Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 413

Seeing Belen grabbed her foot, Hill was also startled, and subconsciously shook her foot to resist, while Belen grabbed her ankle and made a calm voice.

"These slippers are uncomfortable to wear, so now I'm going to get another pair of slippers, I don't bother to toss with you, now I will wear them obediently."

Hearing what Belen said, Hill was stunned, and Belen also put the slippers on the girl at this moment. He stood up, pursed his lips, wanted to say an apology, but in the end he still didn't say it, no. Go to see Hill again, turn around and run towards the pool.

When he stepped out of the shady place, he immediately felt the burning pain under his feet. He gritted his teeth and it was really hot. It was really embarrassing for that guy.

I want to apologize, I can't say it!Sorry!

In the shady place, Hill looked at the figure running towards the swimming pool. She was stunned for a while before returning to her senses. She lowered her head and looked at the big slippers on her feet, and was silent for a while. Then he curled his lips.

"Aren't you going to get slippers?"

Chapter 405: There are many reasons to teach you


A figure suddenly ran across the square, and then as he approached the pool, he couldn't help it anymore. He jumped up and flew into the pool.


The water splashed everywhere, but it did not surprise the people around too much. Everyone can understand the excitement and joy of being able to come to such a water paradise in this midsummer.

Belen turned over in the water and floated on the water. He felt a little guilty. Although he often quarreled with Hill and often wanted to embarrass her, he never thought of hurting her. This time I am really sorry.


At this time, an extremely delicate and moving face appeared in Belen's sight, and the silver hair seemed to shimmer with a faint luster under the sunlight.


Seeing that it was Ilia, Belen also slowly got up, and then he noticed that the silver-haired girl was wearing a swimming ring. Seeing this, he also looked at the girl curiously.

"Ilia, don't you know how to swim?"

Hearing Belen's words, Illya shook her head, and then put her hands together, she got out of the swimming ring, and then swam out of the water to Belen's side.

Seeing that Ilia could swim, Belen also asked curiously: "Then why do I wear a swimming ring?"

"Not used."

Hearing Ilia’s answer, Belen was also a little helpless, and then looked around, did not see Latier and the others, so he said again: "Don’t go with Latier and the others?"

Eliya said flatly: "I want to accompany my brother."

"Be with me?" Belen was startled when he heard the words, and asked with some doubts: "Why are you with me?"

"I want to be with my brother."

The black eyes of the two looked at each other. After a while, Belen smiled and said, "Brother is okay, shall we go to Latier and the others? I think, there should be no need to be too vigilant here, just relax. Let's play."

Ilya didn't speak, but just looked at Belem. The latter was a little uncomfortable being stared at. He reached out and rubbed Ilya's head. After all, it was already wet, it didn't matter.

"Alright, let's go play."

As a result, Illiya blinked, and then dived into the water. Her slender figure blended with the long silver ponytail, like a white dolphin, quickly drifting away, making the people around her swallow. Drool.

"This kid is really getting more and more beautiful." Belen sighed, then shook his head, and started swimming towards the rides. Now that I'm here, relax.


At this moment, La Tier and the others are sliding down the passage on a high slide. It is the first time in their lives to come to such a water park. If you don't play them all, I would be ashamed of it!

Belen was also watching Latier and the others from below, and when he saw them having fun so much, he also showed a smile. The moment he turned his eyes away, he caught another figure.

On the other side, Hill was still on the shore, but at this moment she was carefully dipping her legs into the water. After walking from the shallow to the deep, her delicate body immediately became unstable.

"Does this guy know how to swim?"

Seeing this scene, Belen was also stunned, and then in his line of sight, the figure suddenly slipped and fell into the water and began to struggle.


Belen was a little dumbfounded. The kid was too funny. Since he could not swim, he would come to such a deep pool to do something. Although he thought so, he quickly swam over.


Hill struggling in the water seemed to see a figure in her sight. She tried her best to stretch out her hands and struggled outside, and at this time one hand grabbed her arm and pulled it up.

"If you can't swim, just go to the shallow pool over there, isn't it stupid?"

Hill gasped, then wiped off the water in front of him. After hearing the familiar voice, his whole body was stiff, and then he raised his head to look at this familiar face.

"You can control it!"

At this time, Hill suddenly noticed that she was so close to Belem. She yelled, then pushed Belem away, and then fell back into the water.

Seeing Hill struggling in the water again, Belen shrugged and said, "Then I don't care about you."

"Save, save..."

Belen hesitated while watching Hill choking in the water, then reached out to rescue the girl, and then moved to a relatively shallow area, so Hill could sit in the water and start coughing.

"If you choke to death in the water, I won't care about you." Belen stood aside and glanced at Hill, and then said indifferently, with an unkind look.

"Who wants you to control!"

After coughing up all the water, Hill immediately fought back and snorted.

Belen looked at Hill and said with a weird look: "Obviously, you suggested that you come to the water park, but you can't swim by yourself. It's really interesting."

"If you want to laugh, just laugh, don't bend the corner." Hill gave Belen a cold look.

So Belen said again: "If you watch you choke to death in the water, your father will definitely not spare me."

"Heh, don't worry, I won't go into the water next, you don't need to save me." Hill looked at Belen with a sneer, and then responded coldly, she stood up from the water and left.

Seeing Hill about to leave, Belen was also stunned. This guy was not aggressive enough today. He hesitated for a while before speaking.

I just want to teach for many reasons!Not because of anything else!

When Belen's words fell into Hill's ears, she turned her head coldly again, and shouted very upset: "I don't need you to teach me!"

"I said, aren't you still angry about the slippers?" Belen looked at Hill weirdly, as if he had noticed something, so he asked like this.

Hill stopped, and after a while she turned around, dragged her hands under the fullness, showing a sneer, and she said, "Do you think I'm as stingy as you? I won't do it for this. Things are angry."

"You can't swim but you can't play with Latier and the others." Belen responded flatly after hearing the words, and then added: "If Latier and the others know you can't swim, they will definitely come to teach you. Yes, but do you want to waste everyone's playing time for your own sake?"

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