you need to queue up if you can enter through the back door?

So just wait until this time.

When he arrived at the gate, Dolsa had prepared the carriage. In addition to the duties of the groom, he had to act as a guard to protect Hill's safety. This time he would not go gambling halfway.

After Ratil and the others got on the carriage, Belen also walked up, and it happened to be sitting in front of Hill. The last time he ate, he always felt like he was maliciously manipulated.

Belen sat in the seat, glanced at Hill, and then looked out the window. If he had to meet Hill at this time, he might have something to say.

Hill also glanced at Belen, but didn't say anything. If Belen was driven off the carriage, Latier and the others would definitely be angry, so she had to bear it.

Sitting next to Belem is Ilia. Today, she is wearing a long ponytail and wearing a very beautiful white dress. I think it was Hill who asked Ilia to wear it. After all, Illya herself is not sure what to wear. There is no opinion, as long as you can wear it.

There is still a long distance to the water park, and even Belém is a little sleepy sitting on the carriage. At this moment, he suddenly felt something leaning on his shoulder, and he turned his head to look.


At the moment, Ilia is holding Belen's arm with one hand, her head resting on Belen's shoulder, her eyes closed, she probably feels sleepy and want to sleep for a while.

After looking at Ilia, Belen found that Latiz had also fallen asleep on Latiel’s lap, while Laiya leaned one hand on the support point and closed her head against her palm. With his eyes.

Belen retracted his gaze, and then noticed that a strand of hair was hanging on Ilia's face. He stretched out his hand to lift the silver thread, and then turned his head back to meet the dark brown eyes.

Hill was looking at Belem with a plain gaze, and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but then she glanced at Latier and the others who were asleep again, she looked away again, what Did not say.

Seeing Hill's actions, Belen was also puzzled, but since Hill didn't say anything, then he wouldn't ask, maybe it was some mockery of himself.


Under the sunshine, the carriage that Hill and the others rode finally came to the water park. After everyone got off the carriage, they first raised their umbrellas. The light was too intense.

"Miss, I will stare in the dark afterwards. Please be sure not to go to places with few people. Those killers probably don't want to be targeted, so it's definitely not easy to get started in places with many people."


After Hill nodded, Dorsa went to stop the carriage first, and Hill took everyone to the passage that only their shareholders could enter.

After meeting with the manager who manages the order of the water park, Hill explained his intentions, but the uncle had no objection to this. After all, part of the property here is considered to be the property of the Poggiacorti family and wants to enter his own home. Of course the site is fine.

"Then, I wish Miss Hill have fun."

"it is good."

After solving the process of "going through the back door", Hill led everyone into this water park, and what came out was a refreshing breath, and the dry heat outside was suppressed here.


La Tier couldn't help but exclaimed, and then showed an ecstatic smile. Unexpectedly, in such a hot summer, Eloranya would actually have such a water paradise!


With the sound of the surging water, the girls' eyes widened in this blue world, and even Iliya's dull eyes were rippled at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, everyone went to change clothes. You can’t go into the water in casual clothes. Naturally, there are divisions for men and women in the dressing room. The things Belém brings on this trip are very simple, just a single drawstring shorts and a very breathable piece. White shirt.

After changing the clothes, he locked his things, and then went outside to wait. He found a place to sit down and waited.

After a full hour, the corner of Belen's eyes twitched slightly. He didn't quite understand, how long does it take to change clothes?Could it be that he changed it before he came out, and then left?

Although he didn't know what was going on, Belen still sat in his seat and looked at the direction of the dressing area. When he was so bored that he was about to fall asleep, his sleepiness gradually disappeared, and his eyes slowly widened.

Five girls walked out of the dressing room. When the five of them walked out, countless eyes gathered in an instant. At the table beside Belen, the three men not only opened their eyes wide. , And opened his mouth wide.

"Mr. Belen!"

La Tier saw Belen. She smiled and raised her arms and waved her brilliance. Her active posture made her charm bloom at this moment. The swimming trunks she was wearing were specially designed for the sub-races with tails. The cat tail is at this moment. Was swinging behind him.

When everyone came to Belem, he immediately felt countless hostile sights falling on him. If there was a horn, he would really like to shout.

They are my children!

In order to eliminate the unclean thoughts of those guys.

Among the five girls, Laya and Ilia are the most attractive ones. The former is tall, and his chest is so full that it feels like he is ready to show it. Even Belen didn't dare to look at it, always feeling very ashamed.

Although Ilia’s swimsuit is not like Laiya and Ilia, she wears a slip-on swimsuit, but her stunning beauty and the seductive arc of the collarbone can’t help but make people To linger, and the smooth abdomen also makes people want to kiss Fangze.

As for the kitten, Latisi, is wearing a one-piece swimming skirt. The gentle little girl also makes many women feel soft. How can there be such a cute creature?

Belen looked at Hill again. This eldest lady's swimsuit was also a two-piece swimsuit. As expected, she would only wear such a swimsuit if she had confidence in her figure.

I have to say that it is very beautiful, but Belem does not want to praise her.

Seeing Belen looking at him, Hill blushed, and then shouted in dissatisfaction: "Hey! Where are you staring!"

"No, you misunderstood, I didn't look at you, you have nothing to see."


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